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roast the electric bike I made. tried to go for some kind of military-esque theme with ammo boxes on the sides to hold the electronics and batteries. Front suspension may look a big funky but actually works surprisingly well.
Looks good from here. Does it work well? How much range are you getting?
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I'm only using a second hand 11 Ah battery I got off marketplace, so range could definitely be better. But as-is, I get about 5 miles out of it. There's plenty of room to add more battery though. and one of the ammo boxes is currently completely empty and is used for storage, so you could theoretically put another battery in there to extend the range even more.
looks good anon. How fast is it?
If it works for you I think it's a winner. Good job, OP, you got er done.
I cruise at about 50-55 mph, and im a little bit worried about my clothes. I have been wearing some leather chaps that i have from an old community i was in.
looks slick, but am I wrong or is the entire front fork supported by a single rotating pin? and that's with the additional battery weight on it too.
Its a single pin design for reduced wait, and i have calculated the battery math so its all good
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>50-55 mph
>on that frame
That's a bad idea.
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nah, it's not fast. about 20 mph. Still plenty fast for what I'm doing though. If I was going any faster I would definitely upgrade the brakes. They're already a bit underpowered for how heavy the bike is.

it's technically one pin, but the fork is made of two separate tubes and the pin itself is supported by two bearings and a horizontal tube, so I'm fairly confident it's strong enough. I could still be proven wrong though.
Quirky but very cool. How much do you have into it?
Looks cool, be wary on the rims though. Normal bike tires aren't designed to go >15mph, nor the torque that a motor provides. You'll work the spokes out, fuck up the bearings, etc.

I don't know shit about electric bikes, but if you're really only getting ~5 miles range, upgrade now, I feel like that motors gonna die any day now. Just based off of other (new) ebikes getting ~40 miles range.

Lock it up when you go somewhere, I had a crackhead acting SUPER suspicious around my bike when I forgot my lock when I ran up to Dollar General, ended up riding back home without going in.

Picrel is my bike, 2 stroke 85cc. Went 2 stroke vs e-bike due to cost, and wanted to learn small engines.
pic of inside of other ammo can?
there is literally nothing in there. lmao
How did you make it? Iv always wanted to make my own electric bike but I really don't know where to start.
>roast the electric bike I made
Can't roast someone's diy attempt
Looks really nice anon, good job
Zed's dead, baby.
Perfect match to your camo swim thong. Did you even look at the swiss bikes?
If he used a beach bike for the base it would be ok, but yeah this is why cyclist bikes cost thousands and have titanium rims
Looks reasonably well made but also like it rides like shit. Why would you want the fork to be that long? it'll just make it so much harder to corner. And with how far back the saddle is, can you even use the pedals?
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>aren’t designed to go over 24.14 km/h
Bullshit, you can get to ~30KM/H on a bike or higher just pedalling on asphalt.
And that’s on my mountain tires, which still have a shit ton of tread left.

One of my favourite things to do is to enter a school zone, look for one of those speed radar signs, and then see how fast I can go past it on my bike, you can definitely reach up to 30km/h if you pedal hard enough (18.64 mph for the amerimutt).

I’m curious how fast you can go on those 200$ chinesium motorbike conversion kits from Amazon
The covid infatuation with bicycling mountain biking gave way to the electric bike craze which is now definitely passed its peak. All these expensive electric bikes that people got for their businesses are now sitting around discounted to 40% and they're still not selling. My local bike store here in Squamish Corsa has piles of expensive bikes, but nothing under say 4,000 that's decent.

I want to get a replacement for my lightly used 2018 specialized 6Fattie, but apparently this 27.5 + tire was only made for a couple of years and they gave up on it. Shame because it's a really nice bike. The only problem with mine is it's an aluminum frame I want to be a few pounds later with the Carbon Fiber One.

I got mine at Simon's bikes in downtown vancouver, in one of the retail spaces under Library square. Great place to buy a bike. He might be in the middle of the city but he gets a lot of mountain bikes in, usually models that are a few years old or a year old that didn't sell or what wanted so he gets in like a lot of high-end models reduced and a few really good ones like this one which were a real bargain for its price
completely off-topic, but how do you make it safe to drive an e-bike? I want to travel 3km daily on one of these things, but the type of animals that drive cars in my area makes me wary and I don't know wtf to do
You want it roasted Ill go.

I dont know why you retards use the worst tier bikes and parts to build these.

