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File: 20240918_133541.jpg (2.31 MB, 4032x1960)
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got this Wilcox I arm, the screw in the inclination adjuster has broken, half inside half out, it's a strange type of screw that has a rod passing through it to keep it in place, the screw has snapped but idk how to put a new one in, the rod doesn't appear to be removable.
I could drill it clean, thread it and put a new screw inside, or not thread it and put a stop nut after the hole.
or I could try to glue it but idk if it'll work
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that little fuckin pin? you are probably supposed to punch it inwards. youre probably going to have to drill it out
yes, it came out by itself in the end, I just punched out the broken screw, I've now taken measurements of the screw, just need to get a new one and drill a hole through it, make it slightly smaller than the pin so that after I punch it in it stays put

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