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Why is modern interior design such dogshit nowadays?
>Faux arches
>Kitchen/living room/dining room all open floorplan
>Recessed ceiling
Seems impossible to avoid buying or building a house like this built in the last 5 years.
Because it's a safe bet for profits. It's cheap and easy enough to build while looking "luxurious" to the average buyer. There's minimal to no risk involved. Why bet a few hundred thousand dollars on some good design that potentially alienates buyers if you can instead spend a bit less on generic design that is more likely to sell as it casts a wider net?
>Recessed ceiling
Because there's fucking duct work they want to hide?
^same fag
>Kitchen/living room/dining room all open floorplan
This is valid though. Walls are under appreciated.
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>Walls are under appreciated
>Walls are not appreciated enough
>It's a good thing that there are less walls in modern houses
Its not good taste to paint your walls white

Just built our house. we did the Great Room layout open floorplan. primary oven/range is in the island facing the front entry and tv/couch area.

we designed the house for our active farm/ranch lifestyle. gigantic single basin 36" sink. 70"×50" cook island & seating takes up south 1/3 of great room. woodstove, TV & couches in SE 1/3. entry & liquor bar NE area.

as as actual farmhouse it makes sense. large areas mean we're not bumping into each other or things when we move large projects, supplies, harvest/butcher, livestock surgery, 160lb dog, occasional bottle lamb, etc...
I have a friend who bought this exact house.
Wait for your brain to finish loading before you post.
They are still pushing the underlying shitty principles behind stuff like Bauhaus.
They could hide it between floor and the ceiling so it looks less dogshit
That looks basement tier
Bauhaus put walls explicitly between living room/kitchen/working room and everything tray white was to focus on centrepiece artworks/furniture. The kitchen cabinets would be leveled and even. I could go on, but basically the modern american abomination is nothing like the principles of Bauhaus.
What's wrong with kitchen /living room /dining room open floor plan
Living room and kitchen open is great for entertaining and dining rooms are just gay so knock down the walls
>What's wrong with kitchen /living room /dining room open floor plan
Cooking smoke/vapors and noises interfering with what's going on in hangout spaces, no walls or room division means there's no semi-private places to go without totally retreating to your bedroom.
gotta think about dat resale
Honestly my main problem is the shockingly LOW ceilings throughout most of the house. They should be 15' at a minimum, throughout, even closets and shit (though above closet transom cupboard things or whatever are cool too).
I hate squat hovels.
>What's wrong with kitchen /living room /dining room open floor plan
Everything electrical requires extension cords. Lots and lots of extension cords.
A gfci outlet every 16" in your brand new herringbone backsplash isn't enough for you? There are a few more poking out by coke through the granite of your waterfall countertop island. Throw some more gfi's in the ceiling and on the floor, why not.
By code, coke is what the inspectors enjoy between failing every contractor in town.
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>low-stress color scheme
>no shitty carpet to give people allergies, asthma, and stress
>spills and stains are laughed away
>open floor plan to entertain dozens of guests a time
i see nothing wrong here
It's all designed around TVs and minimal building effort and cost
Women voting rights and inflation. Ceilings are lower because of heating bills. The house is no longer filled with trinklets you have to dust off and is easy in the upkeep. You have two income households, so you no longer have a housewife to keep everything clean. I don't like it, a house needs to have some charm and show it is lived in, some character. As ugly as these houses look, they are easy to maintain and easy to resell. Same why cars look like shit right now too: efficiency. I've had a house built specifically with high ceilings and some oddities. It's a standout, but it's murder on the heating bills. I've closed off my kitchen and live mostly in the kitchen during wintertime, so that is the tradeoff. Would I do it again? Probably not, you can make a generic looking place cozy enough. Still: It's my house and I'm quite proud of it.

It's also possible a lot of current day tradesmen lack the skills to comply with specific requests nowadays and it will run you up a pretty penny. These houses are assembly line.
Tacky embellishments, like overcomplicated rooflines, to distract from the low quality building materials in use for the last 30-40 years. Open floor plans are quicker/cheaper to build because less lumber for bearing walls and trusses go up fast. They are not better and really should be considered out of style by now, but aren't going away due to modern home building being a race to the bottom.

Interesting observation anon. I never considered newer houses were easier to keep clean/maintain. Long term all the cheap ass fixtures and hollow core doors and composite mill work will have completely fallen apart within twenty years, so I wouldn't buy a house like this unless it was brand new.
Because no body buys a house anymore with the intention of living there the rest of their life. So everything is made to look nice but be neutral in color and design, therefore quicker to sell when it's emptied out and looks bland and neutral again.
Sounds shit
Quite sad actually. The commitment is gone.
I used to move every year. I've been living in my current house for 20+ years. I still feel like I will move out soon. Of course I won't move out until my parents die.
No i want to have lamps on the tables on either end of my couch; a couch i've carefully positioned in the middle of my open room. I'll need at least 2 extension cord about 30' long, and 2 of those high-visibility ramped on floor cable covers.

