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I hate every designer in the planet.
Fixture quality is appalling these days. I spent like $150 on a kitchen faucet last year and the buttons for stream/spray lasted about a month, now it's either full spray or a halfassed spray. Would have returned the thing but it was such a bitch to install that I'm not gonna go through that whole damn process again. My parents' kitchen was remodeled 30 years ago and the first faucet lasted 20 years before dying, now you can't get one that'll make it even 5.
A piece of tape could prevent that
It's missing the areator.
I think it's one of those "waterfall" ones that doesn't have an aerator.
>and the buttons for stream/spray lasted about a month
i have an old one in my kitchen. that button never worked for as long as i've had this house.
somewhat interestingly, it does randomly change from one to the other, influenced by events that i have yet to witness, and then it's stuck that way for an indeterminate period of time.
i just take it as one of those "spice of life" things that keeps existence interesting.
>walk into fancy new 5 million dollar home
>whole place is a fucking disaster of expensive unnecessary bullshit

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Been doing a lot of these plugs in stone slab, we have to epoxy the box to the slab then install the slab. Its absolutely unserviceable.
>Not replacing a bad gasket is totally the designer's fault!
This has nothing to do with a gasket and everything to do with the surface tension if water and how fucking stupid it is to not have it just fall straight down
I bought some Chinese replacement sprayer on Amazon 3 years ago and it's been great. 10 bucks!
It has zero to do with the gasket
This. I suppose you could take a small metal blade and cut a drip into the end under the faucet. A more elegant solution would be maybe to tape a line about 1/8th wide across the base and etch the metal a few times, may be enough to cut the tension.

fuggin kek
lmao, that's what they get for falling into a meme
>Fixture quality is appalling these days.
No Shit.
The house I grew up in had fixtures from maybe the 1920's at the earliest. I can remember maybe two or three times we had to replace a leaky seal, and that was the kitchen faucet that saw loads of use.
Now, I have to replace O rings or cartridges in the ridiculous "modern" sink fixture I have at least once a year. Very tempted to chuck it in the scrap and install some old fashioned lab grade faucet with simple, replaceable seals.
>it does randomly change from one to the other, influenced by events that i have yet to witness, and then it's stuck that way for an indeterminate period of time.
>i just take it as one of those "spice of life" things that keeps existence interesting.
My showerhead is like that. I have one of those handheld dealies on a hose with a holder. There's a button that changes the setting back and forth. You just press it and it's supposed to cycle. I think it functions on a ratchet system, like a retractable pen. But the button does nothing now. It's been that way for the better part of a year now. It switched settings once when I turned it on. I pressed the button, and it did nothing. Then mid shower, it randomly switched back. Quite mysterious.
Holy shit. Is that even to code? Doesn't the building code say something about power termination points being accessible from the exterior of the wall?
Used to deal with Corian and Cultured Marble. That is an especially-special grade of fucking stupid.
Whoever approved that install needs to be sterilized for the good of humanity.
my favorite part is how they're a couple degrees off each other, rotation-wise
No idea if they are up to code, but I install them often on homes that aren't even close to final inspection, so I assume they are allowed. Here's the kicker, the slabs I'm installing are bookmatched rare AF material, quartzite and crystalline stone, priceless. If the plug fails you literally can't just pull the slab, its a numbered and matched slab upwards of 20-30k in a few cases. I suppose you could do some serious cutting behind the wall but even then, we epoxy it with strong exterior grade resins, that alone could break the slab. Its a horrible idea. I'd much rather see plugs mounted under the cabinets (invisible) even though they are hard to find and also stupid, at least you can fix them.
do you explain this to them?
if so, based, just make bank bro
if not, you're a cunt
Of course it's explained to the site super, but I've been installing them on 50-150 million dollar projects... not exactly 1 on 1 with tier designers. The owner is a billionaire who does interact with me directly, but I would never bring this to their attention (anyone working with billionaires will understand why).
yeah I get it, have fun anon!
you have zero fucking idea what you're talking about my dude
What do gaskets have to do with what we are seeing in the OP, anon? I'm genuinely curious to hear how you drew this connection.
learn how to install things correctly dumbass
Yeah, actually the parents' house I mentioned is a 1932 build and has mostly original fixtures, but the kitchen was remodeled with no expense spared in 1994 and it's the part that's been by far the most trouble.
kek imagine if there was a short behind the wall
but should it need to?
It's fucking disgusting, isin't it.
All so you can have some stupid lever doohickey to wiggle around like a fucking joystick while waiting for the "water conserving" bits to let the fucking hot water out, instead of two simple globe valves and a spigot.
>slab upwards of 20-30k
It's insane they are spending that much and then have a timber frame house LOL.

