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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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I want to make a cat walkway/shelf system, but I don't want to put holes in my walls or spend a lot of time if its at all possible. I think I might have a solution for both of these things.

To solve the issue of avoiding holes, I think I might be able to use command strips. I know that one or two strips wont cut it, especially since these will need to deal with dynamic loads from cats jumping on/off them instead of just sitting on them. The plan is to basically just use as many as is necessary and/or possible to fit.

As for minimizing the time and effort put into making them, the plan is to 3D print them. I can get some filament that matches or pairs well with the wall color, draw up one or more basic platform designs in a cat program, and print them. (I have a printer with a very large build volume so I can do each shelf in a single piece easily) I realize that this will take a lot of print time, but my reasoning is I don't have to do anything but start a print and then take it off when its done, so it should require only a minimal amount of time for me. Once I have them printed, I can use some old spare carpet or something to cover the tops of them so the cats can get good traction and be comfortable laying on them. I figure some kind of adhesive will work just fine for that.

My rough idea for an actual design for the shelves is basically a right triangle with one side attached to the wall, another side forming the top shelf part they will walk on, and then the third side supports the shelf from underneath so the shelf doesn't have anything hanging above it.

Can anybody see any potential problems with this? And if so, any potential solutions? Other ideas, recommendations, etc are very welcome.
Ever since flat panel tvs became affordable, there's been a flood of armoires available for cheap or for free. Get several of them and place them around the walls. If you get enough, your cat can simply walk from the tops of each of them. Or you can leave gaps you either let the cat jump over or add a suspension bridge or plank.
You don't have to overbuild. If a chandelier is a good platform to jump to, a fucking stick off a wall is good too. After few falls they'd get good at it.
I don't have space to have furniture surrounding the walls, we already have stuff there.

One of the three would be able to do that, but another one would absolutely never get good. She can go up trees but cant jump to save her life.
But also I dont think its really possible to underbuild any more than what im already describing. I mean its plastic with command strips.

Yeah, and unfortunately your absolutely dreaming with the command strips and lateral load.

You need fasteners to fasten it. Just get shelf brackets, learn how to find studs and do it right
Command strips won’t hold. Not even if you put a hundred of them. If you can’t put holes in the walls look for old book shelves, drill holes in the shelves or in MDF replacement shelves if it’s nice wood. So the cats can jump through and Zig zag up and down. Then attach rope bridges and put pads and fabric tents at the top for places to chill.

If that’s too much furniture and space. Look up how to make a ladder shelf system or a ladder blanket holder and how you can make a playground for them with that.

Or buy these ladder shelves:
>that wall of text just to tell everyone you're a woman and won't use the most logical approach
Build shelves from wood like a normal ass person and drill them into the walls.
You have a large volume printer and you've used it to print large objects and you don't see the issue with using the printer to make several meters long walkways? It'd take less than an hour to cut a bunch of straight pieces of ply, or you could probably get a shop to do it relatively cheap, most likely cheaper than the many kilograms of filament you will use up.
Rather than command strips, maybe mammooth glue or other strong construction adhesive could hold it up well enough for a cat, provided a big enough contact area. It's still a much shittier solution than screws.
Eww imagine making your house into a disgusting litter smelly cat nest
Cat people are baffling
It blows my mind the way that some people get 3d printers, and then proceed to use them to make the most basic and simple things, that would take far less time (and realistically probably less material cost too) and be far more sturdy made out of plywood.
If you buy your wood at Lowe’s they will do all the cutting for you
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This is so fucking stupid and will not work. I can actually show you exactly why it wouldn’t work, if you’re interested.
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LACK shelf @ IKEA
>I think I might be able to use command strips.
No way that will hold a 8-9 lb cat
>command strips, any adhesive really
Absolutely horrible idea. You have drywall and paint, using any adhesive is depending on the paint to hold it up, which is going to be way harder to fix than just using a few anchors and screws.
lowes can't even get mix paint to the right color, I'm not trusting them to cut wood for me
ikea shelves are meh, but for cats who cares?
You stand there and they go “does this look good?”

