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Save big money you'll save big money WHEN YOU SHOP MENARDS
menards memoryholed death
They need to expand to the northeast. I'm suffering over here.
Wonder if they paid her out in the form of a gigantic rebate check.
She only got 11% of that payout
all i know of menards i learned from mst3k
T: leaf
muh nards
Yes but it's only in-store credit.
I'm gonna buy about $3k in lumber pretty soon. Is there some way to hand deliver the rebate or something? I don't wanna lose $330 'cause the reciept got lost in the mail
Someone told me that rebates are meant to reduce the tax liability on retailer's inventory.
I often find odd parts that I need at Menard's, they really need to expand eastward!
My thoughts exactly…
I’ve never heard this joke before. Nobody has.
I’ve literally never had this happen. >>2848815
Every time the rebates get brought up on here people act like it’s some sort of conspiracy and Menards is actually fucking you.
It’s actually very simple. They know most people won’t take the time or will over think it and just not bother. Meanwhile, I’m paying for entire trips to the store with the rebates and laughing at all the conspiracy theorists.
That said, I just don't send in my rebates 'cause I'm lazy and my clients ;) are paying for the material anyhow.
Never a problem with their coupon snail mailed to their Elk Mound Wisconsin rebate center. Rebate check shows up in about six weeks.

It may be possible to do it all online thru their website now.
Luv me menawds, simple as.

How many other stores could you go to with enough trucks/trailers and literally drive away with everything to build a home, from the concrete and trusses to the shingles, fixtures, cabinetry, lights and appliances, plus the little magnet clippy things to hang pictures on the fridge.
It wasn't a joke. Save big money at muh nards.
>some sort of conspiracy
You're a retard, Anon. I think you should know.
Even without the mailing the rebate their lumber is cheaper than home depot
Yeah I literally never said this and explained that they do it because lazy people like you don’t mail in the rebates because it’s too difficult evidently. So don’t mail them in, let them keep ALL your money. That’ll show ‘em!
>muh customers pay for material
So that’s stopping you from sending in the rebates somehow? You seem to struggle with basic math as well as reading comprehension.
>random insult without explanation
We got another one lmao. I will never understand why these rebates cause so much seethe but here we are.
>get kicked in the groin
ohhhhh,... Muh Nards!!!
please see >>2848967

get an additional 1% off select items when you resent this meme at you local menards customer service center

They had a digital option the last time I shopped there.
In every Menards shill thread, someone must mention it. This time someone is me.
John Menard is a complete and total cunt. Don't give him your money.
And you can only buy tiles with it
Are you ready for a joke?
What were his last words?
Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit...
Oh muh nards!
my local one has two isle 261. one has things like brake cleaner and the other has weedwacker shit. i like going there because you arn't bothered like in lowes or hd. like the employees really do try and avoid you and i like that im not kidding. i think they have a better hardware selection too
I won't go back after what utter histrionic cunts they were during covid.
Why is he a cunt? This is my first time here.
It's not me that struggles with comprehension; your implicit trust of the corporation was embedded in your post. You don't even know what you actually believe, you just want to dunk on people who don't worship the US dollar as much as you do.
But yes I am lazy about paperwork and I don't like giving out my personal information to strangers just because they offer me some store credit.
I don't like going through their turnstiles, it makes me feel like a lemming.
I park by the exit. I check out by the exit. I enter through the exit. simple as.
>leaving money on the table to keep Menards from information they can find on google and their own inventory system
stop shilling your sponsor Ghost
>their turnstiles
their manufacturing facilities have these for the employee entrances and between the work area and the break room. you have to swipe your employee badge id card to get through in either direction.
it tracks your time to the nearest second. any extra minite spent in the toilet on a pee break "is money you're stealing from the company"
I heard this so many times from managers and it was posted in signs everywhere. most managers are total cunts.
menards is a living hell for workers
I once overheard a couple of irate millennials chewing out their zoomer coworker in the middle of the lumber aisle for being a lazy fuckwit who can't pull his weight etc. and one of their complaints was that he walks out at the end of his shift without finishing what he was working on. I kekked because I could relate but desu if you treat people like animals they will act like animals.
Mhm. There's that money worship again. Good luck anon.
John Menard is an asshole, and working for Menards is precarious at best.
But its still the best hardware store.
Never had an issue getting my rebates before, including bigger $100+ ones. You might be able to call and get it resent if its messed up, they automatically null and void them when you return shit so there is some sort of auto system in place.
Their rebates are a marketing ploy to bring people in, have stuff look cheaper on the shelf, and have customers be too lazy to redeem the rebates.