>anyone working with billionaires will understand why
Explain to us plebs.
No, you shouldn't need to. The design on that tap is shit. The designer probably thinks he is hot shit, having designed such a modern and original tap
working for billionaires, here's how a conversation goes
>9:30pm, phone rings, unknown number
>"hi this is stone anon right? You will get a call in about ten minutes from Mr. X"
>one hour passes
>Stone anon, where are we schedule wise, why is my bathroom incomplete?
>hi Mr X, my team is on schedule, supplier is behind on cutting
>"why are they behind?"
>I don't know, Ive told them, I suggest pressure from your people
>"okay stone anon, if I get these slabs delivered Monday will you finish on schedule?"
>yes sir I'll make it work

Cue a rumble of phone calls the next morning from everyone involved now that Mr X has been breaking everyone's balls. You see, that example of a phone call had nothing to do with mr X needing any information from me, he is well aware of why we are behind and where we are in the schedule, the call was to break my balls respectfully and remind me that whatever I'm doing next week was now cancelled because Monday if I'm not on his site working on his bathroom there will be trouble. Its not always this way, old school ultra wealthy people are much more hands on and know that being nice is better, but the next generation of neveau riche are typically cold and mean, they grew up getting what they want and don't play the nice game, this has been my experience at least.
>timber frame house
Honestly, most of these super massive mansions are made of wood for a reason most people don't think about. You can't get permission to build 20 room mansions wheteever you want, so they build in wood with massive expansive rooms and an inch of concrete on plywood over the rough ins. They get their inspections, occupancy and then the real fun starts. Walls are torn down, the one inch of concrete removed, the 30 car "garage" is modified and now they have all the bedrooms and extra spaces the cities infrastructure was never designed to handle and nobody bats an eye. Try doing that in concrete. Also the lumber these guys use isn't just shit pine, its usually laminated beams (forgot the name) throughout.
why do they want this
it doesn't even look good
Its amazing you retarded fags still dont know what timber framing is
Really, not to sound insulting or condescending, but you'll reach a point in life where you've dealt with a sufficient number of people with "more money than brains", that you'll stop asking these kinds of questions.
Cross-laminated timber

When that fails they’ll cut out a square hole and replace it with a regular outlet to cover said hole right? Anyway if the socket part can be pulled out I guess it’s technically ‘accessible’
I've been called in to repair one that failed. Nobody added a box, they simply pulled it out through the front and told me to hide the hole. It was a pain in the ass mixing all the veining and transparency, would have been much easier if I had a chunk of the original stone to cut a plug.
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yep. its all so tiresome.
i can smell the mold already
If you can't afford to replace it you just need to file a small groove on the underside which will act as a drip edge.
That faucet is uggo though get e new one.
my "favorite" is public bathrooms where the faucet stream comes down fucking 0.49999 inches from the back of the sink bowl, so it's literally impossible not to touch it while washing your hands.
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>the ghosts residing in the house having to watch you install that shit
at least in public bathrooms you could argue nobody gives a crap since it's a public fixture thats just made as cheaply as possible
but in homes? that shit is mostly the result of stupid trendy thinker-upper artsy folks who understand neither design nor aesthetics and certainly not physics, who imagine some kinda minecraft ass illogical home and then assume our world's laws of nature will permit it to exist
that, or just trends changing so quickly and materials being so cheap that people blow through trends like that and don't care about what that house will function like in 10 years when they're gonna be renovating it into the newest mandatory modernist aesthetic within 2 at most
People don't live inside of the planet.
For fuck's sake... if it's completely unservicable you could at least have tried to make sure they were all aligned vertically when installing them.
File the bottom of the spout to be tilted 45° back instead of forward
Loosen fixture
Insert shim under back side of base to tilt fixture forward
Re-tighten fixture
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checked, but why are you sperging out?
If they didn't sell you garbage, how would they make line go up by making you buy more product?
No, only a couple. They were pretty slim, because they were made of brass and brass is expensive.
Nah. Brass. The bathtub and sink were cast iron though.
God, I hope so. Having a bunch of posessed fixtures that would occasionally lapse into Negro spirituals as I soak in my 1870's cast iron bathtub, sipping on a Mint Julep would be amazing.
I didn't install that photo. The junction box is put together by the electrician, my job is to drill the holes and glue the box, the rest is not my problem. If I see its wrong I tell someone before I mix my resin.
it's the opposite actually.
Facilities in public places are usually more expensive and better built. Check out any MRO vendor. The people who design and install actually care about things like maintenance schedules and things not failing randomly. It's the consumer that gets all the slop cause the vast majority of people can't think about things like serviceability or the myriad problems that go into making something reliable.

