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I didn't post about this here earlier, cuz it didn't make sense to shill my sticker business on a board where everyone could just make the things themselves. But I still thought I should tell you guys about what's happened since the last thread here, since this is where my whole project started.

TL;DR I've started a business selling basedjak stickers on Etsy, and have even purchased ads 4chan (pic related). I doubt any of you fellas will wanna buy any, so I won't link it here. But I imagine you'll still enjoy the most recent pics.
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First order of business: I passed by the place where I put up the basedjaks shown in the ad, and noticed someone had tried to take 'em down again. Always hilarious to see them fail.
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There's also been other posters to attack around town. I haven't started selling these regular malding basedjaks yet, since I haven't produced enough. But they'll go up on the shop sometime soon as well.
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I also still need to make a vertical ad for the desktop banner version. And I'm wondering whether I should use those first gorilla-glued ones that the commies failed to take down, since they're kinda what made this whole project go viral.
My only concern is that it might be seen as false advertising. The adhesives on the ones I'm selling aren't THIS strong. Both because I don't know how to mass-produce that kind of thing yet, and also cuz I might get in trouble with the law if I even did. But I'll think about it later.
Any opinions here on that front would be welcome, if you guys have any.
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Oh! And I forgot to mention here!
Remember in the last thread where someone came up with the idea of replacing the ones that got torn down with ones that had slightly bigger mouths?
Here's a screenshot on it, in case you guys don't.
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Well I forgot to post about it here earlier (and I hope the guy who suggested it is still around to see), but I managed to put up a few of those as well.
They're not for sale on my store yet, since I can't imagine enough people will even know what they are. But I'm open to the possibility of listing them.
Well the energy you’ve spent doing this is absolutely cringe and a waste of the most precious resource we have, which is time. You’re adding to the division (I know it’s always the other sides fault) and are just entrenching people further into their beliefs. I know you’ve been told this before as I remember past threads and I imagine you’re actually emboldened by criticism so I’m probably doing the very thing I accuse you of.

Making it a business though is pretty based so go with god.
>I imagine you’re actually emboldened by criticism so I’m probably doing the very thing I accuse you of
Buddy you know it lol
I'm tired of being the bigger person. Tip-toeing around the feelings of these godawful fucking people. You cannot imagine how liberating this has been.
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And I also live in an extremely pozzed area. Here's what the city hall looks like here in Cambridge MA.
So it's been really satisfying to push back against the system like this. Pissing off Harvard students and their whiny commie professers.
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There was also a brief time last december where some commies put up deliberate anti-democracy posters.
Most of them were torn down before I could add my own touch, but still. I managed to get a few in.
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But anyhow, I've figured out how to get by.
You can tell that certain people have even approved of my work through some of their own graffiti. Must say that I'm pretty flattered by the tribute.
> I'm tired of being the bigger person.
Well they feel the same way however misguided they may be. People are tense l, scared, angry, and looking to exert control over a world that is obviously screwed up. Problem is we disagree on what the problems are and how to fix them.

It took me forever to understand that we are essentially a product of our experiences and brain chemistry. I’m not trying to get into the weeds about free will but ask yourself, if you are in area where you believe you’re surrounded by people with a hive mind, would you not have that same mind had you been born into any one of those individual lives?
>Tip-toeing around the feelings of these godawful fucking people.
It’s not about tip toeing around anyone’s feelings though. It’s more about acknowledging what’s happening and why people are doing what they are doing and questioning what your actions are accomplishing. Are these actions working towards a future you’d like to see? Unlikely. However you do have a right to speak your opinion and the area you’re doing this in isn’t going to allow that. You probably run the risk of being physically assaulted by degenerates for just speaking your mind. It’s not that I don’t understand your frustration. I do however see all this as a phase that the world is going through. It’s a cycle and it’s all happened before.
>You cannot imagine how liberating this has been.
No, I can. Although I think the time you’ve used was ill spent on one hand, I also think you’re expressing yourself as someone who’s views are being suppressed and I respect the ingenuity you’ve demonstrated and he hustle you’ve created. You’ve created a solid product through hard work that people will enjoy. Nothing wrong with that.
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Interestingly enough: I also got banned from the sharty just a few moments ago, merely for talking about my business. I'm surprsied it happened: there's MUCH worse on that site, and it's not like I posted a link or anything.
I'd buy an ad if there was an option, but it doesn't seem like they have one. Ah well. Strange how the thread itself is still up.
If I see your ad I'll buy a few, there are some spots around my city I think they'd be pretty funny on.
Gummy, the bigger mouthed cobby's should be on the 'ru
That sucks man this project of yours is gemmy
OP don't bother listening to this cringe boomer shit, you are doing gods work by poking fun at these freaks and making them impotently seethe that there is someone out there who isn't cowed by their bullshit.
They hate it when you mock them since they take themselves so seriously and are so humourless that they cannot even comprehend what a parody they have become
Meme on lad
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I could also just paste the link here. Or would that run afoul of our rules?
The shop is called the "BasedStickerEmporium" on Etsy. You can probably find it by just doing a search for that.
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Hmm. Well perhaps you aren't just another butthurt commie. In which case I'll give you a more concrete answer.
> adding to the division.
Perhaps I am. But you can't pretend the other side isn't doing that either. The left spits out one divisive ideology after another -- CRT, DEI etc. -- and then blames everyone ELSE when people react negatively. Nevermind that each of these effots has the literal exact opposite effect of what they're supposed to do. One might almost imagine "hate" and "division" are the point.
> It’s not about tip toeing around anyone’s feelings though
I used to be very much on the left, so it was for me. It's only recently that I've become disillusioned enough to quit.
> questioning what your actions are accomplishing. Are these actions working towards a future you’d like to see? Unlikely
Actually, in a sense they are. The thing about these leftwing ideologies is that they're desigend to make you feel alone. They want you babling statistics to friends and family, only to alienate them with every carefully thought-out word.
The point of these stickers isn't just revenge against people I've had to put up with for so long (although that's part of it). It's also to tell other people out there that they're not alone. That there are others who see how stupid this bullshit is too. That's part of why I started this business as well. My first thread led to copycats in other parts of the country, so I want to invite others to join me. We can beat this. We can fight back. You don't have to be alone.
Also, the fact that I'm fighting communism with literal capitalism is inherently funny. As is the idea of selling this sort of thing on Etsy. So there's that too.
If you still don't approve of my methods, then I understand. But I believe what I'm doing is good and right.

