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where do i start with a proof of concept?
Make an electric bike without using a kit or a prebuilt battery.
I don't understand the question... are you asking how to proof of concept a proof of concept? Because the answer to "where do i start with a proof of concept?" is to assemble a proof of concept. That's the start. If you can't put together a proof of concept for what you're doing on your own, then you're trying to do something that is outside of your capabilities and/or comprehension.
well i know that i want a golfcart type of vehicle but im not sure where to start.

ideally id build a small prototype that can barely drive as a proof of concept and then continue from there.

i could start by cutting off parts of bikes and make a makeshift vehicle and put a battery powered motor to power the thing, or is it too ghetto?

Why not simply buy a golfcart and modify? Even if you're replacing major components motor, battery etc. this will absolutely be cheaper and maybe more "passing" if that matters to you
Start by reading your road laws. Unless you have access to a closed course, that is.
The next step depends on whether you need a prior registration or not. If you do, get a small offroad car or a minitruck. It should have solid axles (and preferably harder springs, since batteries are heavy) and a frame / body construction. Tear out the engine and gas tank, mount an electric engine and battery and you've got an electric car. Replace the body with reinforced plastic for extra range.
If you don't need a prior registration, you can weld / rivet the frame yourself and could probably even build your suspension and transmission yourself, if you can drill and cut precisely enough and stick with a single gear. Multiple gears would require rather complicated machining unless you're starting from a working transmission and only changing it slightly.

You could also work with a one-piece body instead of body / frame, but that would be much harder as the chance of your engine and battery fitting the mounting points is almost zero, and machining adapters everywhere would be pretty hard.
Get an electric golfcart, and drop in LFPo packs. Learn how an electric vehicle works, by using one and working on it. Don't make something from scratch that you have zero experience with.
I'm so tired of 'symbolic maxxing' (totem maxxing if you prefer that term).
Stop putting the fucking panels in the frame if you aren't in a competition. Just use foldable panels or the grid.

Stupid concepts like that delayed the adoption of EVs.

Apterra has the right idea, integrated into the bodywork. But I agree

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