The designer is only partially at fault for the garbage in the OP. He'd lose his job if the end user could think of this in advance. 80nk
It's like they take something that costs 50 bucks installed and say how can we make it cost 5000$
Honestly I don't even think that degree of long-term thinking is really a thing in modern business. It's all just pure immediate profit margins now, get the most money for the least cost possible and who cares what happens a few years down the road, the C-suite and shareholders are already billions richer.
you guys are complaining about faulty design. I have friends who made too much money for their own good and having no taste they buy shitty design things.
pic related is almost identical to the dinning chairs a friend got for his house.
"More Money Than Brains".
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He is really smart, he just does't have taste.
Dude had a 150sqm living room, and put one huge sofa, wall to wall. Imagine a sofa 14 meters long...
And to make things worse, his wife LOVES those ultra generic decoration placeholders of bullshit prints with motivational texts, like pic related.
Their house is filled with them.
yeah, that's "More Money Than Brains". It's not a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of knowing when to let others handle important decisions.
His wife's decisions confirm this.
>Really smart
Jamie pull up the fact check on that.
you can probably get a replacement head for that for cheap, btw. Just be careful, there's like 20 different connectors your hose could have
Kek. I’m an architect on projects like this. We get insane drawings from the interior design crowd that clearly have no thought put into how you can actually build the things.
>66 replies
>Ctrl+F "level" yields no results

Could be that the counter isn't level and tilts backwards, and if that's the case it's not the fault of the designer. If it is level, and the fixture is a shit design naturally drips backwards, it might still be an easy fix if you brace it and tap the end with a rubber mallet to gently bend it down. If it's not absolute pot metal it shouldn't crack and if it does you needed to replace it anyway.
Designers with no architectural background are the worst. Old school designers who started as architects are usually difficult to please but at least they make sense and can be spoken to directly to find functional solutions. With this particular builder the deal is that no designer can get involved with our slab design for safety reasons, as our slab layouts always assume something can fail. We layer our slabs up the walls so their weight is always bearing on another lower slab and we refuse to put up ceiling slabs unless they are supported on 3 sides. Some things designers asks us to do should be criminal - example: a slabbed stone cover for a hood fan, but the slab is 800lbs and they refuse to use any steel substructure/lintel because "Its ugly".

Since natural quartzite has become popular we've had to put our foot down since there aren't really cements we trust fully due to quartzites lack of prosity and weight compared to marble. Of course suppliers promise its safe but there's been no long term testing so...
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I have a suspicion that taking it apart and cleaning it might even fix it, but I haven't figured out a way that I'm sure isn't going to break it, despite being externally metal the area where the head attaches to the hose is all shitty plastic. It's also one of these springy industrial-style memes (wasn't my choice, I thought it was a bad idea) so the head seems really specific.
It seems to depend on where and when the architect/designer was educated as well. My dad got his architecture degree at Harvard's Graduate school of Design in the early '80s and his curriculum there was way more technical and engineering-oriented than the ones a lot of younger architects I've encountered seem to have had. He's also spent the last 40 years working as a movie/TV set designer/art director though and that involves much stricter timelines and budgets and direct contact with the construction crews so he's gotten especially good at actually designing stuff that isn't a giant pain in the ass to build.
Lol. I bought one of these and it was such a piece of crap it went back to the store before I ever even tried using it.
who took a screenshot of my daily life?
Wrap a few scrunchies around the end.
>>9:30pm, phone rings, unknown number
>>"hi this is stone anon right? You will get a call in about ten minutes from Mr. X"
>>one hour passes
>>Stone anon, where are we schedule wise, why is my bathroom incomplete?
>>hi Mr X, my team is on schedule, supplier is behind on cutting
>>"why are they behind?"
>>I don't know, Ive told them, I suggest pressure from your people
>>"okay stone anon, if I get these slabs delivered Monday will you finish on schedule?"
>>yes sir I'll make it work

I know a guy like this. And he's just a millionaire. Not a billionaire.
His time is just more important than other peoples time.
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>HGTV Restoration thrend
>Cheap stainless steel appliances
>Vinyl/Laminate faux hardwood floors
>White painted trim/cabinets
>Faux stone counter tops
>Ikea wacky light fixtures
>NPC white, grey, and black color scheme through out the house.
All those restoration shows literally destroy the soul of an American house. And the crazy part is how they can use 10k in materials, yet say it adds 50k of value to the house.
Did you just notice something? What are you, a nazi?
They lose IQ points each generation due to the capable half of each generation emigrating.
That cant be right. Over here in NL, if you put in a new kitchen it adds maybe 2-3k to your house value. Far less than you spend on it.
This only seems to be an issue if the valve is just cracked a tiny bit open. practically speaking, no one uses a faucet like that. once there's decent flow the water won't run along the underside of the outlet. this could have been done better but it's not the disaster that everyone seems to be implying.