Eh, might as well give him a straightforward answer, in the extremely unlikely event that he's legit. You never know.
It'll probably get the thread deleted. I'm here enough I'll see it.
Fuck. That's not the name.
But ah well. You know the auto-correct rules here. The real name's in the GIF up above. Best of luck finding it.
Haha not a bad idea. Here's a link to the original SVG file I used to create it, if you wanna upload it there yourself.

But yeah, that ban does suck. But ah well. You can let the guys there know what's happened, if you want. It's not like I can access this thread anymore myself: /onions/thread/8653537.html
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Hmm. Well in that case, I'd rather not end this thread. Not without permission from a janny or something, anyway.
You can probably find it on etsy yourself, if you want. And even if you don't, I'll be putting that advertisement up again pretty soon.
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This particular one is actually still up. I keep taking pictures of it every time I'm in the area.
Here's the most recent one I took, btw. I should probably make a time-lapse video out of it at some point.
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I almost think it's beautiful how some of these things decay over time. You can almost hear "It's Just A Burning Memory" playing as you scroll through them.
>every single bench is LGBTQ+
so they are just marking their territory? every bench, every crosswalk.
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Pretty much. There are more trans flags in this fucking place than American ones. Pic related was the view taken just a little to the right.
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I have tons of pictures of how ridiculous this city looks as well, if you guys want to see them. But I'll stick to sticker shots for now, just to stay on topic.
Here's one with the first cobsons I put up in the center, just for thread relevance. I bet you anything that the guy in the wool trans poncho would've been wearing MUCH less if it had been warmer.
Put a gigantic sticker on Trayvon's face.
(Don't do this they'll probably make it a hate crime.)
Fuckin Opie…
Kekerald thread
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Would love to see a sticker of pic related being suspended from the nigfist bottom right
where is this and why is it so gay?
TSMT would be gemmy
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Yeah, don't worry I won't. Plus, it's a lot more important to me to be transphobic than racist. I don't really have anything against black people (even though I'm sure most of these CRT types would hate that "Ken Burns' Buck Breaking" thing I did (not sure I posted about that here).

But yeah. It's why I also wore a "I STAND WITH J.K. ROWLING" t-shirt to the Harry Potter "exhibition" they were having here. It went over a lot better than I expected. One girl there even complimented me on the thing.
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Cambridge, Massachusetts. A.K.A. the part of Boston that Harvard University is in. The place seen here is right off of Harvard Square.
You would not believe how insane shit's been since the Hamas attack in particular. I could post some footage here, but it'd take me a while to convert it to WEBMs.
Here's some insanity from the other side of the aisle. Right after a bunch of braindead students signed a statement claiming Hamas dindu nuthin wrong, some deep-pocketed Jews overreacted and purchased a fucking truck to drive around the area with the names and faces of any students who'd been associated with the organizations, in an attempt to ruin their lives.

I took some other footage, but don't wanna post anything that might lead them to uncover my identity.
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Here's another shot I took of some books they were displaying in the windows of the local bookstore.
Note that "Elle Cample Wins Their Weekend" thing towards the bottom lefthand corner.
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Anyway, I apologize for getting off-topic. Back to the subject at hand.
Some more beautiful deterioration on another dumpster-commie basedjak.
>The point of these stickers isn't just revenge against people I've had to put up with for so long (although that's part of it). It's also to tell other people out there that they're not alone. That there are others who see how stupid this bullshit is too.
Fair point that I hadn’t thought of. I’m a Taoist in a way and I try to see things as a balance of a whole. You are attempting to put a balance to an area that is extremely unbalanced. That’s a beautiful thing.

>That's part of why I started this business as well. My first thread led to copycats in other parts of the country, so I want to invite others to join me.
Another fair point. As I said I think you’re filling a role that people who just want to express themselves and aren’t allowed to, need.

>We can beat this. We can fight back.
Again I acknowledge the balance here.

>You don't have to be alone.
If you still don't approve of my methods, then I understand. But I believe what I'm doing is good and right.

You have a good head on your shoulders. I certainly respect your efforts. I guess I can’t disagree with it as a whole. I respect the root of why the people you are fighting against do what they do, and hopefully in time you’ll come to see more of that because you yourself said you used to have these same views. In the end you’re hating something you used to be.

Having said all that, I have a very different view of your work than I did previously and I appreciate you answering me earnestly. I’ve learned a little more from this exchange and have widened my view. In the end, I think that’s the way forward if we can all do that.

I’m guessing you’re considerably younger than I am and I’m a little jealous of your exuberance and options that youth affords you. Like I said, I hope you come to see these people more as frightened and wanting what everyone wants, but I also think you’ll look back on this time in your life with satisfaction and humor (it is funny shit I can’t lie).

