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We and our neighbors are fed up with burglars entering our backyards almost nightly and moving through. The police are not effective. Things go missing from the yards, houses are broken into, and a dog was killed. Are there systems available for block-wide surveillance and alarms?
You could set up a VLAN that all the houses can connect to and share cameras / notifications. I know my Wyze cameras can be shared with people. I use those and my neighbor in my duplex has access. I'm sure you could use a service like that and have a shared account with all the neighbors and get push notifications.
get a big ass bear trap and use money as bait
How is the lighting? Your not going to get good footage without bright lights. Also put them at entry points to deter access.
did you move to san fransisco by accident?
Why does that matter?
if I had to deal with that I'd probably arm an IR drone with pepper spray / dye balls and go hunting.
good thing I don't have to deal with that.
Maybe it is funny to you, but there are crime and homeless problems in every big city and SF is no different.
Cheapest (initially) would be to tell everyone to get ring camera/doorbells, easy easy ass install, just say yes when it asks you about sharing your shit with the neighborhood.
Best would be more violent dogs and a few retirees with shotguns.
There are homeless around but not understanding how SF and LA are havens with bigger issues is retarded

Taller fences, brighter lights innocuous traps like installing a pond or leaving tomato cages strewn about

You can buy solar motion lights for cheap these days

I would post up with a paintball gun a few different nights and light em up with welts
>a paintball gun
You will get arrested followed by getting served a personal injury lawsuit for 6-figures. The homeless in SF have great lawyers.
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I've seen this very same photo on here at least 3 times of the past few years.
my answer is the same: just shoot them. no jury in the world will convict you.
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This thread was bait at least 10 years ago.
Set up game cameras with IR. Looks like you have a few trees to mask the cams. Leave rakes out at night horizontally in the yard teeth up in the path (especially below fences they hop)... Get PIR security lighting solar or wired to light up the backyards. Dakota Alert makes sensors and receivers that in a 'hood as tight as illustrated, on sensor trip could have alerts go off in a dozen homes. DA products have 'coded' songs when tripped so you can identify which zone sensor tripped. Pricy but effective and robust. I use DA driveway alarms and recommend them unreservedly.
>>2851009, see >>2851004.
it's called a gated community
Shotgun, that is if you're in a stand your ground state. If not, move.
Nobody is going to climb a barb wire fence to steal a barbecue. No need for flood lighting and camera’s, you won’t catch fuck all with a camera, even if the person is fully in sight the police isn’t going to recognise and trace a homeless person because he MAY have stolen your shovel
this one is the easiest to do, should be pretty simple
ok here's what you do

dig a really deep hole like 15ft deep

put leaves and shit over it and some gold in the middle, fake gold will work

when burglar gets caught in it pretend you don't notice him

install a porta potty over it

shit on the burglar

once all the shit decomposes, set it up again for the next one
get your immediate neighbors to form a pact of silence and to disable or wipe the footage of all security cameras. next time one of these thieves jumps into a yard, dogpile him and cut off all of his fingers with a pair of bolt cutters. make sure you burn your clothes and hit the bolt cutters with a torch to burn off any traces of DNA.
Just wear all black and run off to your car that you parked a street over so it's not clear if you live there or not
just shoot them then
Drop Lego’s all over the ground to mess up his feet.
edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Night vision cameras exist
>night vision cameras
Are they good enough to identify a perp?
Oh boy, you have no idea. Not even the US is safe from being sued/going to prison for a long time for protecting your home. Judges will convict even if you shoot at a group of armed people literally raping your family and it's all caught on camera.
ITT delusional man children.
>Are there systems available for block-wide surveillance and alarms?
Why do you need a special system? Just use a regular system with longer wires.
If I had to do it, I wouldn't buy a premade system at all, as knowledge of how to avoid those is normally common. I'd put cameras on the entrances (and nowhere else - helps with claiming selfdefense if necessary). Then a few tripwires or lasers on top of fences (similar to how people put up barbed wire) to trigger an alarm if anybody is jumping the fence. You have to get the distance right, though - to little, and a cat will trigger it, too much, and birds will. ~50cm over the fence should be about right.
Maybe also get a few of those wirepull flare guns. Load those with flash ammo or pepper ammo, and things will get really funny once someone triggers them.
You need armed security or armed neighbors. No security setup is going to help unless you turn your house and yard into a prison.
>jumping the fence.
That post is helpful but I want to add that the intruders just kick in fence-boards so trip wires won't be very useful.
If it was my back yard, I'd wait with a baseball bat
Knowing what they paid for those houses and refusing to defend them is just fucking pitiful