the spray selector mechanism is usually embedded in the end of the spray head. every modern kitchen sink faucet, particularly the pull down type, has the head separately removeable by just unscrewing it. if you had warranty, it's a 30 second job. the rest of the faucet stays in place. this is where it's worth buying from a reputable brand with lifetime warranty. i've replaced various components of my faucets multiple times, particularly the spray head, where the OEM just mails me the part.
I know a guy who double quotes the entire fucking conversation and fucks up all the formatting, making it hard to read for other people while giving out a single sentence of bullshit
>That cant be right
Never dealt with boomers, anon?
>HGTV said my house is worth 10k more because I put in cheap press board white cabinets
>I know what I got sonny!
Boomers do this shit all the time from cars to guns. They're looking for their next sucker, because the eternal boomer already spend his life savings away.
its not leveled
Kek, he bought a sawhorse...

I wanna be upset, but you two are absolutely, painfully right.
Okay but that doesnt mean anyone will actually pay that price.
>already spend his life savings away.
my dad makes more in retirement doing nothing than he did working and you won't even have social security. how does it feel?
why aren't they just using the more industrial brass ring receptacles? That would look vastly better, genuinely be nicer to use, actually be serviceable, and maintain the luxury appearance they're aiming for.

rich people don't even know how to be rich anymore
>that doesn't have an aerator.
yes its a bad tap, we know.
>quartzite and crystalline stone, priceless
That's literally one of the most common minerals out there.
why, anon. what did the billionaires do to you
>corn rows of can lights
Almost as bad as having none, or a few right next to the cabinets beaming off like spotlights.

LVP is a planned replacement product. It makes sense for landlords that expect renters to ruin everything they touch.

The monochrome needs to go. Grey and white, boring beige, tricorn black. This stuff makes no statement. Use color in a way that inspires you to live in the space. People like to hang half a dozen stupid slogan artworks in these houses. It's vapid.

There are some new cabinet companies that just wrap the old cabinets in vinyl lol. I don't think it's a lot cheaper than a full refinish.
Anon a big rock is literally the rarest and most expensive thing in the world, they even numbered it.
>There are some new cabinet companies that just wrap the old cabinets in vinyl lol.
That's what my bathroom seems to have. Been in this place 11 years and never realized it until the vinyl recently started shrinking and peeling around the edges, looks awful. I'm about a month from moving out so it's the next guy's problem though, and they're not gonna care because 99% chance it'll be a developer who's gonna sink a million bucks into remodeling the whole place anyway.
Some stone is really common and easy to match, others are very rare impurities giving the stone a certain color or vein that a quarry will set aside in blocks.

They get a block and can pull a certain number of slices out of it that match. If you plan for 12 and have 13, cool. If you break 2 you are never going to find a direct match, so you have to repair them. If you are a billionaire, you would rip the entire room apart and rebuild it instead of waiting even 30 days for a ship to deliver a similar slab from the quarry, even if it costs you $300k.
Thermofoil. I've even seen these in some well off houses where the new owners were far from happy.

The new startup companies are offering this service and they seem to catch owners wanting the most kitschy looking wraps.
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mine is somewhat similar, its supposed to flow out like that but it pretty much is touching the back of the sink top when flowing. I hate turning the sink all the way on because its a waste of water so its actually making me want to replace it.
I've seen those
there's a tool you shove in the socket to pull it out to access the wires attached to the socket
you are the dumbass who bought it , you paid for it because you could not make one yourself , so you are the failure ,
This is a rental you goddamn fucking idiot.
It is probably a malfunction not a design issue
From the picture it looks to me like you can get a shim in there and pull it out, in any case if I couldn't figure it out I'd probably just say fuck It and drill it out or cut a proper hole around it for a box to go into
Appraiser here, you rarely get even a 10% return on single space interior renovations. Some times it's even detrimental to the value of the home. Nothing like a kitchen from 2020 and 2.5 baths from 1970.
I think its a law the the CEO has to do everything I their power to make profit for the investors. That mostly means cutting corners and making shit. I think this will result in the death of a lot of public companies as private ones start producing actually products of value since they don't need to make line go up forever.
>I think its a law the the CEO has to do everything I their power to make profit for the investors
anon how fucking retarded are you?
Needs a table in the middle.
>Nothing like a kitchen from 2020 and 2.5 baths from 1970.
This. Either do all of it or none of it. There are very few neighborhoods where a partial reno will add value, and that is because there is some other reason people want that neighborhood (schools, commute time, etc).
Do you have that carved stone bowl pic still?

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