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my faucet is like picrel except its shorter and wider mouth, the flow practically touching the back of the sink top.

pic below is the under of my sink, do I just twist the knob and remove whatever's connected to the faucet and replace it?
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You could post the under of the sink but you put a stock photo of the top
make absolutely sure that every water line going to it is off. if it has one line for hot and one for cold then they both need to have their valves closed.
There's a /diy/ board anon
cba and its virtually the same so
>water line
so I can't just do it from the sink alone, I have to go and do some actual plumber stuff
damn it, I thought this was /diy/
you don't have to do any plumber stuff just make sure if there are 2 lines going to the faucet that both lines have their valves closed. that knob is a valve.
You will need to buy plumber's teflon tape. It's inexpensive but necessary.

You will turn off the hot and cold water valves. Then, manipulate the faucet to release any pressure.

Use a crescent wrench to loosen the nuts that connect hot and cold water supply to the faucet. Use your fingers to completely separate the supply lines from the faucet. Use a towel to absorb/mop up the little bit of water that will pour out from the disconnected lines.

Now, we remove the old faucet. First, we loosen the brass screw that's on the moveable drain rod that raises and lowers the plug that keeps water in your sink basin or let's it drain out. Fiddle with the drain rod and connector until the rod is free.

Second, directly underneath the faucet where the drain rod, hot water line, and cold water line drop down from the faucet is a large screw/rod around which is an eight-sided nut that is "glued" in place. Sticking a flathead screwdriver in the slot, try to use a crescent wrench, small pipe wrench, or pliers to work the nut free and remove it into your hand.

Now, you can go topside and pull the old faucet free. Throw it away.

Reverse the process starting by dropping the new faucet drain connecting rod, hot water line and cold water line down the hole ine your countertop. Replace any gaskets and clean away grime. Wrap the teflon tape once or twice around the threads that will reconnect the faucet hot and cold water lines with the supply lines from the wall. Just keep working backward until your new faucet is firmly secured and the lines reconnected. Fiddle with the drain plug rod and connector/screw.

That's the gist of it. You don't need a plumber. You got this -- good luck anon.
You could shut off the water to the whole house but it’s redundant. Unless of course you break one of those valves under the sink trying to turn it off. It’s rare but it happens.
Well, depending on how old those angle valves are, now may be a good time to replace them. That IS for a plumber to do. If <10 years old, OP can just replace the faucet without need for a plumber.

OP: make sure those valves on the pipes coming out from the wall are securely rotated until you can't turn them anymore. Check the fauce to see if there is any leakage/water flow. If not, proceed as above and replacee the faucet. If leakage, stop and call a plumber or somebody who knows what to do.
>That IS for a plumber to do
You sound like a faggot.
>calling a plumber to change a valve
bet you also call a "specialist" to fuck your wife too, faggot
>plumber's teflon tape. It's inexpensive but necessary
it isn't. most faucets nowadays have o-rings. And even if they don't, teflon thread is better, as the tap will bunch up if you use too much, while the thread will just compress into the screw's threads.
>First, we loosen the brass screw that's on the moveable drain rod that raises and lowers the plug
That's not always necessary. Depends on whether the rod is connected to the faucet, or separate from it.
This pretty much. It’s easy, make sure the new one is supposed to fit the same size hole as the one you took out. Household stuff like that is all mostly pretty standardized as long as it’s not funky custom expensive crap or hacked together by boomers.
So the thumb looks nice and clear in the catalog, it is like a headline in a newspaper. A nice picture draws more attention.
>that vent
just kill yourself now

also just extend the thing then. with epoxy.

I hope your buying a real faucet not that fake moen,delta shit they sell in plumb supply to all the residential fags.
sooo the faucet is identical to how its done in yurop, nice
you remove that long hex nut (dont fucking strip it retard) sticking out and pull the faucet out... ez shit
>that painted wall
ew nigger what the fuck dude where your tile

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