If there was a big tax loophole, other stores would do it. Rebates are passe and nobody actually likes them.
You can literally buy beds and blankets, and then fill the fridge with food.
This nigga better not have a cell phone, nor a debit and credit card. Otherwise ive got some really bad news.
has anyone managed to make a purchase and leave before the next round of the jingle starts? it seems like they play it every few minutes. theoretically possible. but have to leave wife at home and know your isles and be quick.
You can use the rebate to buy food/building supplies and donate it to charity. You said here >>2848896 that your clients are paying so another option is to give your customers the rebate. Hell that would make you look like a great guy which I can’t imagine is bad for business or your customers.

Instead you insist on letting Menards keep it for no other reason than shear laziness masquerading as some pseudo “off the grid”, anti capitalist horeshit that you can’t defend without resorting to “no u”.

You and your high horse are completely asinine. No more “you”s for you.
>I don't like going through their turnstiles
Some Menards don't have those, the ones where the exit and entrance are one huge thing. Also park by the exit like the other anon said. You can push/pull open those checkout doors if they're blocking you, that warning on them saying it will set off an alarm is bullshit.
Still gotta live my life bro, I do make some concessions out of convenience. I'm well aware of the compromises I make. It's not all or nothing.

Not off the grid, not anti-capitalist. You seem to be stuck in this black-and-white way of thinking -- I'm not some kind of extremist just because I don't care enough about store credit to file a rebate. It's simply not worth it to me, for reasons I already explained. If you value the rebates, good for you. I don't care about them at all, that 11% store credit may as well not exist.
this is what a pirate says if you kick them in the balls
There is only one thing you can't get back in this life, and it's time.
You trade your infinitely valuable time for money by going to work.

Your half assed principles in which you thrown away money?
That's throwing away the most important thing you have.
People worship the dollar and wring every penny because they understand the implications of wasting that money. It's needed to survive, and you throw away a good part of your life acquiring it.

Big picture matters more than your flimsy principles (which are impossible to uphold in the modern information age)
"time" is valuable of course bu resources does the average working person have to make the most of "time" its not like we have the means to go off seeking enlightenment and bliss or pursue the most noble rewarding pursuits of all time.
One time Larry Menard drove his truck through the front doors of a store because it was supposed to be open and hadn't yet, and made the store pay for it. This was supposedly the start of the policy where GMs are fined 100 dollars per minute for every minute a store opens late, which was later canceled for legal reasons
I’m the person who was responding to this dipshit and it’s not worshipping money or wringing every penny to get sent %11 percent of everything I buy at Menards for less than five minutes of work. I own my own business and I spend a lot at Menards/Lowes. To just leave that isn’t exactly like walking a block to pick up a damn dime.

Plus it’s absolutely retarded to leave it because you think you’re somehow sticking to “the man” by letting that same man keep all of your money then act like people who don’t are somehow beholden to the almighty dollar. It’s pure projection of some unresolved internal struggle.

This happens every time the rebates are discussed here. As I said in previous posts, the conspiracy theorists seem to come out of the woodwork because the rebate is some nefarious scheme to trick you into something when in reality it’s just another marketing tool. All businesses are looking to separate you from your money and they use a variety of tools to do so. I have no idea why this one is so controversial. It’s really bizarre. People can do or not do the rebate, just don’t act like a moral authority because other people like to.

Although I do admit me getting vested in this argument is idiocy on my part and something unresolved in me. I could just not engage but obviously that’s not what I’m doing. I get some kind of thrill out of dismantling their arguments which is a colossal waste of time lmao. Yet here I am.
I was calling the other guy a dipshit btw, not you.
uh-oh,... looks like the shit flinging contest has caused some collateral damage.

Clean up on isle for please!
>bid jobs
>tight ass clients
>11% menards rebate is a chunk of the profit
it really is like this
>I have no idea why this one is so controversial
It's because it makes you fill out and file yet another piece of paperwork that exists only to drain your energy. People hate tax forms for the same reason. The IRS knows what taxes you owe but makes you do the song and dance anyway. It's also kinda sleazy that the most prominent price on the website is after rebate, with the actual price in small print.