You would countersue and that scenario would wash out
You're such a retarded chicken shit
A lawyer here cost $800 per hour, and even if you win, you can't collect lawyer fees from homeless people because they don't keep bank accounts.
IMO residential security is about notification and identification not stopping power, because the latter is a hinderance to first responders.
in my experience most criminals have phones with bluetooth and wifi, odd I know, but a congestion tracker can log some data about what times people are near. A deep dive got done on, think it was /b/, when someone found them at a university and had the tech to break it down accidentally making it open sourced, yay college kids and pre-law titans. The tech is quite popular for airports, amusement parks and concerts to better understand crowd flow dynamics and identify chokepoints. Yes, your battery life at a concert is less.
A small camera looking at license plates can give you an idea of peoples coming and going amazon will do quite a lot for free every month, so putting in a filter can cutdown on the number of aws pings, something like moving object must occupy so much of the screen, pixels in this area are these colors, and only send 2 frames per 30 seconds to reduce aws load.
an em scavenger is a much simpler and cheaper congestion monitor, it is an antenna that you can run some leds off of. bump in the night and the em scavenger has a variable output something carrying a battery is there, dogs have passive chips in their neck shouldn't trigger it but, mountain lions, bears have active chips, phones are active and do increase the local em radiation.
so weird that cops aren't carrying them for man hunts can reduce that 8ft gps tolerance to a few feet.
the most effective price for reduction in crime is a lynching, hangem like a wind chime.
Pinkerton released a blog post about landscaping and municipal design showing clear correlation to crime and architecture. If you can afford it pinkerton could probably clean all your whole neighbor hood.
>it takes 4 weeks to beak a habit and 2 weeks to make a new one.
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>pinkerton could probably clean all your whole neighbor hood.
the group who ran the investigation for the Lincoln assassination?
fbi tactics, convince target to commit crime then turn over already finished investigation to the police/da. That bullshit has continually reduce funding for investigations, because the cases with the highest incarceration rate cost the least to investigate, go sit on a rake.
how am i supposed to enjoy my family bbq with the smell of shitty burglar wafting through the air?
Genuinely one of the funniest interactions I’ve ever seen on here, what a fucking shit for brains
Yes, the guys that infamously worked as a private army for gilded age tycoons (see Homestead strike). They're still at it, but they try to stay out of the public eye these days.
armed neighborhood patrols is the final solution
thieves to be shot on site
>Are there systems available for block-wide surveillance and alarms?
it's called a gated community.
How does a gated community stop a scholar from hopping the back fence?
2 pot of coffee & a shotgun
The wires aren't to trip them, they're to trigger an alarm when pulled. For example, when I was a kid, I'd take clothespins, put wires on both side of the jaws, then keep them apart with a piece of wood I'd tied fishing line too. You barely see the line, and the moment you touch it, the clothespin snaps closed, closes the circuit and does whatever it's set to do (lighting up a bulb in my setup back then, but could just as easily turn on an alarm or a floodlight).
If they kick in boards, putting the wires at around hip height rightup against the fences should work. Just make sure they're somewhere they'll run into them, while people that live there won't trigger them.
>The police are not effective
Surprised Pikachu face
>muh security system
Most burglaries are crimes of opportunity. But not in your case where burglars come back again and again, because they know that the SF DA won't prosecute. So what good is an alarm or camera footage?
ITT: anon learns what a neighborhood watch is
>neighborhood watch
>watch captain calls police
>nothing happens
Many such cases.
Hello George Zimmerman.
motion sensors
sensor alert guards
guards sent out to investigate
investigation discover intruder
guards eliminate intruder life
cant flim-flam the ZimZam
Have you considered raising the fences? Installing a spiney shrub? Using your collective money and effort to just make the path the take harder to traverse than the roads on either side?
plant poison oak on all the fences they hop
I knew it looked familiar
>bro just stay out of tenderloin and you will be safe
better yet an actual bear
