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Are chinese amazon leather belts worth it?
No. Never ever, no way. They’re a tiny strip of leather (if it’s even real) wrapped around with whatever cheap nylon webbing they could get their hands on and the outside will wear in months.
I've been using the same $15 belt from Walmart every day for 15years
Post it? I have found myself growing in and out of belts as I get fatter in winter and slim down again in summer before I can ever wear them out.
i got one for like ten bucks a year ago. still going strong.
I paid top dollar for a gun belt with a steel inner core. Still wearing the fucking thing out, but it is lasting a lot better than anything else I've tried.

I have zero ass and have to cinch my belt up quite tight and wear suspenders too, or my pants fall down...
The best belt I had was one with two holes side by side. I'm unsure what they're called but they are amazing
I've been thinking of switching to suspenders. Tired of having to loosen/tighten belt every time I get up and sit down to feel comfy. Also I second wally world belts, mine last about 10 years until the end starts cracking
No, for the same price you can get a belt that's just an actual piece if leather and won't wear out and flake PU in two years. If you can't see the end grain and it isn't a reputable brand, just skip it. I, personally, have a timberline leather belt that has held up for 7 years so far and shows no signs of giving out; it also costs $20.

yes there are decent chinese leather belts but never get "genuine leather" ones. That's an industry term for shitty pieces of leather glued and stitched together.

Look for belts that say "full grain leather" and have decent thickness
>size 40 waist
Where's the best place to buy leather these days?
yes works for me, because i will grow out of it sooner than it wears out
Buy one at Temu. It costs $2. Replace it every year. You still win.
I run perry suspenders and keep the belt clip in the back to clip around my belt and middle belt loop. The front two i remove the clips and buckles and sew them into loops and put my belt through them. That way i can wear them under my t shirt and not have the adjustment buckles making me have weird tumor looking lumps under my shirt
Spend a few hundred bucks.
Sadly this is woman bait and a designer brand should last forever and may result in a lady unhoisting your trousers but you are here so this is unlikely.
I just made a belt out of a poly rope and it's the best belt I've ever had. Need a buckle to try old seatbelt next. Come to think of it....the cheapest racheting tie downs are just the right size.....*run out of room*.
Aw dude 4 strength 4 stam leather belt
absolute king, George belt I assume?
You could try one of those ratchet belts, I've got a couple from Nexbelt and they're much easier and quicker to adjust than traditional buckles, plus you get a more precise fit. (Which is a particularly big deal when they're supporting a gun, which is why I have those belts, but it's nice in general.)
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this diy, make your own from extension cord
thanks anon, I didn't know that was a thing
I have that belt, love it, my hates it.

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