Yeah I COULD get one of those in-floor receptacles, but they're expensive and I won't be able to use my swiffer wet mop around it.
and you millenials and zoomers say that boomers are stuck in the past.

as someone who lived in closed floor plans, and straight flat ceilings for over 40 years. I find this style quite refreshing and novel. the paint choices are always shit though.

go be old somewhere else.
Why do you want stove dust and farm animals in your eating and sleeping space?
Yeah, it's everywhere.
>What's wrong with kitchen /living room /dining room open floor plan
because if you drop or spit in the food people will see it
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I want a conversation pit.
Is the verdict out on whether they are based and redpilled or cringe and bluepilled?
despite automated manufacturing and immigrant labor creating "value" people have been enslaved by fiat such that they can no longer afford beautiful and durable goods. you will live in the OSB-LVP-sheetrock pod on a $4500/month 30 year mortgage, you will eat the bugs, you will own nothing of beauty or value and you will be happy.
>despite automated manufacturing and immigrant labor creating "value" people have been enslaved by fiat
Yes, good, keep blaming that instead of tax policy that gives the rich basically zero tax rates.
If you really want to rage, look at how small that nook for the fridge is. you have a large kitchen designed for feeding a family with two ovens, and a tiny fridge that is only big enough for a single person who eats frozen pizzas and drinks lite beer.
It's weird because we want houses to remain permanently as they are but they aren't durable. We also don't allow flexibility to repair, change or repurpose homes or lots
We put in custom cabs for a builder that likes a huge asymmetrical vaulted open kitchen living room. My russian coworker hates the layout. They want a traditional separate kitchen. But it does make a statement even though it'd be like heating a basketball court just to watch tv and eat breakfast.
15 feet? oh my god.
In my house in London i can't fully extend my hand up. its around 7 and a half feet
>you will own nothing of beauty or value and you will be happy.
this is /diy/, I'll create my own beauty.
How is that legal?
I cant reach the ceiling in my basement
the rich don't pay enough taxes but even if you forcibly confiscated everything they owned it wouldn't fix what i mentioned. you have been enslaved by fiat.
Very nice to look at but stairs suck
10 feet is standard cieling height in the us for a few reasons, but it's mostly because studs are precut for ezpz wall framing that demands 10ft cielings
>you have been enslaved by fiat.
You're a moron who's been distracted from the real causes.
10' is not standard in the US.
The real standard wall/ ceiling height was not created based on what milled lumber sizes were available, in fact the stud material sized for quick building standard wall heights is cut to length specifically for that purpose and is shorter than a common standard length 2X

tl;dr: you're talking out of your ass
super cool arrangements for pot circles and orgies
your cash holdings have been devalued by 30% over the past 5 years and you think you aren't enslaved?
>Systems in place that enforce not increasing wages
>Systems in place that enforce letting the rich take more and more without penalty
>Systems in place that keep people like you focused on the wrong things

This has been ongoing since Reagan, you twit.
>since reagan
since 1971, which is when we went off the gold standard. https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/
Bullshit. The trend actually starts with a tax cut in the late 70s that Reagan tripled down on by reducing tax rates to the range they at are now.
I'll bet 5 non-gold dollars that your driver's license is a piece of cardboard that says:

>Okay 2 Travul
I bought real estate instead of holding cash
Looks like blank canvas to me, exactly what you would want for a space you’re trying to sell. What exactly are you bitching about?
maybe it's so cold there that they dont need the fridge that much
Sauce on any porn that involves such pits?
>Living room and kitchen open is great for entertaining
Yes this is great when I can't hear the footy when the misses is chopping carrots.
>Kitchen/living room/dining room all open floorplan
privacy might be needed when you live with other people, but for living on my own I'd love a house or an apartment with no interior walls. just a big empty space with furniture vaguely clustered according to original purpose. a claustrophobe's dream.
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>the government provides a long term and easily transferable system of value storage
>it isn’t absolutely perfect
>mfw im now a slave
Best slave. Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold, the problem is entirely monetary
>Retards trying to blame something caused by the Reagan tax cuts on "hurr duh gold durr"

The Gold Standard is inflexible and causes economic depressions.
>real wages start cratering in '71, decade before ronnie
>"This is Reagan's fault!"
Best slave.
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I've been daydreaming of designing/building a mid century modern house or an art noveau but it would be prohitibely expensive and I am not an architech.
Mid cdntury moderna also have big wide glass planels that would let in the raging sun in the summer and rape the house. Do you guys have any ideas?
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
>real wages start cratering in '71
[citation needed] because everything I've seen shows the wages stagnating from the late 70s/early 80s aka exactly when Reagan could have done something but wouldn't.
>Do you guys have any ideas?
Yeah. I suggest researching houses beyond Pinterest.

