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Been working on a small shed design (3.75m x 5m) and was planning on building a loft for sleeping about half the size of the ground floor, but have been struggling with figuring out how to support it. None of the walls are symmetrical making things a bit awkward. What's the right way to do this?
your corners are all symmetrical, headers supporting the longer edges, king/jack studs at the corners supporting the headers.
Build the support members across the short length using joist hangers to connect to headers.

Using this you could probably support several grand pianos. Or maybe not. I’m not a professional, but that’s how I would do it
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Run 2x6s across the width and screw them to the sides of the bases of the trusses and lay OSB on top of them.

Like this, but 2x6s. 2x4s that long are ass and will break
Refered to as ceiling joists
Also if you install ceiling joist you can eliminate the cross ties on the rafters
> Run 2x6s across the width and screw them to the sides of the bases of the trusses and lay OSB on top of them
Ehhhh WRONG…the ceing joists shouldvset ON the wall top plate.
If you actually opened the pic I posted, the boards are on top of the wall frame. They can sit there, and be screwed to the bottom of the trusses
boomer faggot, it's a fucking shed fuck off
Awww poor baby got its feelers hurt..fooleefoo pooky pooky
Mommy made hotpockets my widdle cuddle bear
Tickle tickle….whos my baby boyeeeee
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