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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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I'm doing a refurbish on an old guitar. Trying to polish up the chrome hardware, and took a look into electroplating. Seems pretty simple, and I might actually invest in a proper benchtop power supply to do it.
Anyone have experience with electroplating? Tips & tricks?
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i'll bite, even if this is shitflood/retard spam. there's tons of electroplating guides available online, no small number of which will contain both tips as well as tricks. if you're too stupid to find them, you're likely too stupid to be electroplating anything.
the only time you need to actually electroplate are
>there is no existing plating
>the existing plating is badly damaged down to the base metal
even if it's pitted/corroded, pic related can work wonders. six bucks for a can at hd that will last you years.
I have nothing to offer except that deep acid etching might be of interest if you are fabricating custom hardware.
Nevr-dull is great for chrome but it will rub right through gold plating.
Good thing we were talking about chrome- and not gold-plated guitar parts, then, huh?
> nevr-dull
This shit is based as fuck and ancient
this stuff, cleaning the family silver Would get everybody in the room stoned.
how? was there a gas leak? was the family crack heads? Were they drinking spiked cocktails because there is no way they got high off of fumes from neverdull
Fpbp. Why the fuck are so many of you retards incapable of a simple Google search?
ive done it with an 19v dc laptop battery. its pretty easy. you dont even need to have a liquid container to dip it on. just get one terminal on your dry bare piece you wish to coat and the other one on the metal you wish to coat with. wrap it with a cloth or something that can absorb liquid. dip the cloth on the electrolyle and scrub the piece you wish to coat with. ive done alot of derusting with this technique, its really good for large surfaces you cant simply dunk on electrolyte.

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