judges don't convict, a jury does. and juries are made of normal people just like you and me. also, your raping scenario isn't a real thing, no jury would convict on that either.
I was under the impression that juries are summoned for a few exceptional cases and are not the norm, usually a (highly liberal) judge will oversee your case and make a decision based on your & the perp's skin color
No idea, but I can tell you that I use lights with sensors and a camera that alerts me when racoons are back in my sweetcorn
#4 buck is my choice, more than adequate, but still doesn't travel too far so I don't accidentally delete a cow when they get me up at 3am hungover.
>I was under the impression that juries are summoned for a few exceptional cases and are not the norm
american education lmfao
Go on ebay and look at solar-powered Anran brand security cameras. They can save footage to an SD card or link to wifi and save everything online for about $50 a year, which would work with multiple cameras on different home wifi's but registered to the same account. Otherwise just be vigilant and stay up late sharpening a knife, poke a nigga if he moves wash
95% of criminal convictions are obtained through plea bargain, no jury required.
trial by a jury of your peers is specifically called out in the bill of rights. it's the 6th fucking amendment.
Not american, thought it was done only for high profile cases
but it's not required to invoke it, jury duty is actually fairly uncommon. Settling out of court or with a plea deal is more common. It's your right to be able to demand a trial by jury, it's not your right that any time a charge is brought against you you HAVE to have a jury make the decision.
nobody "invokes" a jury trial. you get it by default unless you waive it. but why the fuck would anyone do that since you want a jury trial in cases like this? the jury will always side with the homeowner. you just say your wife/children feared for their lives and the hobo lunged at you so you lit him up. every reasonable human is going to be totally cool with that. only a retard would enter a plea deal or wave a jury trial to have the judge rule on it when it's a slam dunk case like that.
All of this is true but irrelevant. The hobo isn’t getting a trial because he’s not getting arrested. Even if arrested, the DAs won’t take these cases to trial because the government wants them to focus on the highly profitable DUIs and “domestic crimes.”
>The hobo isn’t getting a trial because he’s not getting arrested.
the fuck are you smoking? nobody is talking about the hobo. the hobo was shot and is now dead. we're talking about the person living in the house that shot the hobo.
Not going to help you. Enjou what you voted for :)
Razor wire, a ton of it. I could also live with you and be the neighborhood watch, just give me housing.
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i think the answer is clear, some really nasty razor wire
better yet, it could be placed at the base of the fence instead of the top, so when the burglar goes to jump the fence they wont notice that they're about to fall into barbed wire
plus, even if they jump past the wire, they won't have a way out, giving you time to subdue them and contact law enforcement
>razor wire
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>security cameras
Hobos don't care if you get a picture of them. So, what are you going to do with that picture? Call the police?
No it's not. Razor wire is entirely legal on top of fences.
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>Buy a bunch of bear traps
>hide them in leaves,
>most backyards have overgrown pathways "spacing" between fencing.
>don't tell anyone its yours.
>if house meeting gets called up about the traps, act totally enraged.
>Don't forget to mention the children and animals.
>But also do not feel guilty if children and animals actually get hurt or "worse"
>The children might grow up to be thieves, this might have stopped that path from being taken in the future.
>your just working ahead of schedule.
>profitable “crimes”
Wait, these are only profitable for the governmen…oh, never mind.
fried chicken as bait*
alternatively you could post up a bunch of job applications everywhere. the niggercabra is terrified of a job application.
>You could set up a VLAN that all the houses can connect to and share cameras / notifications.
Yes do this.
I gladly sit at my cumputer and look at the hot girls two houses down when they sunbath (naked).
Get good fences on all possible entrances, and consider planting some nasty thorny bushes on the north and south ends. Have multiple people make sure all the gates are locked before dark. This will ensure that if someone is sick or working late or whatever it'll still get done.
this is completely unhinged, is your fence made of drywall and sticks?
a human cannot break through a proper fence without a powertool

