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I started stacking silver bullion recently and I decided to try making my own silver round since I am already a 3D modeller.
Is there any CNC services that will take a 3d model and build a custom die out of it. Services I've seen only seem to take flat images and do a simple extrude that leaves a simple impression.
If not can I design a die and hire a general CNC company to make it? Would I have to do a volume calculation to account for metal expansion?

Also where do I get a 1.5 inch hole punch for a hydraulic press?
Thank you I love you
Machine shops don't like one-offs and will charge you accordingly.

You may have a better time sand casting.
I'm going to be doing copper and what I think I'll be doing is rolling a bar to the thickness of my planchets. I guess a fast hydraulic press would be the way to go but I think I'd have to use an arbor press.
This. Unless you find one specifically tailored towards engraving it’s going to be stupid expensive.

I was working at such a shop with an engraving machine that could get to 2 micron tolerances and had plans to engrave my own coin. Instead I got canned for talking about wages and now my previous boss hired people that immediately broke the $40k machine I ran and lost a half million dollars in jobs because of that. Even more excitingly he now owes me back pay for wrongful termination that goes up $2k every week that he drags his feet.
sand casting coins is just not it I have to find a way
are you pressing coins?
I'm sorry that happened to you anon. I want to hopefully make a small business out of this. I can find infinite reasons not to do something but I want to actually do something in life.
> I can find infinite reasons not to do something but I want to actually do something in life
Fair point. I also want to do something in life and getting canned wasn’t part of the plan.

Look through history. Coins have been made for millennia. You could hand make a design using nothing more than a hammer and punches. Perhaps using metal etching and the numerous ways that’s achieved to etch a design into tool steel which then can be used for stamping. Because again, machining will be prohibitively expensive.
Historically coins have been minted through striking. I’m not sure off the dome what benefit a hammer hit would provide over a hydraulic press, perhaps peak pressure is higher?
my current understanding is that hydraulic pressed and hammers are not that different. A pressis just more controllable.
> You could hand make a design using nothing more than a hammer and punches.
I know but I'm trying to leverage the skills I already have. I can make some hot shit in 3d. I'll shop around for one of those cnc services and see what the prices are like.

No matter what I'm just tired of giving up on stuff. I could try casting statues too which is something I want to do anyway but I'm pretty sure I have to buy a lot more shit for that
> I could try casting statues too which is something I want to do anyway but I'm pretty sure I have to buy a lot more shit for that

Perhaps not
also look at these jeets doing this shit. I really can't recreate this?
>are you pressing coins?
that or setup the die to use a hammer
how are you planning on making the die?
Learning to engrave with a dremel
I kneel

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