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File: Birb.jpg (480 KB, 2048x2048)
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Built and hung up a bird feeder and filled it with sunflower feeds, peanuts, oats, wheat, millet, and barley to help birbfrens make it through the winter yesterday. I call it Sneed's Feed and Seed. God, it feels good to be white.
Your feeder needs a small sign on it reading, "Sneed's Feed & Seed". Someone's gonna ask...
wypipo don't season they birdseed baka desu senpai
I don't get Sneed's Feed and Seed reference. Can you explain? Was Sneed white?
Why don't you set up a bird travel agency to help them migrate to warmer climates?
Thanks for feeding the squirrels.
We had to stop feeding the birds because it started attracting rats, what's the best way to stop them?
Glue traps
It alludes to Chuck's Suck and Fuck, which makes naughty children laugh.
Reminder that millennials think Simpsons was actually funny.
God I love tits.
I have a few pigeons that are regular guests on my window. They eat all the scraps and behave properly most of the time. They are good birds.
I put up a birdfeeder near my bedroom window so I can get some target practice with my bb gun
your the grossest kind of white.
before there are liquor stores and pawn shops there are Starbucks and sports bars.

go back to the city where you belong and quit building suburban rot.
Dust the feed with cayenne pepper and crushed lump charcoal

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