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File: IMG_20240110_095644980.jpg (3.17 MB, 4000x2250)
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G'day /diy/ I want to build a tractor from off the shelf parts similar to the Chamberlain Champion.
I have my c670 for a reference of what I'm wanting to make.
I can't remember where I stored the draft image.
An upgrade I want to do is extend the middle of the chassis to fit a cabin in front of the rear axle.
The next upgrade I want to do is add rear suspension like on a jcb fastrac for better road handling and driver comfort.
I will stick with 2wd but if I can get a front axle for fwa that allows me to turn just as tight as 2wd, I will take that for a option that others may want.
My power requirement is 60-100hp Naturally aspirated more if turbocharged so either a 4 or 6 cylinder perkins 1000 series or same model caterpillar.
Farm Show magazine has scanned back issues for sale and is THE goldmine of farmer-built equipment. Subscribe for a year on top of that and you'll be up to speed.
This. Subscriber too.

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