When I lived in the apartment with GF we weren’t allowed to use power tools after a certain time, so I’d go to Lowe’s after work on a wensday night while it was dead and bring all my prints and find a guy that looked bored and liked doing shit (white teenagers) Hispanic men and women working at Lowe’s will not want to help you
It’s just the Reddit types that buy an ender 3 and never learn cad that make stupid shit
no, let him cook. i want to see this ridiculous shit fail then he can come back and ask about rawl plugs and planks like he should have to begin with.
Whenever I use command strips, they can barely hold a painting to the wall, much less a ten pound cat jumping from a mile away.
Having pet cats is like having pet rats except your home becomes the rat cage and you live in it with giant rats
Look up the symptoms of toxoplasmosis in prey species, especially the behavioral symptoms, and explain to me how they're a negative in a predator. Spoiler: they're not and toxoplasmosis was literally the impetus for all white exploration during the past few millennia. It's not a coincidence that cat-owning cultures are also the ones that ended up exploring and ruling the world because toxoplasmosis causes:

>increased desire to explore unfamiliar settings
>increased confidence in unfamiliar settings
>increased activity levels and endurance
>lower fear response

These are all negatives in prey species, which need to be fearful and cautious to avoid being eaten, but they're positives in predators. You're a retarded npc parroting what other people have told you and you're going to cope cope cope but it's the truth regardless of the fact that you're too dumb to understand it. You've literally never even looked up the details of what toxoplasmosis actually does.
Toxoplasma controlled hands typed this post
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Did you know all cat toys are on sale at Target this week? You should hurry on there as 50% off is a pretty good deal and we know you're short on funds for your cat palace.
Yah, schizofrenia, depression, decreased motor skills and suceptibility to alzeimers/parkinsons is clearly helping you out with your life. What a retarded take. Only a parasite-brain would spout out such utter nonesense.
A few years ago I building a set of speakers and the guy cutting the saw was an older rastafarian black man. I told him I was building a set of massive speakers and he cut that MDF so damn precise. I just gave him my cut sheet and he went to town. Bairly needed any filler.
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>um cats and toxoplasmosis are based and le chad acktually
Command strips are garbage, they can create more work than a few clean drilled holes with anchors if you ever have to take the shelves down.
>didn't actually look up the symptoms, blindly proud in their ignorance

>not only didn't look up the symptoms but was so threatened that he needed to lie as well

How embarrassing for you. Here, let me help:
>infection with T. gondii produces no readily observable symptoms in healthy human adults.

>Infection with T. gondii has been shown to alter the behavior of mice and rats in ways thought to increase the rodents' chances of being preyed upon by cats.
How does it modify behavior?

>Rats infected with the parasite show increased levels of activity and decreased neophobic behavior.
"Neophobic" meaning "fear of new things". Infected rats (and people) are more active and less afraid of new things.

>Similarly, infected mice show alterations in patterns of locomotion and exploratory behavior. These patterns include traveling greater distances, moving at higher speeds, accelerating for longer periods of time, and showing a decreased pause-time when placed in new arenas.
Infected mice have a significantly increased desire to explore, do so more quickly and with greater energy, and are not content to sit in the same place but have a drive to keep pushing on to new and unfamiliar places.

>Infected rodents have also been shown to have lower anxiety
Self-explanatory, I hope. Put together, what do these symptoms create? People who aren't scared of the unknown, have a innate drive to explore and discover, have greater energy and endurance, and have less anxiety even in the face of the unknown.

Given ancient hygiene standards, we can safely assume that cat-owning cultures were thoroughly infected. And which cultures explored and conquered the world? You and your ancestors were the terrified peasants who hid in their hovels while toxochads explored and conquered the world.
You could shoot the cat as it is an Egyptian illegal immigrant who mass murders birds.