Specifically, those large windows had an awning. The awning was specifically designed so it would not let in direct sunlight during mid day. The goal was to light the room but not heat the room. The design was specific to the latitude and even the site the house was built on.

Obviously this won't work in the desert. If you want inspiration for a house in the desert, go look at spanish colonial architecture.
>exactly when Reagan could have done something but wouldn't.
And instead did the worst possible action on it.
I literally posted a fucking chart, slave
And you read it wrong. The Reagan tax cuts did that by changing the driving factors on where to distribute profits, from payroll and capital growth of the company to C-suite pays and shareholder returns. He turned a temporary shift into a permanent trend.
Modern houses also has
1. Central AC of some sort
2. Higher R-value windows, even triple layered
Having the living room with a balcony on the outside and turning the entire wall into glass segments is VERY popular in Scandinavia.

All you really need to modernize the concept is high R-value glass, the outer being more reflective. And some form of external sunshading for summer, ideally sensor or timed based.
>Do you guys have any ideas?
add a shower and a bale of hay in the middle of your living room
How do they keep this shit clean?
same way you keep any home clean how the fuck do you think?
Let me rephrase
How do they keep this shit clean, without going numb like a 1930s house wife?
If you can afford that place, you can afford a maid/cleaning service.
Carpet reduces allergies dingus. It traps all kinds of shit and keeps exposing you to trace amounts... that is the best environment for ankitld to avoid allergies. Immune system kills off constantly reacting cells - preventing allergies.
Carpet in a bathroom is a moisture and bacteria trap, and an easy place to cultivate mold. You need to be able to mop a bathroom floor.
How is it different than cleaning any other place?
>They should be 15' at a minimum
4.5 meters? Are you shitting me?
>2.2 meters
Holy shit what the fuck poverty is that
>big wide glass planels that would let in the raging sun in the summer and rape the house. Do you guys have any ideas?
uv films, ceramic tints
14' is optimal
I have roller shades
You're a kind of willful wrong i hadn't seen before.
Just because you hate the truth and believe a lolbertarian myth doesn't make me wrong.
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I just want know how GRAY became the symbol for neutrality instead of white, like hows its been for 80 years?
What do people have against a large room vs less total space with space taken up by hallways and walls subdivided into smaller spaces?
It actually works very well if you have a lot of paintings like I do, but very few people have a lot of paintings
I general contracted my own house in 2018. I wanted this cool vacation looking house with a loft and I couldnt get any subs to bid it. Went the modern route and it was much easier. We like it and the open plan with tall ceilings is great for entertaining
retarded ass city boy right here
Wife wanted grey floors. We did a dark brown. It looks so much more normal
It looks so fancy to normies and the landlord can ask 1K more a month for it
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good man, keep at least something with color in it
Greige is unoffensive and clean looking, so it's become the standard for flippers because it's easier to sell than colorful or natural colors.
I like before more. Each room has purpose and character. After is just one big sterile room.
I live rural and have a wood stove and animals tho
I just dont live like a 15th century peasant sleeping and eating around them
>easier to sell
is it?
when i browse the listings online i put flip houses in the reject pile right away so how would they even know?
That's what they think, at least. If nothing else repainting is one of the easiest DIY projects a new owner can do.
Currently taking a degree in architecture, does this mean I have to create souless instagram model house designs for a living instead of art deco interior as i imagine?
Anon I am a structural engineer who works with architects daily.

If you truly value your life you would get out now. You need a masters degree to get licensed. You need years of experience to get licensed. You will start at $48k a year and get only 3% raises and work easily 50-60 hours a week your entire first 10 years. Then maybe you might get promoted enough to run a team of noob architects and get paid 76k and work 70 hours a week for the pleasure of doing so.

Seriously go shadow somebody and get as much info as you can about their life because they are fucking POOR and work more than most careers.