Both OPs bike and the 2 stroke conversion have 1" threaded headsets and 3 piece cranksets that are only on the SHITTIEST bikes available?
These threaded headsets loosen themselves and and like, why not use the 1 1/8 standard thats been better and used on every good bike since like 2000?
Why not use a bottom bracket that actually keeps dirt out of the bearings?

Why not ride on something other than shitty no name hubs on steel rims if your gonna freaking power it?

Why not use actual good flat pedals with some spikes to help keep your feet planted??

Why not get some like, real tires??

In the world where downhill bikes have amazing disc options with as much power as you could ever need, why the fuck do you not even run a front brake on your no name garbage!

Like, a decent hardtail frame, disc brakes, and an ok fork with actual tires some of these might be fun. But as it is Id rather have any common brands worst specced off the shelf mountain bike to go have an afternoon of fun with.

Why are the least fun bikes turned into these motorized art pieces? Why not ask yourself " is there maybe something available other than LITERALLY the most garbage tier component I may want to use here? "
Looks pretty good, OP. Got that old "3spd Iverson" look, from the '70s.
if its not easy to stand up on the pedals and ride, your ass is going to be sore on anything but the smoothest roads
Why not simply buy the electric Ferrari and call it a day?
Economic restriction means something to you, retard?

It's what he had access to, maybe he got that frame from the junk or was given to him by neighbours, obviously he didin't had infinite resources to make this project.

Also, there is fun on working on something that it's made out of cheap and accesible parts, not treating each piece like if it was a crystal princess.

Now show us your absolutely perfectly engineered homemade e-bike, faggot.

Your appeal to extreme fallacy does nothing to convince me my points that at least using the significantly stronger 1 1/8 standard for the head tube would be warranted. The steering angle coming from behind the head tube with no brakes is so beyond retarded I guess at least Im happy he and you can find each other and be happy.

And what's my far better version of things that power the rear wheel? Well, Im going through a cb700sc I got for free, I have a savage 650 with dirt bike bars on it for turn key fun, and theres my gravel and mountain bike, none of which need to be in this abortion of a thread.
I was recently given a 2 stroke conversion very similar to the one posted here I could tear into for being pants on head, but that doesnt seem necessary. Im watching the side of the road for something... better to move the bits over to and trash the huffy part but if you think these are good builds you probably are one of the "dont understand why id pay 100 for a setof wheels when you can get a whole bike for that" people.
Theres better shit on the side of the road. Those white wall cruiser tires are the worst.
reflectors, flags, bright colors, horns, mirrors. Firearm.
Looks pretty cool!
not a bot bumping this thread, just replying because that's a genuinely cool project and I wish I had the place, time and passion to do some of the things I've been wanting to do.
its not even about the brakes
the bike has such a slack angle that it will rip apart if you ever hit a bump in the road
I ride 5 miles/8ish eurometers each way to work and back. Reflectors, safety vest and a pair of bright ass headlights at night work okay so far. Ride on the sidewalk whenever possible, half my route doesnt have bike lanes.
It's not the speed, it's the torque, the rims aren't designed for that much torque.
>I’m curious how fast you can go on those 200$ chinesium motorbike conversion kits from Amazon
I can go ~30mph and haven't done any real modifications or tuning.
Nicer e-bikes are way more sturdy than my bike. My neighbor just bought a Lectric bike, and it is way more solid, designed to go the speeds it's rated for. My bike at ~30mph rattles like a motherfucker. Also came with lights/horn/shit like that.
I built this bike because it was my Grandpa's, and it's a 100 year anniversary edition that was made in Taiwan. He would have thought it was cool, so I wanted to "have some time with him" banging up my knuckles in the garage. That picture is before it was even running. Notice how none of the cables are secured, and the white walls are clean as hell. It's a bike I use to run up to the store and get beer, this isn't some daily driver.
But you're a faggot and I've wasted enough time with you.
Dude, get a project and work on it an hour every Friday night. It'll feel so great once you hear that engine turn over the first time.

Listen, shitdick. You said 'roast my' and i did.

Your excuses suck. I dont care, Im glad you felt the need to defend my roasting. Job well done, me. Maybe dot an i and cross a t before asking the internet to roast your shit you now claim rattles like hell and you barely use.

As i was saying, pick up any trash kona or whatever hardtail, itll treat you better.

Now get your handlebars in front of your headtube.
I like the color. I also put a brown saddle on my green shartmart gravel bike.
fuck me i wanted such bike, are they comfy ?can i buy them somewhere?
no need for electric stuff i just want this shape

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