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I have between several containers, I have 5-10 gallons of waste oil, gas, brake fluid (mixed into one when I had no space).
I want to burn it off, but just tossing it in a barrel makes a lot of smoke and smell obviously, and isn't exactly subtle.
Is there some method to have a small contained fire without having a ton of smoke generate.or at least cut the light signature enough to burn at night?
Kind of like an oil lamp, and I can stick it outside in a shielded metal container and just slowly burn the stuff off over the course of a week.
>recycle it
I would if I knew what was in it but it's been like 7 years of dumping random shit in so I doubt they'd like some brakefluid/wasteoil/gasoline/kerosene mix at their recycle station.
Sell it as ‘form release’ to a concrete casting company
The solution to pollution is dilution. Mix it with enough fresh water and you can legally dump it anywhere.
Get one of those cheap diesel heaters, burn the mix to heat your space in the winter
>Kind of like an oil lamp
...just make an oil lamp?
all it takes is a glass jar w/ lid and a piece of cotton rope
You could run through a sort of filter but you’d be left with a bunch of toxic solids instead. The combustion products have to go somewhere, and some of them will be black and solid. 3 gallon is not a lot, if you fire and oil drum hot with wood and add it bit by bit, the clean hot air may dilute it enough to not be very visible.

> I doubt they'd like some brakefluid/wasteoil/gasoline/kerosene mix at their recycle station.
Do they inspect the shit? Here you just put whatever container you have in a box. Oil, paint, thinner glue etc it all goes into the same box as long as it’s in its own closed container. If you just say it’s “oil” nobody is going to check that, it will be treated as if it were a mixture anyway (if you’re in the first world) for safety reasons
>Slow fire
That's literally how you make smoke. You want a very hot, very well aereated fire that way all the small combustion products burn down and carbonize as well.

Alternatively, dump a couple of pounds of stearic acid into the mix and swirl it until it solidifies then just dump it in regular household trash.

Best option is to go to an oil recycling center.
Put it in a garbage bag and drive to your nearest apartment complex that uses dumpsters for their residential garbage and toss it in. Thats how ive gotten rid of my used antifreeze and oil for 10+ years.
I just dump it in the woods. I got town water so don't need to care about groundwater contamination.
Mix it with a ton of caustic soda until it becomes a a water soluble slop
Find the closest ghetto and just park somewhere and chuck it out the window.
river at 3am
>inb4 muh environment
it floats above water dumbass, it will get dilluted downstream
Since you are burning in a barrel I'm guessing you are allowed to burn trash in your area? If so just burn your trash like normal and dump a half gallon on top of your trash after you light it up and it gets burning good and hot. Few times of that and it'll be gone.
Just dump it in a big diesel truck and let it get burned that way, gives them a kick too.
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vegetable oil lamps are already considered disgusting
Just look at waste oil burners on youtube

Place the oil container up high, with a spigot attached to a copper coil inside your burn barrel, put an old pan in the bottom

Put some garbage in the barrel to preheat it or use a blowtorch, once the pan is hot enough to boil oil open the drip feed and it should make a self-sustaining flame
Based. Everyone needs a toxic waste dump in their yard. I live in New Jersey so its basically a tradition here.
just put it outside Autozone after close, retard.
Isn't it mostly motor oil? Just take it to the recycling center and tell them it's motor oil

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