I have an ingrown hair that turned into a cyst on my neck. How can I remove this at home without getting a lethal infection and also remove it so it won't come back?
>>2853641put a bullet through it
>>2853641It's unlikely you will manage to do this on your own, but>cryoanalgesis>open it with scalpel, push out pus, fish out any hair bits with a grasper>inject some iodine solution if you're not allergic to iodine>insert a drain (3-4cm long 3-4mm wide strip of ie. rubber glove with one end hanging out)>cover it>repeat steps 2-5 after 1-2 days>take a course of oral ATB, like cephalosporins or penicillinThere isn't really much you can do to make sure it doesn't come back, maybe try changing hygienic habits.
>>2853660What? Cysts don’t go away by draining them.>>2853641Cysts are normally cut away when they are in their non-infected state. When infected they are big soft and yellow but when not they’re just small hard lumps. You should really let a doctor do it, takes them 5 minutes, if you diy it you’ll just turn it into a scar
>>2853670>Cysts don’t go away by draining them.OP's definitely not going to be /diy/ surgically removing the entire cyst with capsule.
>>2853641idk what the fuck a cyst is, im not a doctor, but i did have a huge lump on my chest for a month that was pissing me off that i kept squeezing and puss would come out but it never went away and then one day during a lot of squeezing i noticed something black in there so i dug around with a pair of tweezers and there were 3 or 4 coiled up hairs so i pulled them out and it went away.i didn't really disinfect anything before doing it, ive never really had any issue with bacteria or infection in a wound so i have this idea that my body is immune to that, i just give it a wipe on my sleeve.
>>2853675Then he might as well not touch it to reduce the chance of it infecting again. I had one for years but it eventually stopped infecting, probably changed itself into scar tissue from the times I drained it with a hot sterile needle
>>2853641Just keep squeezing and scratching the shit out of it until the skin scarifies
>>2853683this, expose yourself to germs since childhood and they can't hurt you.
>>2853683This desu. Every cyst, boil, pimple, pustule, blackhead, whitehead, blister, and abscess I have ever had has been pierced and squeezed out. If you allow corruption to fester within the body the mind is next. I also pick scabs and don't use bandaids unless absolutely necessary to avoid pain. The only time I have felt it necessary to seek (((medical intervention))) for an infection was for a very deep dog bite. They say sepsis is a leading cause of death but that's almost entirely due to malpractice by hospital staff.
>>2853641Heat up a small glass bottle, usually by dumping some hot water into it for a whileCover over boil with neck of bottleWait until bottle cools down, creating partial vacuum.Pop goes the boil
>>2854131>If you allow corruption to fester within the body the mind is next>They say sepsis is a leading cause of death but that's almost entirely due to malpractice by hospital staffNigga had a lot of abscesses
>>28536705 minutes, $5000
Get married
Op see a doctor. My friends husband ignore a cyst in his neck and the infection spread to his blood or spine or something. 6 weeks in the hospital months to recover. Almost died. Or don’t. Maybe you’ll be fine. Post a photo so we can see what we are dealing with. I’ve cut open a bunch of boils and cysts on my body. I’ve got some kind of medical condition but didn’t know that for years. Now I take antibiotics but I used to just try and dig them out.
>>2853641Go to the drug store and buy some ambesol oral tooth ache gel. Apply it and let it sit for a few minutes. It'll numb the pain a little. I use it to cut those damn skin tags I get
>>2853670>if you diy it you’ll just turn it into a scarWhy are first worlders afraid of scars? Is that why in the movies it is considered macho to talk about your widdle scars?
>>2854744they make the body uglier. this is undesirable to those able to percieve beauty in anything other than female buttock fat
>>2854786Why do i see so many people with tattoos then
>>2854391Or ask a hooker, huh?