>in the very unlikely event he’s legit
That’s fucked that we’ve gotten here. No trust in anything. I don’t blame you though. Trust is hard to come by these days and I’m no different in that area.
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Thank you anon. I'm glad I was able to broaden your perspective.
I used to worry about stirring the pot as well. But my life has progressed (or degressed) to the point where I just don't care anymore. Things have already been far worse than I ever could have imagined for a very long time now. And I'm tired of playing along.
I'm actually not that young though lol. But I might as well take the options that have been given to me. That's the best we can ever do, after all.
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Lucky me I don't have any need for these yet but I'm glad you're still doing this.
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Thank you, anon. It's a lonely road, but it feels like a worthwhile crusade.
Dude just fucking leave. if you can't stand it now, it is only going to get worse. if you own a property there, you can sell it and move literally anywhere. just move to a red state. many red states are getting pozzed too but things are not as bad. yet.

here is the key in one of replies in your screenshot >>2853867
>letting things you don't like exist
I generally agree with this idea until you no longer can tune them out and you see this shit everywhere you go. Then it would be better for your mental health to move to some place where those things still exist but on a significantly lower scale so you can easily filter them out from your life.
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Revenge is actually surprisingly good for your mental health too. But there are other reasons I can't really leave.
Still, like I said, this feels like a worthy crusade. And someone's gotta do it lol
just be safe anon
commies like this are known to be degenerate and you might wind up getting attacked if one of their comrades seethes at you stickering over their stickers and finds out it was (You)

even if they're a rich celeb

never relax around commie rats
God be with you ‘teen hopefully the sharty Jannies reapeal that ban since that thread was very gemmy.
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>Well the energy you’ve spent doing this is absolutely cringe

more energy in your cringey post
why do you care, so what?
I think it's funny. You should keep doing it. Also replace their QR code with one for a rick roll.
they are against zelensky and nethanyahu, stop seething guys

woah stiggers
I wont bother asking for instructions on editing 'jaks for custom use like this. I dont think ive ever downloaded an SVG in my life, but what did you do to increase the durability of your stickers? are they intended to be more robust than the posters? are they intended to rip off with the poster, or do they have a glue thats alot stronger that can permeate the poster (so when poster gets torn down theyll have a harder time ripping off the cob head, leaving a more permanent mark on their posting territory)
how2maek funny picture stick on political things to make people angrye
Oh shit my first screencap! Glad to see you're taking the idea to the fucking moon OP!
>they are against zelensky and nethanyahu, stop seething guys
Strange that now the commies and I have something in common. OP is still doing noble work.
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You know it, nigger! As of now, >>2853890 is probably the longest-surviving face of mine that's currently up.
I still haven't used most of these things, since my cobsons don't seem to get successfully taken down very often. But maybe I'll put them up on the store or something; who knows.
This is very amusing and I approve.
People's behavior is genetic. Not environmental.

Get out of the city. Get a farm.
shame I'd have to get into harvard to make it on that truck, but a man can dream
ngl most of this seems pretty benign, a good mix of books for various audiences. baseball, pop science, some kids books, music history, women's lit, all the stuff you'd expect. i'd buy the werner herzog memoir. afaict there's only two gay books, and one of them is just "my pronouns are they: the novel."
Are you in my neighborhood in Rogers Park??
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Hmm? No, this is all in Massachusetts.
Well there's also the stupid "Trans Magic" thing (it's hilarious how as much as they hate Rowling, they can't stop copping their style). And then of course there's the "READ WITH PRIDE" thing at the top, so we can assume most of these are gay authors.
(Or not even gay ones: just quote/unquote "queers" who adopt their identity for brownie points).
But what you have to understand is that it all adds up. If this were just a single bookstore in the town, then I wouldn't mind it at all. But it's not just a single bookstore. Look at my city hall, man: >>2853868. It's EVERYWHERE.
It's on every street corner, it's in the library where I do most of my work... I quite literally cannot get away from it. Neither in real life nor online. It's inescapable.
As a side note: that pride flag in the library was even bigger last year. It extended all the way from the ceiling to where those "pride" books in the corner there were located. I couldn't work anywhere in the place without having to face it to some extent. It was impossible to turn my back to it.
I've got more than enough other pictures here, if you don't believe me. But I think you get the idea.
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Also, while I'm sharing other pictures of how crazy this place is: this was an actual ad I saw on the subway.
I didn't edit this. They literally crossed out everything that actually mattered in favor of "equity." You couldn't be more on the nose if you tried.
There are a lot of reasons that isn't really an option for me, but I'm still thinking about it.
Kek. Glad you enjoy my work, anon.
Op is sharing way too much info to not get jumped. Stay safe Cambridge cobposter
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Thanks bro, I'll watch myself.
But honestly, I don't actually care if they find me at this point. Let them come. I welcome their antagonism, and would actually kinda love to see them take me to court.
Can you do something completely fucking degenerate with that QR code?
>It's also to tell other people out there that they're not alone. That there are others who see how stupid this bullshit is too.
Here in Germany, it's easier - draw a big black W, and people understand.
But in a society as pozzed as the US, it makes sense that memes would be the way to go.
>Find most fucked up porn video you can imagine
>Turn link into QR code
>print QR onto stickers
>glue over QRs on posters
For bonus points, host the video yourself on a porn site that pays you per view. Make money of commies.
Is this a library during an event or the flag is there permanently?
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Pride month. Hence the refernece to "last year."
>we can assume most of these are gay authors.
was curious about this, so i looked the top two rows up. from top left to bottom right:

>jason reynolds
couldn't find anything public on his sexuality. reviewers say he writes on "violence, masculinity, and the experiences of communities of color." basically, he's a black guy who writes about being a black guy. seems innocuous.

>sylvie daigneault
a painter. small enough that she doesn't have a wikipedia page. husband. no mention of kids.

