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File: IMG_3095.jpg (1.01 MB, 1179x1036)
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Discuss. Would this help prevent the wind from getting up under the edge of the roof and ripping the entire thing off?
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Would 11,000 lbs be sufficient per anchor point?
Assuming it's anchored well? Yeah it'll prevent "ripping the entire thing off." Will it probably fuck up individual shingles and cause other problems? Yeah.
the wind will rip off your shingles and water will flood through your now broken roof
also it'll force its way through your windows and doors.
Where is the Boomer HOA to get a fine for this shit!
I do not know the straps are running the same direction as the joists so you are relying on the roof decking's shear strength, probably OSB. An improvement would be a some sort of load distributor under the straps spanning the gap or more, but that becomes a sail. Hmm maybe a few 2x4s nailed down like snow guards and the straps running perpendicular to the joists.
should have atleast gotten an aesthetic color, like black
This is a good idea. I was thinking this. Some 16 foot 2x4's running horizontally under multiple straps, maybe 4-8 of them.
>yeah we are trying to contain our debris for easier cleanup
these people must from a city or another kind of big retard
They assume the rooof comes off in one piece

Usually it starts with ripping shingles off then partial bits of osb
Yes but if you can prevent the wind from getting ahold of the soffit/eves area you can prevent a lot of damage, and subsequent damage inside the home from a total lack of roof
Not using sticks and spit to hold everything together would have saved them.
It's insane that mutts keep repeating the same mistakes and expecting a different outcome, truly baffling.
This is the stupidest possible way to anchor something with straps/wire.

The ground Ancors will experience a significantly higher loading with the straps at an angle like this than had they been straight up and down at the base of the house.
Do exactly that and be sure to slap it and say, "yea, that's going no where".
yeah maybe put plywood under the 2x4 to spread the weight out a little more

I think you'd want the anchor point rights below the lip or under the lip of the roof that way the strap is in contact with and distributing force along the entire length of the strap instead of the 2 points it's currently in contact with but I'd like.to hear someone else's opinion on that as I'm not an expert or even an amateur strapper.
yeah the anchors could have been at the base and then the strap would be in contact with the roof the entire time as opposed to just 2 points
after studying the picture some more they actually are anchored at a proper angle and the straps do run along the entire length of the roof. I don't know why at first glance but it just looked like they weren't running along the roof and that the anchor was too far out
Any update on this?
Isn’t this cancelled out by the fact that the anchors need to move proportionally more soil in order to rip out? Assuming they come out instead of break
Might help some
Yeah, it worked out fine. If I remember, it's his father-in-laws house.
i saw an update she didnt really show anything but you can see behind the womans and i doubt the neighborhood got more than rain
It worked. But the city fined him.
The nails will pull out or through well before the OSB breaks. Then once the OSB is off the trusses are no longer stabilized diagonally and fail.
It might benefit from more straps or horizontal boards so that every sheet of OSB is strapped down. The gaps are wide enough that some of the sheets of OSB in between could tear off. But it would tend to start at the edges so gaps in the middle would be less of a problem.
>live where the wind blows your house apart constantly
>should I build it out of materials that wouldn't blow away?
>no I'll just ratchet strap it down
americlaps everyone
You do know that all Florida homes are built from reinforced concrete, right? I know you desperately want to hate people, but you should at least try to not be ignorant, thirdie.

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