>>2854421a lot of dark skin tags = beetus
>>2853641Grab a pair of latex gloves, a needle, the metal piece to open your phone's sim card slot, some alcohol and cotton. Put the gloves on and spread a bit of alcohol around the cyst, use the needle to stab the cyst as deep as you can (it will hurt), apply preassure with one hand while you scrub out the puss and all the shit inside with the sim card thing, use cotton and alcohol to wipe out until you get rid of everything.
>>2854131I poke and squeeze and pierce every thing that shows up in my skin but one time it showed up on my back and when i finally noticed, and contorted myself enough to squeeze it, the pus stank of vinegar.I had to get it removed properly with scalpel and stitches, actual cysts have capsules that can't be squeezed out.
>>2855013>actual cysts have capsules that can't be squeezed out.All you have to do is mangle it enough and it's not coming back. I got rid of a chalazion on my eylelid just by mushing it up with a needle. It survived the first session but was half the size and a week or two later I did it again and finished it off.
>>2854421Skin-tags are a pre-diabetic condition.>>2854250based
>>2855018Jesus you put a needle, right on the edge of your eyelid, right next to your eyeball?
>>2855411Yup. Saved myself a month waiting to see the ophthalmologist with my eye all scratchy and irritated. I was tempted to make an incision but I don't know what the eyelid can handle without splitting open so I went with the needle.
>>2855445Good point. I was sort of toying with an idea like that. Hot compresses are doing jack-shit.
>>2854820Wives pop pimples for fun. Hookers you have to pay and they dont take insurance
take it to the vet
>>2855833OP here, I haven't popped this one yet but I've been putting oregano oil and garlic on it every night and it's reduced the size a lot. I don't think it will go away but at least it's not really noticeable now so I can wait to go to the doctor until I have more money.
>>2855850>Hookers you have to pay and they dont take insuranceStill cheaper. Besides all mammals enjoy grooming, possibly even hookers.
>>2855924Order a biopsy punch tool, if you keep it to 2mm or less then it won't even scar.
>>2853670>do everything >>2853660 said>heat up a soldering torch to maximum>take a good swig of whisky>jam that torch’s tip down into your open cyst>burn away the root of it and cauterize the wound on the way out. Really probe around in there. >congrats your cyst is goneThere you go Anon.
>>2854744This comment reminds me of all the native Canadian firefighters I used to work with. They were all covered in scars, even on their faces. Most from fighting, many from knife fighting. All of them home sewn DIY jobs with fishing line or whatever thin enough cordage was laying around. Rough, pirate style scars. I had to admit it made them look pretty badass.
>>2854131I'm with you. Other then the time i had a pineal cyst. Basically, they grow on your tailbone, or around it. Festers for years, don't feel it, one day your ass starts to hurt. Had to sit in a bathtub of warm water to soften it up, stood up, 3 years worth of puss, hair, bacteria all came rushing out. "mom! something is happening!" my mother saw my 15 year old ass and penis, it wasn't a great time. 20 stitches from basically my ass hole up to my tail bone plus 4 inches. Couldn't sit down for three weeks. its hereditary, and they never stop coming back. I am actually due for another one.
>>2858389First, a pineal cyst would be in your head, not on your ass. Second, are you being a smart ass bumping old shit for no reason with bullshit info? Fuck off.
>>2858412He probably meant perianal. I think my mom had something like that once. Might have been an ulcer though. I don't remember and I'm not about to ask.
>>2853641This is like DIY dentistry. There are some things best left to professionals.
>>2859046OP here, I made it reduce in size by probably 66% by rubbing fresh garlic and oregano oil on it every night
>>2859046Not op but have these things all the time.Cut with scalpel clean with oxygenated water.
>>2853641Cut it open and find the hair and straighten it (if you remove the hair, you risk it regrowing incorrectly).>lethal infectionlol k. Just rub some antiseptic on it.
>>2859333>scalpel clean with oxygenated waterCan soda do in a pinch?
>>2859355NoNot the same thing at all .It will likely bubble when it hits the surface and push out whatever is inside
>>2859101Reduction is not elimination. >>2859333And you wonder why you keep getting cysts?