>philip bunting
kids author/illustrator who writes about animals. no wikipedia page. seems like a pretty private guy. if he's gay, he doesn't advertise it.

>wolfram eilenberger
wife and kids. also runs germany's "largest philosophy festival." seems cool.

>colson whitehead
this is the first name i recognized. iirc his breakout book was a steampunk re-imagining of the underground railroad. haven't read it, but heard good things. wife and kids.

>bruce handy
apparently a big name in magazines. wife and kids. started writing kids books after he had grandkids.

>alyson derick

>steven levitsky
political science dork. wife and daughter.

>daniel ziblatt
couldn't find any references to his sexuality. another poli sci guy who specializes in EU stuff. typically a pretty straight crowd, but who knows.

>kay redfield janison
psychologist. husband is ex-military. no mention of kids.

>sy montgomery
one of those ladies who shows tarantulas and snakes to elementary schoolers. husband, no mention of kids.

>simon winchester
longtime journalist. wife, no mention of kids.

too lazy to look up the rest. but the count is:
>5 married, no mention of kids
>3 married with kids
>3 indeterminate
>1 lesbian
so, at worst, 4 of 12 gay authors. i think the "read with pride" sign is just leftover from pride month.

i wonder what the sales figures for the pride books look like. i'd imagine bookstores would stop doing these displays if nobody bought.
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OP, I was about to call you a fag from the thread opener, but seeing the reality you live in, I can only extend my sympathy. Keep fighting the good fight and stay strong. I would set some shit on fire if that was all around me, holy shit
>i wonder what the sales figures for the pride books look like. i'd imagine bookstores would stop doing these displays if nobody bought.
The vast, vast majority of indie booksellers are basic liberal white women, and some are leftwing progressives. They'd put up displays even if nobody bought the books, because they support the "cause." They'll host drag queen storytime at their book stores, or have considered doing so.
In North America, most of those nonfiction books on that display sell in the single- or double-digits over the course of a year. However some gay-fiction authors are famous and sell hundreds or even thousands of copies of a book. (This is true even generally, fiction outsells nonfiction by a huge amount.)
Another fact about the book industry: the modern bookseller doesn't give a single fuck about banned or challenged books. The reason why is that they secretly delist certain books, or refuse to order if asked directly, making up an excuse about them being out of stock.
t. insider
Add a jizzing dick to the niggerfist.
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Really? That's actually extremely fascinating. So almost none of those authors were actually gay?
Wow. I took that picture right in the middle of pride month. So if that was actually the case, then I suspect the Harvard Book Store actually has a lot to answer for from the woke literati lol
Really hope the authors shown don't get destroyed for not being actually gay, if they had nothing to do with their placement in that window lmao
Thank you, anon. I was a lifelong liberal before I moved here. This place has pushed me over the edge.
>before I moved here
I hope you *had* to move there. Like for work or something. You ended up in the ground zero of the woke madness.
>the poster
wtf are the syringes supposed to mean? covid vaccine? puberty blockers?
>you cannot eradicate us
who the fuck is threatening to eradicate them?
nobody gives a shit, you can exist all you want, stop polluting my town with this shit.
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Yeah, I kind of had to move here for reasons I'd rather not get into.
I had no idea how bad it'd be here before I arrived, but my only other options were places like NYC and San Francisco, so I didn't exactly have that many good options.

Boston was ironically one of the best places I could have gone, but now it feels like I'm seeing sØjaks everywhere I go. It feels like I'm losing my mind.
Like this mural at a bar near where I am. I know this might is a weird thing to focus on, but... it just feels like the most sØy goddamn thing ever.
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Like just look at the faces of the guys in the center. The blue-haired dude in the middle looks just like an impjak, and Neil Degrasse Tyson is literally doing the "but how does it affect you really?" face.
Feels like this crap is all over the place here. I could post other close-ups of this painting as well if you guys want: every part of it is equally terrible
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And then there were these photographs at a chinese dumpling place I found. I still don't know what they had to do with the dumplings: I think they were left over from the previous business, and kept up in honor of that or something.
It's just natural! It's organic! There's totally .01% of the population that likes this shit!

Too bad they forgot box office numbers have a long history of being public so everyone saw how bad that exclusively gay movie ate shit.
that is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.
The worst I gotta deal with is driving over fag flag paint jobs that cost the city 20k a pop, and the nonstop barrage of DEI bullshit from work. The lengths a multi-billion dollar company will go to make sure the 15 useless bobby hill looking women feel good is unbelievable. This is defense industry too, and I've still seen 4-5 different trannies, had to walk under fag flags, had complete strangers tell me they had dreams of beating up trump, seen dudes in skirts, had some 400lb bull dyke telling me resources should be redistributed. I can't think of any ways of fighting back besides quitting and letting the competency crisis run its course, but that's just a slow decline to south africa levels with no guarantee of people waking up
The op should definitely be a capitalist getting paid to make communists watch shit eating just on the principle of the thing
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Ooof. Your industry sounds horrible. At least I don't have to deal with too much HR crap at work, at least for now.
I feel like people might be waking up now. Slowly at first, sure. But if I of all people could be made to see the light on this, then it's only a matter of time.
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I might as well post closeups of all of them. Here's pt 2/3
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And 3/3
Kek. Thank you anon. That's kinda the idea: to fight communism with capitalism. There's a certain poetry to that, imo.
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Everyone's made up their mind as to what they believe. Some believe capitalism will cease to exist(possibly sooner than later) some believe that will happen 100 years from now or never. Some believe that capitalism will cease to exist and push nazism because they don't want to be grouped in with other races.
I believe the first but that implies i'd have to strive to be very wealthy to make it in the future world order. I have 0 expectations that there'll be a successful revolt or that it would lead to le direct democracy.
its funny and sad at the same time that these pedofaggots post their stickers and things like their some secret resistance movement risking their lives to spread a message. but its all for stuff they dont have the capacity to understand or stuff they would have never thought of had the government not told them to.
> my only other options were nyc and sf.

