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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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Have you ever worked while drunk? What's the worst you've ever been?
>be me
>have ecig to quit smoking
>be checking emails at my desk
>grab my ecig
>take big pull
>realize I just took a massive hit of a weed pen, which I don't usually use but were all the rage
I went to work anyways, it was just one hit, but still I felt paranoid and off all day.
Nah, I don't drink and work sober. Even hunting.
Worked with a drunk, who almost got his head crushed by a robot, but then another guy pulled him out of the way and ruined a potentially awesome webm.
Yeah i used to drink a bit with a coworker and then he died and i spiralled into alcoholism for a few years until eventually i was drinking mostly beer all day every day work or else
Im over a year sober now and that was wild in retrospect
Yes, one time I got home at 3 am after l drinking a lot, had to be up at 5 for morning shift at the paper mill where my father is a line manager. Never did that again.
Working while drunk or drunk while at work?
For the former, I'd suggest sticking to simple tasks on readily replaceable or cheap stuff.
The latter, I worked a really shit job for 2-1/2 years, was really tempted to a 25 ounce Natural Light or two behind the shitty store near work but never did. I did drink sometimes walking back from work however.
Did call in quite a few times after getting drunk on work nights and just didn't want to go in though.
I wouldn't suggest or advocate any of that though. In retrospect I probably should've done some at work drinking though, best case it would've been more manageable, worst case I would've left the job sooner which would've been great since I would've gotten a different job sooner.
I drink too much, but manage to keep it to evenings and holidays. I guess the only exception was tradeshows, where I was in uniform and technically representing my company while drunk at industry events, but my boss was right there even drunker than me so it doesn't really count.

On this note though, while working as a mechanic a customer hotboxed the fuck out of his car before handing it over to us and I don't smoke weed so I have zero tolerance, we had the car up on the lift for a brake bleed with me working the pedal while my boss was at the caliper and I ended up falling asleep in the car in the middle of it. Boss was pissed at me until we handed the car over and the dumbass customer was like "hee hee I hotboxed the car as a treat for you guys I hope you enjoyed it."
a few times, a guy drank a six pack with me once as a carpet cleaner, late job so I kept my equipment overnight after, drove straight home. That was one of two times I've seriously questioned driving, it was like 40 miles and the middle of winter. Then as a mechanic i remember drinking a beer in the shop one day but don't remember the specific circumstances.
When I worked at a grocery store one of the meat guys was always drinking on the job, he bumped my car coming back from break once but we both drove shitboxes so it wasn't a big deal
>literally poisons people
>those same people in charge with the safety and reliability of your car
>hee hee
I hate these retards don't immediately face the consequences of their stupidity.
>defense contests that the brake calipers were installed upside down as a result of the intentional intoxication of repair staff by the plaintiff
Doing it right now
Wow that must have been at least two whole marijuanas! Omg you must have been out of your mind!!!!
I have no need of the liquid ju.
I used to work in a kitchen at a grocery store that was right next to a liquor store. I thought about grabbing an airplane bottle or something on my lunch break but knew if I did that I would tip over into full on alcoholism. I'm pretty sure even if I got caught I wouldn't get fired, the first time at least. That job was bad for me.
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drinking at work is against the rules
Just constantly. Do you even work construction?
i've never been drunk OP. i'm muslim.
Weed doesnt work like that
Youre like teenagers with these retarded made up stories
>customer hotboxed the fuck out of his car
You would have smelled it the instant he got out of the car. Your boss would have smelled it the instant he got w/in 5 feet of the car. This story is fake and dumb.
The car sat for a bit before I actually got it on the lift and I did notice a weird smell but the guy had a bunch of strong air fresheners in the car so it was hard to place. It was also already the afternoon of a long and hot day and it's not like I got high out of my mind, it was just enough to push me over the edge into dozing off. I'm also unusually sensitive to weed which is why I quit smoking it back in the day in the first place.
I drank an entire bottle of wine i stole from my mom and drove the forklift for a few hours, nobody noticed
even when I was drag racing the clark against the toyota with another coworker who i later found out was showing up high on meth.
Working for myself on my projects, I've built, fabbed painted and repaired a lotta shit in varying degrees of being in the bag.

When you are prepping for paint, as long as you maintain diligence, is there a downside to being blitzed?

Yeah, dont overdo it, tailer what you are doing to your capability... but say roofing with shingles.

Do you honestly think you cant snap a chalkline straight, and then blap shingles along that line within say a quarter inch?
Just like, get it touch with your body and feelings more.
Drunk and useless are way different. Yah, your motor control is worse, ok, try harder asshole.

Working for others? No.
Well. Incredibly rarely and always anecdotal. Dumb idea.
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this sounds like a trap. are you my boss??
when I was 19 I worked as dishwasher for a fancy resort and one of the bartender chicks used to give me shooters. I would get so fucking drunk I would start blasting music and joking around with my partner. Even after like 5-7 shooters I only ever broke a single plate.

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