Ouch, sounds painful. See doctor.
>>2853641I had a cyst thingy on my neck back right side. they had to cut it out. there wasn't a way do it myself. i think it was a sweat gland or hair that got messed up but either way still minor surgery to cut it out properly.
>>2853641Is this your first day on earth? Go to a doctor idiot
>>2853641If it is where you can reach it it is a gift. You can enjoy milking the pus out of it for the rest of your life.
>>2858389My brother had one in the navy. They cur it out and he had to pack gauze I. The hole. I never got one
>>2853683I had a similar experience with a bump on the side of my nose for almost a year. It was pale, about the size of a dime but not very high. One day I decided to poke it with a needle and must have squeezed out a gallon of pus. Finally blood started to come out so I stopped then. A week later like it was never even there. Of course I'd be much more nervous about such an approach with something on my neck especially near the spinal cord. If you have insurance and you want to save money you have to go to the useless PCP who will know fuckall but will hopefully write a referral to a specialist so your insurance doesn't charge you an obscene amount.
>>2856393>casual knife fights Doubt
>>2854131>If you allow corruption to fester within the body the mind is next.Kek
double it and give it to the next
I get cysts on my inner thighs all the fucking time. Few on my back too and really bad backne when I drink more than like one or two sodas in a weekend. I went into my PCP for normal visit and said hey doc I've been dealing with this stupid cyst on my leg for like a year is there anything we can do? I assumed she was going to give me a compress or rec some medication. Nope >Alright anon drop your pants and lay down on the table here. >We're gonna get this thing real quick. You eaten today already?Uhh yeah?>Alright I'm just gonna jab your leg with a local numbing your leg might feel a bit weird for a few hours. You good with that?Sure yeah okay I assumed you'd have to refer out or something but okay. >She goes at it and I feel her poking around inside my leg. No pain but bizarre feeling. Takes about 10 mins>Gotta make sure I got it all...Sit up when she's done, lymph and pus and blood and the cyst sac everywhere>I'm just gonna put some gauze over it you can take it off before bed just leave it on for a few hours. >Seals it up sends me home>Itches for a day or so but heals up fine.>Haven't gotten a cyst back in that exact specific spot since. Had others but none as bothersome and they usually fade away.Gonna miss her when she retires. If I went in for every cyst I get I'd be in there every week. I've improved my diet and they aren't as bad as they used to be, but I still get them pretty often. I think being fat and squeezing into pants that used to fit well also contributed to the case above. I've lost weight back off since then too so probably also a factor.
>>2859046What do you think we did before paper work professionals exist? Just roll over and die when we caught a minor wound?Nope, the ones who couldnt survive or figure it out dont count, they were a minority of horror stories that only get talked about to specifically to stop people from getting out of funding doctors wages
>>2864728> Just roll over and die when we caught a minor woundAtilla the hun died from a nosebleed. Millions died from non sterile make shift surgery. But even then: the most crude diy surgery could increase of survival in the old days, and still can, but that doesn’t mean it’s worth taking the risk when modern medicine exists. They used to a lot of surgery on shit that was a death sentence anyway before antibiotics. And yes in times where not being able to walk means you die, tying a stick to a broken leg is ‘life saving surgery’. Doesn’t mean you should
>>2864728>What do you think we did before paper work professionals exist? Just roll over and die when we caught a minor wound?Yeah actually. Not all the time but more than you'd think and certainly more than now because we have ways to react to the bad infections better than we used to. A percentage of those people would have readily died.
>>2864742>>2864743t. Incapable of surviving on the homestead with no wahmbulance/personal vehicle to drive to the hospital to get stitches for an ouchie
>>2864745Speak for yourself. I'm not saying that I'm not willing to take risks but to deny that the risks are there is ignorant. Life is one big EULA. Accept the terms and conditions, use the service, decide whether you're going to decide to actually abide by them, then see how long you can go before you get banned for violation of ToS. You'll probably be fine.