Oh I see the toxoplamosis thing was mentioned already. You have a literal brain parasite dude.
Youre either a rat or youre contradicting your first point,
>infection with T. gondii produces no readily observable symptoms in healthy human adults.
>3D printed cat shelve
>want to make something long and flat like a piece of wood for cat to climb on so made of a material that cat can grip like wood and also should be safe to chew on like wood and easy to cut and screw into and fix and manipulate like wood and be really long sections that would be extremely difficult to print on a 3d printer
>hmmmmm how should i go about constructing this object?
i fucking wonder.
Do you imagine that a general personality change to being more open to new experiences is the sort of thing that a doctor would notice in a medical trial and consider a "symptom"? "Observable symptoms" virtually always refers to negative effects, changes in measurable bodily functions, that sort of thing. The Western medical system is functionally incapable of observing and documenting an effect like
>patients infected with this parasite which causes no observable negative effects (so we wouldn't be looking for it or assuming it's a casual factor in the first place) are more likely to want to try new things and explore new places
Use what little brain you have and think for a second. How do you imagine they would be able to observe and correlate these effects in a way that would qualify for medical publishing? Literally impossible, you'd have to observe someone for their entire life, build a personality profile, then infect them and measure these types of subtle changes.

>You have a literal brain parasite dude.
You do too. It's transmissible from mother to child and cats are not the only way to acquire it. Npcs like you always like to have strong opinions about things they don't understand so I'm not surprised to see this kind of retarded take.

>Oral transmission may occur through:
>Ingestion of raw or partly cooked meat
>Ingestion of unwashed fruit or vegetables
>Ingestion of untreated, unfiltered water
>Ingestion of unpasteurized milk and milk products
>Ingestion of raw seafood

You seem like the right type of retard to like undercooked meat and raw milk so guess what, even if you didn't inherit it from your mother, you got it from your milk. Oops!
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>3d print lumber
You literally called them symptoms, you retarded toxopozzed faggot
>being deliberately obtuse because you have no rebuttal
If you had the IQ to actually read and understand my post, you'd realize that you are also "toxopozzed". I accept your concession.
Your walls of poorly written wikipedia seethe are really not an interesting or intelligent read
Yet you did.
>Other ideas, recommendations, etc are very welcome.

>4x8x1/2" sheet of plywood: $22
>equivalent volume of PLA filament (47.118 kilograms @ $25/kg): $1,177.95

You could buy a basic set of woodworking tools and the materials to make them and still save hundreds of dollars.
DO NOT print planks, it's a stupid waste when plywood (or just a reasonable width board) is available.
DO print brackets if you need.
DO print wacky tacky aesthetic features.
Yes, OP as most of the people in this thread said it would be pretty retarded for you to 3-D print this rather than just use lumber, it shouldn’t cost more than like $100 to get a ton of planks the size you need they need to figure out if you wanna use some sort of floating shelf method or just use regular shelf brackets don’t be a retard about it and try to waste a ton of filament doing this
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>shouldn’t cost more than like $100 to get a ton of planks

a box of 12mm thick laminate is like $22
doesnt need any painting, varnishing, or sanding
Command strips don't stick to 3d prints. The processing time to make them smooth is not worth not putting holes in the wall. Sack up and just make holes, you can literally fix them with toothpaste.
>he doesn't know about infill...
So I feel like I should explain why I want to do this in a retarded way. It didn't seem relevant before and I didnt want to make a blog post but people apparently cant accept constraints without a reason.

My family is fucked up, myself included. Everything is a dysfunctional mess. Nothing ever gets done. We have shit that never gets put away all over the place, projects that need to be done that wait for years, etc. We have a full workshop with woodworking tools and everything, but its not at our house and its not in biking range. I dont have a drivers license because I cant take the test until I have something like 60 hours of supervised driving time, and thats gonna take a while. Both parents have chronic health issues, and I don't really have anyone else who is sane and would be willing to do it with me. I can't get to my work shop. Even if I could, nobody wants to commit to putting something in the wall until the whole room is "planned out" which means a few more years of delay. Im fucking trapped.

I realize this is the stupidest, most ass-backwards, inefficient way to do this, but the point is that I CAN do it. I don't have to talk or plan with anybody, I can just sit down and do it myself. This has been the story of my life; finding sub-optimal solutions because the easy way will never happen.
I tested this, and they do stick to prints just fine as far as I can tell. Although if it does become an issue that preliminary tests didnt pick up, I can mitigate it by reducing layer thickness or smoothing them.

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