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>In conclusion, the best dimensions to maximize an area of ten square meters, while minimizing perimeter and optimizing space, is a square with dimensions approximately 3.16 meters by 3.16 meters.
Is this correct?

Also what's the best option for a toilet that's not connected to the sewage grid? No utilities.
Build a septic tank
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Uhh no, circle. Law of cubes is for spheres but I think it applies, cell volume vs cell surface area.
Ya you decrease perimeter but all furniture is made for square so you waste less living space with a square.
I've been researching and there's small septic tanks for sale that should be more than enough for an off the grid solution. Dry compost toilet seems also a good option.
If you're not limited to straight lines you would want a circle of radius √(10/π) meters, approximately 3.568 meters across.
If we limit ourselves to quadrilaterals, then yes a square √10 meters on a side is correct.
A circle would be a pain in the ass for doors and furniture.
>Also what's the best option for a toilet that's not connected to the sewage grid? No utilities.
Cesspit. simplest form of toilet, throw mulch on top of everything after you go.

Or if you are in India, use the street.
>the best dimension to maximize and area of ten square meters
ten square meters is ten square meters
>minimizing perimeter
is a circle
>optimizing space
you need to define this, as a packing praction? depends on the boundary shape. for example a hexagon could be better than a square.
hugely depends on the material you build it with
lol no unless most of your furniture is curved
>Is this correct?
Assume an x-by-y rectangle.
Let the area be the constant A,
so A=xy, which means y=A/x.
The perimeter is p=2x+2y=2x+2A/x.
Getting to the optimization calculus, dp/dx=2-2A/x^2=0, so A=x^2, which means y=x.
>what's the best option for a toilet that's not connected to the sewage grid? No utilities.
If you're in a US city, you HAVE TO connect to the sewage grid. Otherwise you're best off with a septic tank and a leech field.
>optimizing space
You haven't specified how the space is to be optimized. If you have furnishings to go in the space and be used, the optimal floor plan is unlikely to be a perfect square. Windows, lighting, ventilation, other utilities, and how the space connects to other spaces matter.
Design it based on the construction material size.

>"I need a garden shed w/ 10 Sq. meters of floor area"

OK anon, I can build you one that is a square that is 3.1622776602 meters on each side and takes 12.64 linear meters of wall to surround the space...

or I can build you one that is 0.25 meters by 40 meters and takes 80.5 linear meters of wall to surround it

>hur dur, doesn't matter which one you build because ten square meters is ten square meters!
Anon was just pointing out that OP worded it wrongly
septic tank rhymes with yank
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sooo i don't own a 3d program, i do all my drawings in paint AND its worked for me so far.
this is a 55square meter "tiny house" i'm gonna build, room is 1.70x 2.5
tub and shower is 1.70x80-85.
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drew this in paint.
then i made it irl..
sry for shit photo, paint one is literally the same picture so you get what it is.
and b4 i go..
check my captcha
>Also what's the best option for a toilet that's not connected to the sewage grid? No utilities.

Pit latrine covered by an ancient-looking wood outhouse. Pipe shitter to pit (one person isn't going to fill a decent pit) and done. My bro did this after building a pole barn (legal as storage) which afterwards no one will inspect inside. Works fine and if it ever doesn't he can dig another hole and move the outhouse (an actual intellgent use for pallets and scrap wood).
piss in bucket with sawdust..
shit in cheap incendiary toilet..
if its off grid then the gas powered burner is the obv answer, if not then there is always the electric.. just try to pee before you shit because it uses so much power boiling ur pee away.
>Dry compost toilet
>incendiary toilet
Don't store these inside because they smell terrible.
If I ever catch one of you animals pouring out your shit bucket at the fence line again, you're gonna have a bad time. Keep away from your neighbors. Build your shed as far from others as possible and pour out your shit buckets close by and I won't bother you unless garbage starts blowing across the fence line. Toilet paper will dry out and blow along so use it sparingly. Also, shit inside your shed. No one wants to see another human being living like an animal, that's why we left the city in the first place.
what i do in city skylines is have the poop water flow out onto a field and then it soaks in eventually. you should do that, you arnt running a city like me your field should be enough
which one maximises the area?
>the best dimensions to maximize an area of ten square meters,
Curved furniture and curved sliding doors fix this issue.

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