Wait, you can only do work that gays need?
fuck. this is so depressing. the way i cope is i tell myself that this doesn't affect me in any way since i don't see these people, don't interact with them, and i just need to stop browsing social media. but experiencing this shit at work in real life is fucking hell. the worst part is you can't say anything or you would be immediately fired. sounds like "bro just stay off twitter" is not a universal solution because everything that is posted there does happen in real life and your post is the proof. but man, working from home since 2020 has been a blessing for so many people.
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>drag queen storytime
i went to one of these. the store was packed, way more than for any other literary event i've attended. even the slavoj zizek signing i went to drew less of a crowd. i don't get the appeal. i know some women are fujoshis who fetishize gay men, so that could be part of it. maybe the rest just love virtue signaling that much.

what's your connection to the industry, anon? i'm curious to hear more about you & your thoughts. especially since i'm considering opening a bookstore in my neighborhood.

i hang out with a lot of librarians. anecdotally:
>one asexual girl, literally repulsed by other people's bodies
>one bi girl
>two lesbian girls
>one mtf trans lesbian
>one straight guy
>one guy who's never talked about sex
so i'd imagine there's some pro-lgbt bias in acquisition departments, which impacts library sales. but none of these people buy uberpolitical stuff themselves. they all read scifi/fantasy novels, fanfiction, the occasional contemporary "literary fiction" novel, and the occasional classic book.

that said, two of the lesbian girls have fetishes for women with swords, so they're probably the target demo for all the lesbian knight fantasy novels.

i'm not trying to start an argument. just curious about what's actually true. as with any partisan issue, both sides have an incentive to exaggerate the evils of the other side.
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It's the overtness of drag that makes it less approachable and even less respectable by the middle and lower working classes. The entire display comes off as desperate cry for attention from people who can't stand not being at the centre of attention. The performance piece is not enriching any culture save their own, or is particularly valuable to the larger society as most of the performance arts are seen as the domain of the wealthy. It's not particularly shocking or novel anymore, and it just comes off as forced.

The curve ball comes from gay bar scene. A bar isn't what the wealthy want in their neighbourhood as bars, generally, are a working class establishment. A bar that exclusively caters to a gay clientele already has a limited market and even less accommodating neighbours. Where drag was first allowed to perform there was likely to boost patronage. The sad part is that drag performances have taken over gay bars, and where few gay bars can even divorce themselves from drag performers even if their present clientele find it repulsive.
they're all false.

you're welcome
Drag and trans absolutely is a fetish and cry for attention so you're right. They're getting off on making you uncomfortable.
> so i'd imagine there's some pro-lgbt bias in acquisition departments, which impacts library sales. but none of these people buy uberpolitical stuff themselves.
Hit the nail on the head. They just read smut all day.
Did you know being a librarian requires a masters degree now? Guess what 50%+ of the classes were about? Getting books about trans black gay people to lift up marginalized voices. How to de-escalate homeless people coming in and jerking off to porn on the library computers (ignore them until they go away and DON'T YOU DARE CALL THE COPS). If someone comes in and asks how to build a bomb, kindly escorts them to the bomb building section, and if police come asking about a certain person of interest who may hve visited the bomb building section last week, here's now to not talk to the police.
It's a massive fucking scam propped up by the private managerial class to make them feel good
>Did you know being a librarian requires a masters degree now?

>Guess what 50%+ of the classes were about?
mostly IT stuff. all but one of my friends complained about how tech-centered librarianship is getting. apparently the government is funding a lot of big initiatives to get libraries onto a common cataloging standard, but it's a real shitshow because migrating to the new standard is expensive and requires more technical knowledge than most librarians have. there's also classes about preserving/repairing books, estimating patron demand for a certain genre, that kind of thing. also a big wave of "new media" librarianship, like videogames, movies, and so on.

>Getting books about trans black gay people to lift up marginalized voices. How to de-escalate homeless people coming in and jerking off to porn on the library computers (ignore them until they go away and DON'T YOU DARE CALL THE COPS). If someone comes in and asks how to build a bomb, kindly escorts them to the bomb building section, and if police come asking about a certain person of interest who may hve visited the bomb building section last week, here's now to not talk to the police.
i've heard of these classes, and i have a friend who's lobbying for them, but they aren't popular. by and large academic librarians are mostly interested in tinkering with new ways to organize books. y'know, library stuff. the main left-wing thing that's really taken off is the "library of everything," which is a fancy way of saying "we have cookware and 3d printers you can check out." having used a 3d printer from the library, it's quite nice.

i feel like the most sensational classes get circulated in the media because they're good clickbait. but they're not the norm.
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Long story, and I'd rather not get into it. I've said enough about myself here already lol

Whoa what the fuck? Really?
What are these classes called? What kind of bullshit names do they disguise themeselves with? I wanna look at some curriculums.
My brother is a library. My mother was a librarian. You are 100% full of shit.

