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Please rate our DIY meeting.

are you finger?
looks wild, you guys need some calcium carbide for next year
This looks really cool actually. I’m not sure what the guy with the turbo is doing. It looks loaded with the German geek humor I kinda appreciate. Reminds me a bit of those early computer days hacker conferences in DE/NL

10/10 would ask supermarket for their tube system
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No, I'm just a normal member of that group.
Calcium carbide, we had something similar last year. Some guy made mylar bags with some spicy gas in there, and set them off yround the compound. This year, we decided to do explosive stuff in a more organized way...

The turbo guy is one of the most active members. He does weird stuff with propane every year. The tube he attached to the turbo created an intense whistling sound for a short while, trying to reproduce that was not successful unfortunatelly.

But it is great fun for everyone, lots of insider jokes, a real holiday for the soul.

Here are the images from last year:

Shame about the you-know-whats and all their flags though, better luck next year.

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