The way I deal with it is by pre-filling a bunch of the rebate forms, and making up stamped envelopes with the address on them. Then I pin my receipts up on the wall whenever I get one and when it gets close to the final mailing date for the oldest one I take all the ones I have saved up, stick them in the envelope and then stick it in the mailbox. Least effort approach.
I'm not even a part of this conversation or even fully aware of what we are talking about but if you are defending the rebates or even implying that they are not a malicious public injustice and a stain on the human condition then you are a narrow minded solipsistic faggot. This is /diy/ not /profitably run a business in which things are done commercially or on an industrial scale/ jackass. Your job is to pay as little as possible for goods and services. My job is to bang your wife while you are doing paperwork. So when I shop Menards the company is effectively forcing me to pay more for everything unless I perform a humiliating task for their amusement. Or pay even more at Home Depot. "Just go to your local independent hardware store goy nothings stopping you it's a free country" go fuck yourself. The lamppost is that way.
Orange and blue have one or so horrible death a year
I remember back in like 2016 orange was a whole bundle of 12' or 16' 2x6s falling off the top and blue was a guy who got killed by a forklift or something

One Menards death beats orange and blue so fucking bad lmaooooooo
It's the fucking bees knees senpai
They actually stock everything for every department and everything is actually fair priced
You're window licking retarded if you don't understand that you're losing cash profit not using those
I save rebates until I can buy all the materials for a job and then the material cost is suddenly all profit

I've literally never heard of a worse business person holy fuck
This is true but only for on-brand, strictly price controlled products like everything Owens Corning, certain appliances and certain brands of tools
Just don't buy that stuff and everything is about the same price or cheaper than the other guys before rebate with screws and nails being like 40-50% cheaper
>I'd rather waste money than go through a common, regular anti-theft device that doesn't inconvenience me in any way whatsoever
What else would you do for an 11% discount? A restaurant might take some off your bill if you offer to wash dishes. Maybe cover someone's smoke break. Doesn't hurt to ask. Did you know some states will pay you money for recyclable bottles and cans? Cash money, my dude. You'd be a fool not to rifle through people's trash the night before garbage pickup. Absolute goldmine.
>groceries in the hardware store
yeah I'm thinking based
John Menard has a room in his mansion with my name on it; I paid big money for it, and he earned every cent.
>false equivalency
Every time
> It's because it makes you fill out and file yet another piece of paperwork that exists only to drain your energy.
That’s not why. I’m actually beginning to think it’s because people aren’t organized enough, they tell themselves they’ll send in the rebates on time, fail at that, then cope by coming up with elaborate justifications of why 30 seconds of paperwork is too daunting of a task and how Menards is actually taking advantage of you by sending you in store credit.
>People hate tax forms for the same reason.
Your rebate form must be far more complicated than mine if it’s as complex as filing taxes.
Basically I'm just not gonna redeem the rebates
I know.... UGH I know ..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna redeem them is all
Menards is better than Orange or Blue because Menards doesn't cuck out and post spanish signs everywhere or allow their parking lots to become transient labor barrios. Menards is a white man's store.
Using the rebates costs you less than 5 minutes PER MONTH total

You trying to act like you're above maximizing profitability is why your business will inevitably fail

I would love to hear all the shit you waste money on because you think you're "too cool"

Also list your assets and liabilities so we can all laugh
Are you the anon that was claiming he doesn't worship money?
>your entire post
I do not have a Menard's near me, but I want to see what the big deal is. Last I heard was that they wanted to become a chain hobby store too and carry balsa wood and train sets. Can any anons confirm this?
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Not sure about balsa wood stuff,
Just this link from their website:

Haven't seen that. They do have a good collection of 'craft lumber' -- basswood and other species and not-quite 'aircraft' plywood. No hobby metals or odds 'n' ends for RC planes either. Most train sets are O gauge and feature Menards boxcars, and appear for the Christmas season. Last year my local store had a number of intriguing buildings for your layouts. While I'm not a model railroader, my Dad was, and I have a certain fondness for the hobby.
>i work for free
Cool story
>shops at menards
>life worth 100 mil
take off at least 3 zeros there
I heard the owner is an asshole but I am not sure.
I worked with managers that have met him. he has a reputation as being a massive douchenozzle.
Can't stand the radio playing at em so I go to Lowes instead.

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