have the houses pool up some money to install an actual fence and then plant some thick thorned bushes on the outside - problem solved
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>burglars entering our backyards

They're hopping fences or are there no fences?

What if everybody in the neighborhood got one or more of those automatic anti-critter sprinklers? (ninja possum almost avoids detection)

Great idea, might give it a try, but one of the neighbors found a bum taking a sponge bath with his hose, so now we all unscrew and secure our hoses at night.
oh no who could have seen this coming?! the cost of living skyrockets 1000% due to the high paid tech employees but and the residents are priced out of their homes due to rising costs, the property owners block all attempts to build new homes in order to profit off the skyrocketing property values and the ex-residents turned homeless turn to crime and no longer respect the city or the city's new residents

woe is me. if only there was a way to satiate the poors. oh well ! time to diy a gun turret in my backyard to protect myself.
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forgot pic!
>due to the high paid tech employees
False. Tech employees have very low fertility. Exploding migrant populations are what is causing the housing shortage. Without migrants, SF would have a stable population.
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>False. Tech employees have very low fertility. Exploding migrant populations are what is causing the housing shortage. Without migrants, SF would have a stable population.
First, you have to burn down the Reichstag
The homeless are not working at tech startups.

They are insane amd on drugs
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yes the homeless used to rent cheap apartments and work as cashiers and stuff. The tech guys show up at the airport with their degrees and jobs at tech jobs, the rent jumps from $600 to $1800 for a bedroom, the old residents are on the streets and the tech job bachelor's take their housing units.
Meanwhile the neighborhoods that could be 4 story apartment buildings are covered by family housing. The owners of those properties then block all attempts at legalizing new builds in order to jack up the prices of their 100 year old homes.
see pic related. >>2854301 one neighborhood is the biggest tech boom in recently history. one neighborhood over is a suburb which can't tear down and build any new houses or anything bigger.
>working at tech startups
Why not both?
There's nothing stopping a developer from buying a block of homes and building the big apartment building there.
yes there is.
Lunchtime rowdies?
Maybe if you used a couple or 3 radio towers and a badge with some mechanism for the radio towers to pick so if someone doesn't have the badge it'd get picked up.
Absolutely none of this is true.
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bro this has been one of the biggest stories in america for decades. anyone who isn't aware of what happened to the bay area is living under a rock.

the tech sector boomed, the bay area started paying big dollars, the educated tech employees moved there to follow where capital was being invested, the cheap low wage residents in the city got priced out of their apartments and rent spiked. The homes that have been there since the early 1900s aren't being replaced with lowrise apartments. The prices of the properties are climbing higher and higher into the millions, but nobody is buying and developing higher density housing because it's zoned as single-family housing and the proposed legislation to change that is being blocked by NIMBYs who want their property values to climb higher and higher so they can charge more for rent.
before the tech boom you could hang out in the bay area working part time jobs and paying okay rent. After the tech boom, the total wealth of the area is very high, but the people who want to live here can't because of >>2854301 and >>2854342
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>the bay area started paying big dollars
Why is that bad? Seems a lot better than an area that started paying small dollars.
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dude I'm not really sure how to explain basic economics to you.
>tech sector does well
>people fly to bay area to get those jobs that pay well
>they price out the former residents who no longer can afford housing and become homeless
>attempts to build new housing are blocked (NIMBYs, etc.)
>NIMBYs, etc.
That's your best response? Every property owner has a price at which they will sell. If a developer wants to redevelop properties in SF, then they can start making offers. Properties can be re-zoned, it does not take legislation. It is difficult to do re-zonings and get building permits in SF, but that's the fault of the voters. Don't you believe in democracy?
NIMBYs ideologically oppose housing development (especially for affordable housing), high-speed rail lines, homeless shelters, day cares, schools, universities and colleges, bike lanes and transportation planning that promotes pedestrian safety infrastructure, solar farms, wind farms, and nuclear waste repositories.
They organize politically to block attempts to build these things, and they do it for the purpose of limiting supply so that as demand for essential needs rises they can profit by extorting the people who are most vulnerable and need it.
>They organize politically
That's called the democratic process. Don't you have faith in our democracy?
There's nothing democratic about the SF administration allowing homosexual bums (former hair stylists who can no longer afford housing because tech bros) to rampage through our backyards.
High paid tech workers in the bay area long predates SF becoming a shit hole. The cause is their lax approach to crime and funding homelessness, not whatever bitter resentment you have towards "techbros" making more money than you.
>Are there systems available for block-wide surveillance and alarms?
It's called establishing watch and shooting intruders.
as neat as this would be in theory, the logistics would be fucking impossible
>wants some sort of alarm
>isn't alerted by sound of fence-boards being kicked in
Gay hair stylists make $1,000+/day plus every tip.
>Don't you believe in democracy?
I mean it's better than most of the alternatives, but sometimes you really need a Sim City mayor to just bulldoze a suburb.
If you don’t live near an airport, use tethered balloon mounted camera platforms with gyro stabilized cameras. Promode: LiDAR model the neighborhood continuously so that when someone goes outside they tweet or message the server they are going outside with the trash. When a person’s defined perimeter has a change to the scanned model and doesn’t notify them they are letting the dachshund outside to pee then send in the lokal volkskommandos to check in on the citizen.

