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Probably been a million of these threads, but here I go:

>Dropped out of uni (music) to do a CNC program
>Did CNC operation, some fixture building/manual machining/ and some fab work
>Get laid off bc no work and figure I'd try to get more into additive stuff
>Run a 6 axis robot to do additive stuff, even get to do some r&d into new territory.
>I loved the job, but I get laid off for the second time this year due to a lack of work
>White collar Boomer dad always talking about HVAC, but it seems like a redditor trade, and I like things that are intellectualy stimulating.
>Get this ominous fortune cookie

I've sent out a shitload of applications, and I live in the Detroit area, where a sizable amount of machining jobs are. What tf is going on? I used to find jobs like boomers could find any job in the 80's, now it's fucked.

You can find work anywhere on the planet if you are skilled in one of these three trades.
>I like things that are intellectualy stimulating.
But you want to go into the trades?
Market is definitely weird right now. I've found that less people are willing to put in the effort to train someone with zero experience than they used to. Probably because the new generation of kids are so completely useless that it's just too difficult to break them in.
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I found fixture building rather stimulating. Might not even be the intellectual part, I just like learning different things and finding my niche in that mess.
One very comfy place to machine, weld and print is the Air Force (including Guard and Reserve where many folks with civilian jobs join for the medical and retirement package). Guard and Reserve are great local human networks too since everyone has a civilian gig.
people love to shit with walls and electric in-between overwatch matches.
youre right.
Do they lay off robot guys for no work where you are? Robot programmers are in huge demand where I am, know a bit of robot and a bit of plc and you can do automation in a lot of different fields
why did you pick music in the first place and what made you change your mind? you probably knew there's no money in music but you could give lessons, that's how most musicians make money.
America’s getting their ass kicked by China. China is putting out Swiss parts for cheaper than you can get aluminum blocks for as long as you buy it mass quantity

There’s a couple things that are legally not allowed to be shipped overseas guns weapons for the military medical and a lot of the food grade stuff but outside of that machine his dad and we’re probably see it right now Shira shipping stuff cheaper than you can buy blanks for
Honestly, it sounds like you’re not smart enough to play the game

You don’t have enough Rizz

Sounds like you’re one of those dumbasses that programs the CNC machine to go full tilt hundred percent rapids no air cutting at 50 nothing below that hog material out get the cycle time slow because titans of CNC so that’s how you make money

Well, you didn’t realize that while you’re knock it out 34 set ups a day there’s no work coming out, so you work yourself out of a job old person responsible for your lay office yourself

If you’re smart, it run that machine 25% rapid it’s slow down that feed rate we will take three or four face passes same same z level

You gotta think about these things you got a look at the work coming in and be like hey should I take a week to do the sad parts? Sometimes the answer is yes you don’t rush through everything and I have no work next week because then upper management looks at you and goes hey what the fuck this guy is earning $18 an hour and he doing shit.

So next time you get a new machine shop, think about workflow, slow and steady stretch that workout maybe up one is a set up maybe up to is a completely different set up even though you could run it off the same set up you know I’m saying stretch it out

No, maybe you finish your program you go shot up the office girl for a couple hours a day you know catches rush through everything that’s how you get laid off all the time
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I'm a fucking weirdo my whole life. Everything is backwards for me. People only say stuff like you did when it's the opposite for me
>literally just got hired to job with zero experience and am training right now
>also live in SE Michigan like OP
>get fired from shit job for unclear reasons
>sent 1 application and they called me within 2 hours of sending it (unheard of, but the HR girl was just sitting around when it came in)
Granted, my friend got a $2000 employee referral bonus because I put his name on my application. He had no idea there was even a bonus until I told him. Pretty funny when you think about it.
Only somewhat joking here with this suggestion: become an alcoholic and then go to AA. It sounds weird but several of my relatives in the trades in suburban Detroit have gotten jobs that way because there are other tradies at AA.
That’s how I got my machining job


> so do you actually want to do this job because the last 2-3 guys didn’t really want to do it and just wanted a job

> nah I really want to learn how to do this (so I could make my own guns but they didn’t need to know that)

I’m almost confident enough to set out and get an office job again.

I’m not the best with programming corner round end mills or woodruff Keyway weight reduction paths yet
It was laser cladding which is so niche that I had to help the owner do R&D to develop new processes.

I dropped out bc my more leftist colleagues made some very heinous accusations towards me and threw me under the bus.

Auto industry is slow. Not really in my control. I balance my pace between keeping my sanity and keeping my boss happy.
Shit man, you can refer me. My discord is cjs1298
Government jobs are the best fr
try becoming a semen

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