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As prescribed by the (in)famous How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive by John Muir.

Do you do it? Do you find some common subs to be more or less problematic? I've been trying out more or less the ones shown here, and I'm really considering just scribing the (close) equivalents on my SAE wrenches and building a hybrid set. Nowadays it seems like I'm usually not just working with one or the other of the worlds.
Once in a while i will grab a 13mm to sub as.a half, 14mm as a 9/16 or 19mm as a 3/4 or visa versa. Those are the only 3 I have ever messed with though. Seems to me the 13mm will fit on a 1/2" bolt but sometimes the 1/2" won't fit on the 13mm. Same with 9/16 and 14mm too although I cant remember which one is tighter in that case.

Most of the time though I have access to multiple wrench sets and will use two of the correct size rather than fiddling around with conversions.
>but sometimes the 1/2" won't fit
strictly speaking, 1/2" is 12.7mm, so it should never fit a 13mm without forcing it, but in reality, manufacturing tolerances will sometimes work in your favor.
i have a couple chinkshit wrench/socket sets i keep around because i know they have enough slop in them to work when they shouldn't.

I guess it kind of comes down to your temperament "if it works it works" vs. "it works but ain't a good idea." I've definitely been on one side of the fence or the other at different jobs over the years; seeing guys who just slap a vice grips on everything versus those totally anal mechanics with lots of organizer drawers. Deciding when it stops paying for you to be correct, I guess. It seems like most of the world is sloppy so it doesn't take much to rise above; then again, wrenches aren't all that expensive anyway.
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picel is dual marked snappy sockets
I mean shit, if it's good enough for them.
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>I mean

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