When you obtain a valid hit on burglar activity, set the scene with a newly 3D printed zip gun, duct tape, thick zip ties, a mask, a stabby stabby triangular wound knife, sample sized baggies of heroin laced Fentanyl, and unpaid parking tickets to send the perp to jail forever once they recover from the Absolutely necessary beating from the Neighbohrspatrolkommandos.

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higher fences at these two parts
to add to this, add motion sensor flood flights at both ends.
Does SF have a Central Park? Wow
>a Central Park?
More like a central campground for migrants, transients, homeless, and fugitives wanted in other jurisdictions. Also it's a great place to experience anonymous outdoor gay sex without fear of arrest.
It doesn't matter if the police don't care it doesn't matter how many surveillance there is.
You need to accept that the police are on the side of the burglars.
This 100%. Just plant lots of blackberries and other sharp species. Most people dislike being slashed or perforated. Add some tall fences and ta-da, you're no longer the low-hanging fruit.
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Prickly pear will fuck people up.
One single time getting pricked by one of thoes fucks and they are never coming back.

Motion sensor flood lights will help.
It is just a mind game, but deterrence is always a mind game.
Tall hard to climb fences.
Avoid having large bushes unless they have thorns.
While razor wire and other anti-personal fence are going to get you into trouble, you can probably get away with bird spikes
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Do you and your neighbors a favor and seed your properties with stinging milk thistle. It's native to the area and seed balls can be collected in early summer. It will make your yards uninhabitable all summer, then it dies and you can mow it down and enjoy your yards each winter.
It’s pretty nice on occasion.
This seems like the obvious answer.
If your fences are being kicked in, build a stronger fence, if your fences are being climbed, built a taller fence with a pointy top.
Surveillance is a terrible option, even if it results in arrest there are always more criminals and the damage isn't undone, prevention>restitution.
What color skin do the burglars have?
bear traps.
bump b4 i post my thread
All ring cameras footage gets sent automatically to the police, don’t do this it isn’t safe or private at all
>milk thistle
It's edible, and so will just aggravate the homeless issues.
Motion sensors hooked up to bright,maybe flashing, lights. I wouldnt want to be illuminated like that. If thats legal ofc. Dunno if waking up your neighbors like that is ok.
That's terrible! Sorry to hear.
Make or buy a gun and a few rounds. The criminals will stop after the first few bodies are left on the street to rot
Oh this thread again. Total SF bait post. Seen it many times over the years.
I need something that will let me know when a human is moving around my backyard. I was thinking of a driveway alarm mounted at chest height so as not to detect animals.
>at chest height so as not to detect animals

doesnt work that way
that funny-looking lens is specifically designed to detect very wide angles in 2 dimensions
to do what you want, you'd need a microwave detector, or a camera with AI
>the old residents are on the streets
the people on the streets aren't the old residents, they are junkies and mentally ill people who migrated there to shoot fent and beg for nickels from tourists.
>beg for nickels from tourists.
You give a nickel to a street person in SF and you've bought yourself an stabbing.
Ever heard of this thing called a fence?

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