Especially about the pigs: never EVER talk to the cops.
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> never EVER talk to the cops
I'm sure you aren't biased at all
> My brother is a library
HAHAHA this is fucking perfect. God speed anon

10/10 idea boys
it is mega gay, but the worst part is that most know it's bullshit, but dont have the spine to do anything. I hear from supervisors how little they care about DEI, useless fruitcakes, etc... but only in private. Once there's a chance it could affect their paycheck they'll lick any boot you put in front of them. Lack of moral integrity is how we got here, and I dont see it getting any better based on anyone's actions.

a masters for a 50k/yr job is one of the funniest things to me. It takes such a complete lack of foresight and planning to go through with it, that it should automatically exclude you from a masters program for lack of intelligence. That and it can be entirely learned on the job in probably 6 months.
Not complying with zogbots is completely based though, and it's the only thing I can respect librarians for
You should put stickers over the links on posters like shock sites and shit
Oh shit, print QR codes that lead to lemonparty hahahha
Nice work anon, not only are you making commies seethe, but also making the faggots that sit on their ass and do nothing seethe.

Keep going, ignore the retards that are afraid of pushing back against these freaks.
Holy shit, I actually live in Waltham and I can see this intersection from the window by my desk at work. Keep doing what you’re doing, but know that if I get a picture of you I’m going to post it in this thread.
What do you use for your printer and such?
I sell stickers to but i do it through sites so i don't have to deal with all that stuff. It would be better to do it myself so i stop losing money to some faggot company though
dont do this, these people thrive in the repulsive. like the other anon said they get off on making other people uncomfortable. they live their lives swimming in a giant pool of foul effluence, adding another drop to that wont do anything. if anything theyll pat themselves on the backs for not being ageist or some crap.

if you really want to make them mad cover them in QR links to icons of Christ or something beautiful and wholesome. my first thought was a happy white family but youd get painted with the "muh nahtzee" brush and that will set things back.
>It was impossible to turn my back to it.
Anon, have you ever considered coming out?
Hah. So you work at the college as well?
Why dox me? Surely there's nothing wrong with having a little laugh.
>if I get a picture of you I’m going to post it in this thread
You fucking rat.
Keep doing the work you do OP.
> you must secretly wanna fuck spiders
Trannies betrayed gay people harder than anyone else. What kind of progressive movement tries to guilt-trip lesbians into sucking cock?
That's what gets me the most: the betrayal. Obviously, what these assholes have done to children is far, far worse. So it's probably irrational for me feel even angrier about what they've done to gays. But there it is. There's a reason Dante reserved the lowest pit of hell in his Inferno for traitors. The way they've hijacked that movement and then acted like it was GAY people who owed THEM instead of the other way around is unforgivable.
The neo-pride flag is the perfect visual metaphor for this. The original rainbow flag was fine: we were all supposed to be "equal as different colors under the rainbow." And then the troons came along and said "No: treating everyone equally isn't equal enough. You have to put OUR colors front and center, and then we're gonna hide ourselves behind some unrelated racial issues so we can accuse you of being racists if you object too."
Now every time I see that damn flag, there's a new shitty color on it. Some intersex circle or the MAP colors or something else as ridiculous. It's absolutely repulsive. Trannies are the most regressive thing that've ever paraded themselves as a progressive cause. If I *was* gay, I'd probably be out for blood. There's a reason I rolled with the TERFs for so long.
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Don't worry, man. I will.
There's always new stuff to target around here. I'll be employed for a long, long while lol

You're actually going to take a picture of somebody messing with a bunch of freaks by doing good harmless fun and let said freaks know who OP is?

I think you're a freak yourself.
Oh yeah. Cause you've DEFINITELY narrowed it down to one among a million cityfags.
Yeesh. Well you don't sound like you're gonna help.
I've given you all the information I feel like giving. Make whatever conclusions from that you want. There are people calling for my arrest around here, so I don't have to reveal anything else. Good day.
You are literally soijakking at me for having my own cheeky bit of fun. It’s like a game of tag. And if everyone in these threads likes this fellow, then a blurry picture at 50+ feet away won’t be enough to dox anybody.

these are great, but you need to make a fat neckbeard one and the fat trans guy one. they can't stand to be mocked.
That looks like Victoria college in university of Toronto.
Inb4 glowniggers complaining about muh Canada. You see university of Toronto all the time in movies due to tax breaks in Canada
>Tip-toeing around the feelings of these godawful fucking people. You cannot imagine how liberating this has been.

Good work anon. You can tell by the shills seething in this thread that clown cultists hate being reminded how ugly they look
Lmao. Someone that looks like that would cry about lg-alphagettoes
What is the site? I know the tranny jannies ban that sort of thing, but if you gave key words I will Google search
Based. Commies no longer look like that
>I don't have a problem with orcs
Then you have no loyalty to friends and family
Lmao. Clown cultists look like that
So your a butthurt faggot?
You loved fucking up society with globohomo until you realised they don't care about you.
Also your NERF slur doesn't exist. Those are normal people and not mentally ill perverts
>> never EVER talk to the cops
>I'm sure you aren't biased at all
Pigs and glowies will never help you and want to harm you
Trans people do not exist. It is just make believe
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>fat neckbeard one
Which one specifically? There are a few that could fit that description lol

So what would you recommend when a derranged homeless person comes in and starts jacking off to porn on the library computers?