If you're lucky enough to eventually start a business and not get fucked by reality you might make money in your old age.
>Carpet reduces allergies
Have you tried cleaning the floor? Radicl, I know, but it works for me.
I urge you to look into the history of the Bauhaus School of Design. You can thank that school for the soulless corporate architecture you subject yourself to on a daily basis. If you want the short version: A communist school promoted bland, flat, "simple" designs to contrast the "problematic" elegance of traditionalist architecture. This form of design is objectively garbage, and corporations like it because it's dirt cheap. It's even funnier knowing that those same corporations are marking up this trash by claiming the design language is "modern minimalism" as if that's something to be proud of. Buildings, cars, clothing, it's all garbage now thanks to influence from a Weimar era school ran by faggots.
Refreshing to hear. Every time I learn of some depressing modern trends roots, it always leads to some 'progressive' movement within the past 100yrs where (((someone))) manages to strip the soul from something traditional and replace with meaningless words and vague ideas on how retarded trash is better, and then the lemming 'intellectuals' follow suit and huff their farts so hard we get to the point where over 3/4s of the population are disgusted by modern architecture, yet it keeps getting built.
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Maybe actually look at it, it doesn't promote colorlessness or the rigid formality and open design of modern flipper styles.
Imagine crashing on an alien planet and the interior of every living quarter is flesh color lmaooooo
You can have gray floors OR gray walls OR gray cabinets but you !!CAN!!!!NOT!! have all 3
If this is in the southern US and is a single story home, ductwork boxed in within the insulation envelope is wayyyy more efficient than in the 160° attic

architect here. this is all true. Im making peanuts and If someone had told me 12 years ago to choose a different career path I would have
Just roll with it, man.
It doesn't look soul crushing but sure has no soul at all.
So is the whole analysis saying
>it doesn't promote colorlessness or the rigid formality and open design of modern flipper styles.
Maybe i got this subjective feeling because i've only ever seen this style in the worst places
>popular housing
>government buildings
Maybe if i was used to seeing ugly square spaces with no features and concrete boxes as happy places i would like them
OP picrel is literally empty of any and all indications of life; no furniture or rugs or art or a dish towel or bowl on the counter or even a single loose item of any kind...
critiquing it for "soul" in that state is embarrassingly dumb- its like like looking inside an empty oven and wondering how anyone could like and be sustained by food made in it.
With ufh it's annoying. But in the garden I can do it.
I'm actually looking at your picture and it looks fucking retarded.
>blue black red grey floors, yea those colors go together
>3 completely different types of chairs
>doors that remind me of highschool
>retarded patterns and designs for the paint and 'decoration'
>simple brick fireplace that manages to clash with the shitstorm of garbage around it
'Rigid formality' of open floorplan? Open floorplans are inherently informal, wtf you talking about.
ask this again after I get so drunk I piss all over that carpet and the smell is still lingering 6 months later
That seems like an issue you'd have on a flat floor, too.
as soon as people start putting their personal wants and needs into a house it excludes other people who have different wants and needs
god forbid you start putting your own tastes into the structure of the building
have you ever walked into a house and thought "what the fuck?"
for me it is ugly tile. the owner thought it looked good and it is removable but how much money is it going to cost the buyer to fix and how much appeal does the house lose in the listing?
you can't sell that sort of house
Grey: the color that saves you from your fear of being judged for your personality.
>live in "starter condo"
>Have to run any structural changes by cuck board of directors
>Any thing that can could get away with (green walls?) would inevitably have to be redone whenever I sell
HOA boards/complex management, and the crushing poor taste of laymen, are the two-headed dragon that an interior designer must slay. Someday I WILL live in a maximalist restored Victorian, with a kitchy tiki bar in the basement and gargoyles and stained glass windows and indoor trellis arches overgrown with ivy. But that's going to have to be the last home I own, because you can't dress up a stepping stone property like that.
>They could hide it between floor and the ceiling so it looks less dogshit
They are not like the old style, it is thick and insulated. You would lose too much space putting it in the wall.
just live in a shithole
they won't care as long as you spend some sweet usd there
I would not turn the lights on and take one wrong step and fall in and break my neck.
Most modern houses have 8' ceilings. old row homes and such have 10' ceilings to make them feel bigger.
i wouldn't sacrifice a living room for this but it seems like the perfect place to have drunk and barely coherent debates with the boys in
This looks like a co-op cafeteria.
i'm sure at least some of that white percentage is accounted for by fleet vehicles
also i hadn't really thought about it, but brown/beige/gold/champagne has really fallen from grace since 98-05
always hated that color car, red or green for me please
Green is objectively terrible for a car because it blends in with/ visually "reads" as foliage to other drivers, especially in motion and in the quick glance type of vision employed to prevent collisions.
It can also show up as black under sodium vapor street lighting, but not like actually black paint would...darker greens can absorb nearly all of the monochromatic yellow of those lamps and cause the paint to take on the properties of a shadow ie a complete abscence of reflected light that "reads" as an empty void where no car exists.
In a test group equally weighted for all colors, green cars, trucks and motorcycles will always prove to be the most likely to be involved in a collision with other vehicles.

Bongs BTFO once again.
The green they have for next year's Maverick looks pretty good.

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