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i’m 26, recently married, and unfortunately live in my home city of baltimore. i’ve been working since i was 12 and am used to walking out of an interview with a job. but not lately. i’ve applied to over 200 jobs on indeed, emailed over 50 construction companies and contractors, plus cold called a ton of them trying to get a carpentry apprenticeship or something doing masonry, finish work, painting, drywall, etc. i have been in landscape construction and design for 3 years now doing plant installs, decks, fences, stone and brick patios, retaining walls, tree work, and low voltage electric. but i left my $20/hr foreman position there due to being screamed at constantly by the owner, being forced to use my own truck, and getting paid late. i’ve been job hopping like a mf since may encountering even lower rates of pay and even worse bosses who seem to be obsessed with forced overtime, using MY truck, and paying late. however along with doing farm work, zoo work, and construction since i was a teenager, i have been on/off working in restaurants/bars too. i’ve been bartending and bouncing for a a couple years during nights and am wondering if i should combine my love for that with my love for cooking? i’m running out of ideas. if im gonna get paid as low as $16/hr (the going rate for apprentices rn in baltimore) then maybe i should learn something completely new and not be exposed to chemicals, silica dust, wood dust, etc.
hvac or electrical is the only trades i would go into honestly

MAYBE plumbing.

everything else is a no.
don't live in baltimore
or be a bartender
You're too old for anyone to take you on as an apprentice, go get a job as a Walmart stock boy
>worked since 12
but still begging for a
>carpentry apprenticeship
You done goofed
i originally had 0 interest in those kind of trades but i’ll consider it now, thanks! but in that case should i maybe just stick to landscape and hardscape? when i was doing it solo before i got masonry experience doing patios, i was making around $3-5k a month give or take. it was good money and i enjoyed the freedom but its also a pain in the ass running a business and i feel like i should theoretically keep learning from true professionals
would love to move, but my mom’s health isn’t great so i’m stuck for now
my resume doesn’t have my age or education shit (i graduated college but i don’t want them to know that since they’ll assume i’m gonna move on), so as far as they know i’m younger than 26. but idk what the big deal is about me being 26 anyway, hated working in finance and decided i should just follow my heart and do construction since its what i actually enjoy
But if you've got your own truck and tools and years of experience; why don't you start your own landscaping and or mowing business?
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you literally have life on hard mode.
either get the fuck out of Baltimore or join the army and go it or cyber
Go to IBEW Local 70 and apply as a substation or line apprentice.
I started my apprenticeship at 31. I know several that were older.
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this isn't a matter can be deferred anon, tell her that you're leaving and that she's coming with you, if she's ill she won't be able to resist when you throw her in the car, if you stay any longer you're insane, you might as well be living in fucking zaporizhia
go army and pick a mos with high civillian job marketplace carry over. get at least your associates degree whilst in.
OP i feel like i've seen you post before in different threads. I don't know what the job market in Baltimore is like but I find it hard to understand what you're doing wrong here unless there is just no work in Baltimore. You're definitely not too old like that other dipshit said, especially if you already have some prior construction experience.

I think you need to take this guy's advice >>2849010 and try to get into a union. Doesn't necessarily have to be the IBEW, you could also try to get into the ironworkers, carpenters or whatever other trade piques your interest. Although from an outsider's perspective the IBEW does seem like the strongest and best union there is.

Also don't listen to the faggots on here who feel emasculated by men working in trades.
This but not the Army which is for people too incompetent for the other branches. Best career (always think long-term) is USAF.
You can look up average income by trade for your city

The economy tanked
Just start a business hauling junk or something with your truck
I went to All-State for my CDL-B and it really helped. Literally took 2 weeks. Technically didn't even finish paying them kek but I was good. Also, I know a few guys who started their own landscaping/general labor business and are doing well. I can give you info, but unfortunately I no longer live in Bmore.
Sorry about your mom, brotha. Keep your head up and get creative! Baltimore and DC has got a lot of people who will spend money for bullshit
how the hell did you marry at 26? nobody is getting married anymore at any age.
try boat building, it's paid well for me. you're probably in a pretty good area for it.

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