Listen fellas, we all have our own battles to fight. You've got your causes, I've got mine. No need to cross swords over it.
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I'm actually surprised by the relative lack of shills in this thread thus far. They probably know I'll just make fun of them based on the screenshot I posted earlier lol
But still, I'm glad you know what I'm saying. Thanks for your support lol

Well they definitely aren't valid, but they're kind of inescapable where I am lol

Etsy. It's the "S*yStickerEmporium" on there.
>a derranged homeless person comes in and starts jacking off to porn on the library computers?
He is like hunter biden in spirit. Constantly cumming
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> tries to guilt trip lesbos into sucking dick


jfc where is this? you should push them even further into insanity. make some pro-pedophile stickers formatted to communicate that they are indeed an oppressed class and need support.

there has to be a way to either freece money or time from these people or direct migrants to their places of business/homes so they can prove once and for all how enlightened they truly are.
your doing cob's work anon. i've seen the stickers up around cambridge
>commies put up deliberate anti-democracy posters.
>Most of them were torn down before I could add my own touch, but still. I managed to get a few in.
You're just a colossal imbecile, faggot.
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You sound upset.
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most libraries in my part of the country require a membership or a librarian accompaniment to use the computers
now, as long as we're making up bullshit hypotheticals, if a homeless person just starts masturbating on the street in front of you, you are within your legal right to deliver a swift kick to the nuts. in any densely populated area with homeless people, i'm sure the other people on the street would be happy to oblige
It's not as cringe as being a nepo baby "communist."
TBF, some of these pro-Palestine protests are funded by organizations with ties to Israel, so it could be another case of well poisoning.

>actual proto-basedjaks
Fucking hell, dude. Stay strong, OP.
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Thanks Anon.
Between this and that mural I posted earlier, its genuinely hard to believe some of this stuff is real. Idk how I keep finding these.

However, on the subject of the "pro-Palestine stuff funded by Israel," It's worth noting that the video you're replying to is of one of the most psychotic pro-Israel things I've ever seen.
I even caught some footage of the girl shown in this thumbnail here, as she was being baited by the psychopath in charge of this thing. I'm worried about posting the footage I have, though, since I was probably caught by their camera as well holding my phone, and it might help them identify who I am.
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Anyhow, I might as well post some other closeups of this mural, just so you guys get a sense of what I'm dealing with.
Here's pt. 2/3
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And 3/3. It's incredible how ugly this thing is. Elizabeth Warren's arm looks freaking broken.
you seem obsessed. if you don't like it, you can always leave. it's that easy.
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Lol no. There are other reasons I enjoy this town. It's just fun to do this too.
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>*defeats your shitty stickers*

also reminder that /qa/ lost
There is a box around here like that, while I do not advocate such actions, I imagine a rustoleum turbo would make quick work in such a hypothetical situation.
>scrape off the sticker
>gommunit's face comes off with it
way more effort than putting the sticker up in the first place, lol
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I regret to inform you that's been tried before: >>2853860
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what does this fellow have planned, I wonder?

don't let them get you down anon, this is pretty funny stuff here. good on you for taking the time to add a little shit to their faggot crowns.. they can't stand being mocked.
>they can't stand being mocked.
There's more truth in this than most realize. If your movement can't laugh at itself, it's dead.
Couldn't you just paste over the QR code with a fake QR code to lemon party or a shock image or something? I'd link it to a 24 hour stream of Boku no Pico.
>if a homeless person just starts masturbating on the street in front of you, you are within your legal right to deliver a swift kick to the nuts. in any densely populated area with homeless people, i'm sure the other people on the street would be happy to oblige
Unless the homeless person is non-white, then you're going to jail for racially motivated violence.
someone should duplicate that poster but replace the qr-code with one that leads to something else
you should crash their meeting wearing that t-shirt from matt walsh's movie "am i racist". vaginatarian or something.
Based OP.
tourist here
op is based
Cool project, dude!
What would the W stand for in this case?
>shilling, but its cool bc im totally not shilling because it only counts if i directly ask people to buy them
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The way I see it, using capitalism to sell the stickers is part of the joke. Fighting communism with literal capitalism.
Same as the fact I'm doing it on Etsy. Hard to think of a more ironic platform.
Wachheit: alertness
I don't want the jew who owns it to get a cut of your sticker sales to me.

I will however give you my next artistic tip. Exaggerating the cobson gives you a lot of unused space in the mouth. Consider using it for a more detailed message, or give the cobson a really gross tounge.

Also, consider that the larger your cobson gets, the more likely it is to be covered up with a hypothetical counter point sticker. If your original intent was to subvert a large political graphic message by making it laughable with a smaller one, then (to play the devils advocate) the same could happen to you.

I recommend getting a sketchbook to try out new ideas. It doesn't matter if you can't draw and your homemade cobsons look like shit. Most sketches won't work and that's okay, but the intent of the sketchbook is to keep the brain moving with new sticker ideas.
Wach: woke
>Wach: woke
I think he means Wachsam: vigilant
>Exaggerating the cobson gives you a lot of unused space in the mouth. Consider using it for a more detailed message

The whole point of the image is to depict a massive blustering gob producing nothing of value

>Also, consider that the larger your cobson gets, the more likely it is to be covered up with a hypothetical counter point sticker.

This makes no sense; the larger the sticker is the more effort and materials are required to cover it, which is less likely than if it is small enough to be easily done.

>If your original intent was to subvert a large political graphic message by making it laughable with a smaller one, then (to play the devils advocate) the same could happen to you.

