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File: anita.jpg (98 KB, 1224x690)
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Let's say I'm absolutely crazy and I want to build a robot that looks and acts like a human (not necessarily one that THINKS like a human, just something that "looks" human or similar to a human).

I know I know, it's "impossible" and blahblah, so let's assume, for the sake of the argument, that it is indeed possible.

Which fields should I study? Computer science, artificial intelligence and robotics are a given. Probably also anatomy and biomechanics, body language...

Neuroscience would not be necessary since (again) we don't want a machine that looks like a human, just one that LOOKS human.

What else? And any book recommendations?
>I know it's impossible
No, just impossible for you.
Robot Miku-fag, I summon thee
Show this ignorant one the fruits of your labor
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The Uncanny Valley is hardwired into human anatomy. You’ll never be able to make a physical mechanical human face. However, you can use a high resolution screen with an AI generated face to talk and smile at you with near human realism. Put the screen onto your robot.
>You’ll never be able to make a physical mechanical human face
It just hasn't been tried. All people have tried to build are cheap sexbots. They have not really tried to reproduce a realistic human face, all they care about is the holes being warm.
Your going to fuck your poor droid eight ways from Sunday.
aw sweet! data mining thread!
Consider more cartoony face rather than hyperrealistic to completely sidestep the issue.
disney animatronics
chuckey cheese animatronics
hydraulics vs linear actuators.
this is the disney treasure chest IMO
physics stuff is a few years back looks like disney's R&D is not bearing fruit instead publishing vx artist crap.
If you're gonna study fucking medicine and robotics to build a sex doll you could just get a job that pays enough that you could buy one.
this, the market has various choices. I'm saving up for a big titted redhead. that being said, when I do get my silicone slave, how 2 maintenance?

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