>>2864751>deny the risksNever said anything like that, only pointed out how people didnt magically lose their ability to care for themselves and make do or die just because some faggot went to a stone building for x hours a day for x years to learn to do that plus some
>>2864728Grew up rural, the family doctor was also a family friend, as in he'd come out and shoot shotguns with us every weekend and work in the shop building shit other times as well. He was mainly a surgeon, and had a family practice because it was so rural and surgery wasn't enough to pay the bills. He would straight up tell you that a lot of surgery is blacksmith level, sometimes you just have to get in there and do your best and hope. He would also proceed to tell you that blacksmithing is a very skilled trade, and if you try it with the attitude of "hit hot metal on anvil" and that's all you know, you're fixing to fuck something up. That's the difference between a professional and you, all the way back into antiquity. The professional knows his limitations and doesn't run his idiot mouth about shit he knows nothing about.
>>2864764>The professional knows his limitations and doesn't run his idiot mouth about shit he knows nothing about.Oh how right you are about that
>>2864764>The professional knows his limitationsThe retard doesn't even perceive limitations yet tries to impose them on concepts beyond his ability to comprehend. What is the risk to reward analysis of popping a cyst? The reward is obviously avoiding the expensive and time consuming process of seeking professional medical treatment. But what is the risk? Immediate death? Mortal danger? Permacyst? Come on stay with me I know you can get through this. Let's pretend we have a cyst on our leg and decide to lance it with a pocketknife. We take a bottle of rubbing alcohol that one hopes most people have in their house somewhere and disinfect the target site and the instrument. We carefully insert the blade using two hands making sure not to go any deeper than necessary for effect. Putting the knife aside we squeeze out any relevant oozings, clean and disinfect once more, slap an adhesive bandage on and go about our business. There may be stylistic differences here and there but this is basically how any random person would deal with this, out of people who already decided to diy their cyst at least.Now if this supposedly forbidden procedure reaped the seed of heresy and had the negative outcome that you would smugly expect, what actually happens? This is where we can argue back and forth but basically worst case scenario is the incision site becomes infected and after procrastinating as it worsens you reluctantly go to the doctor and are given antibiotics and tetanus. They won't even lecture you about it because they know to avoid activating stubbornness streaks. That's it. This is the hellish torment that you are threatening anons with when you admonish them to "leave it to the professionals heh heh yessir *drools*" - not much different than what we were trying to avoid, is it? Probably got seen quicker than we would have, and insurance won't mind paying for an infected wound. Some might consider this outcome a win-win.
>>2864728>Atilla the hun died from a nosebleed.And his enemies the Romans DID have professional medical practitioners.
>>2864807Nice irrelevant minority jackass
>>2864795Dude not that guy but no ones reading all that
>>2864807Atilla was poisoned
>>2864807>>2864875I heard it was a chicken bone. Some ancient propaganda going on.
>>2855850>Wives pop pimples for fun.First I’ve heard of this. Women are repulsed by stuff like that
>>2865004My gf loves to get at my oil plugs on my arms and back. She is obsessed with it. Women have an overwhelming urge to pick and poke at shit and clean/fix stuff especially when it's someone they're attracted to. You let them go nuts with it and they will literally do it for hours until you're sore all over.
>>2865011Truth.Mine has a thing about plucking my ear hair and when I get sunburned...oh boy. She’ll peel that shit for days.Ironically I currently have a nice juicy ingrown hair cyst on the shaft of my cock but she won't go near it.Fucking women, amirite?
I went to emergency for one I had gotten sick of after 5+ years, since despite socialized medicine (lul) a dermatology visit isn't free unless shit's obviously infected. Just remember never to dry shave in an emergency like I did.Go to an ER first-thing on a day off and rawdog the wait. Eventually get in and ring off some prepared hypochondriac nonsense you think they'll accept and conclude you waited long enough for a minor cosmetic fix-up. They'll cut it open, clean it out, give you some salve or something. You'll get a scar but what is that (or the wait) compared to the gross bump?