Huh? If you make a smaller sticker someone could come along and add an even smaller sticker to mock yours?

tl;dr: the left can't meme
Nigger, the counter narrative means that the cobson could be covered up with something. I'm trying to help OP by anticipating what a counter-point sticker could do to his original cobson. The bigger OP's sticker gets, the more likely it is to get negative attention. The sooner he thinks about this now, the longer OP can keep putting up cobsons unopposed.
>red-it spacing
return to r3ddit and stay there.
let this thread linger until the election. i feel like OP will get a lot busier soon. the meltdown will be MASSIVE.
gays live in the village/chelsea, not the entire fucking city
>i feel like OP will get a lot busier soon. the meltdown will be MASSIVE.
I'm a dirty leaf. Busy where OP is or on here?
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Both leaf-fag. The potential meltdown of leftists happening in a few weeks is going to be glorious. They're already talking about the mental health crisis pussies are going to have if the God Emperor wins. This is a great time for shitposting. I would say, on par with the "Can't Flimflam the Zimzam" or "Das real retarderd sir"


OP, Stay vigilant brotha! Watch your back when you're taking those pics out in public. The tran-tifa types have goons everywhere documenting shit. Watch out for any they/thems walking behind you with a bike lock. Godspeed!
>oh a mural of regulars, that's pretty cool
>why does OP hate something like that?
>i mean sure it's kinda ugly but-
>look closer
>it's all celebs & politicians
Cringe, why would someone make this?
because theyre a reddit tier faggot. You ever meet those types in real life? 90iqs with zero self awareness. They think theyre the coolest person in the room after quoting the walking dead.
>OP, Stay vigilant brotha! Watch your back when you're taking those pics out in public.
lmao. We have the same stickers in Switzerland. It's an organisation that uses communism and the general unhappiness with capitalism to get people to join a cult. New members are carefully watched, they urge you to join, they won't let you leave. Everyone is just following this one cult leader.
I'm a democratic socialist and most of my friends are in the left-alternative circles, between antifa and social democrats. Literally everyone hates the IMT/RCI/whatever the cult is called today. No one except cult members will mind when you put on a sticker to "stick it to them" (pun intended). In fact, most left-wing people would rather take an old putty knife and remove it to prevent people from joining then, but I suppose spending money on stickers is also a form of resistance. You're just not the vigilante revolutionary who's constantly in danger, you're on the same side as 99.99% of the population kek
He said Wachheit and not Wachsamkeit though. It's literally wokeness and at this point I don't know if it's supposed to be woke or something else.
God I saw one of these trucks yesterday. Not the jew truck but some screen truck shitting on Trudeau with a 10 seconds looping .gif. Most AIDS shit ever. I work in car electronics so iv seen my fair share of niggas putting the biggest subs in their trunk and these trucks are a billion times more annoying to see on the street. Worse than a lifted f-250 with 100000 lumen highbeams at night. I don't even like Trudeau but I don't wanna vote for the guy who's team pulls this shit.
why do you guys keep bringing this shit up. Democrats are not communists, they're black supremacists. Antifa are just the equivalent of democrat brownshirts. China also has no interest in the us becoming communist. The only one that might is Venezuela and Cuba and they're sort of incompetent. Take your meds.
It's all just gang signs ultimately
come to think about it Brazil might also have interest in the us becoming more "left wing". They have something called the foro of sao paulo which funded riots all across latin america in the early 2020's
Just a heads up you might already be aware of but printers have mechanisms to secretly mark what they print, in older times they used I think yellow dots which were someti,es visible now they use more complex systems.

this would allow them to trace printings.
Is that why they need two forms of government ID and your picture and fingerprints when buying a printer?
>You're just not the vigilante revolutionary who's constantly in danger
He is certainly in more danger than you.
His only danger is getting put in a mental institution when he says such nonsense IRL.
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> don't like Etsy
What other platforms should I sell this thing on, then? I'm not aware of ones that are much better.
> next artistic tip
I was actually thinking my new cob could use a tongue too. I just couldn't find a good one to sample or whatever.
Still, it's definitely an idea. I'll let you know if I come up with anything good.

Hey man, we're all just spitballing ideas here. There's no need to go that hard; he's not your enemy.

You sound upset.
Unholy nusoi caca toddler coal. The consequences of the jannies locking /qa/ have been immeasurable with the amount of ipad babies who read some wiki article listing /qa/ sh*rty terms. It really did just go down hill after cobson was made
And before it's posted, yes I do look like and say that.
>he reddit posts irl
>its everyone else whose upset
rent free
I mean, he creates a thread on /diy/ which is not about diy but his stupid sticker store. If he'd at least post about his sticker printer or something, it would have a value to others. But this? It's just signalling being upset with communist stickers. I genuinely don't know why this doesn't get deleted as off-topic or spam. I'd tell OP to just buy an ad but he already did, so idek.
OP, have you considered to put your söyjack stickers on a stick and stick the sticker higher?
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cry about it bitch. if you don't like it ignore it. stop policing my board. OP is based.
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with sound:
>it's ok to spam boards with off-topic political crap as long as it aligns with my views
Let me guess your level of butthurt if OP put stickers over swastikas instead.
>how is making and selling and posting about stickers /diy/?? jannies??
I want to cosplay that idiot for the inauguration.
He didn't explain the making process in a single sentence.
ok? who cares?
It's called >>>/diy/, so probably everyone who wants to print stickers themselves?
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this isnt a how-to into stickers thread, its a thread about a autist making communists seethe through his stickers
Communists? Both of them? At the same time? Damn... Good job OP! Really hitting where you'll do the most good, brother!

How did you make your stickers, by the way?
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not op, dumbass. also
>reddit spacing
theres probably a hundred different subreddits you can be handheld in to show you how to print on label paper, go back now
he started with printing and cutting out the "stickers" than glued them on top with gorilla spray glue
Don't worry OP. God bless you. But my problem is I have no need for that shit in my town. People usually run their windshield wipers when faggots stand on the corner protesting whatever the flavor of the day issue is. Some troon oded in the girls bathroom at our local community college. He left a haiku about being willfully sprayed with windex while trying to save our country. The whole story was brushed away and the non rhyming poem was hidden from the public. I only know this story because I am friends with a custodian who works at the college.
Redd I t spacing has existed since bdorw reddit or 4chan. You're retared
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quit posting cringe pajeet
>its a thread about a autist making communists seethe
Most communists actually hate the RCI, so I can't imagine many seething (except for the cult members though)

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