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Is it feasible to JUST build decks for a living and NOTHING else? I fucking hate doing all the other carpentry shit like framing walls and insulating and doing gay ass bullshit like sheetrock. The only thing i like doing is building decks
Yes if you realize that deck jobs often also involve stairs and railings and fencing...if you refuse to do anything but the flat part and it's underpinnings you'll likely get passed over for people willing to do everything involved to get a turnkey outdoor recreation area from one contractor.
Not just feasible, it's a good idea to be specialized (if you are good at it). If people want a deck they want a deck specialist building it, not some "I can do anything for cheap" guy.
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yes holly shit wtf yes. you know framing and wood working bro
wtf are you doing
ok so obviously working for clients is a bitch
but you can also build shit
here in cali were having a tiny home
shed boom
just frame a beatiful shed and you can easily sell them for a few k profit

same with buy shitty trailer make a tiny home
if you know framing shits not hard
fuck those things go for 30 50 k easily
and people buy them cause economy sucks
they usually park them backyard

i know framer mexican illegal
he owns a farm and a house
wifes legal
he frames houses all day cash
not through fucking payday
cash per job

you can build a ton of shit
you have to understand 2 things
its not 1990
millenials genz even x, suck at building shit
2 women have money and will fucking pay a fuckton for shit

heres other buissness that might be of your caliber

fuck this shit is onlyfans bitches buy when they have money

dog houses
catio patio for cat

you have to understand its 2024
your like fucking gold son
also move from your shithole
The guy who built my deck does nothing but decks. Dude is somewhat autistic, which is good because he spends an insane amount of time picking out lumber that's free of defects. He's booked up much of the time through just word of mouth. If you're in a growing area where decks are common, being the Rain Man of Decks should provide you with a good living provided you actually do provide a good product.

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