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Hello chad mx anons. My suspension guy retired and he refused to tell me the ins and outs of suspension thinking it would hurt his business. I tried another suspension shop but the forks on my mx bike were like a jackhammer 3rd gear plus on breaking or acceleration bumps. There were fine 2nd gear or slower, so I know it was the higher speed compression that caused the harshness. I have the Racetech suspension book, but it does not explain well the relationship between float in the midvalve and the pressure spring at the top. I was so pissed at the harshness of the forks I just increased the float by removing the thick shim (there were three, two thin and one thick), which greatly increased the float. I also changed the pressure spring from 1.8 to 1.4. Overall its much much better, but I have to be a bit careful with hard front brake AND turning in as it drives a bit. I can deal with it by breaking harder earlier and letting off just before I turn in, but I wanted to know if I can keep the pleasent feeling of riding over the breaking bumps at speed and reduce somewhat the dive of the forks. I am still not clear on the value of the increased float vs a softer compression stack of the midvalve. Can I have zero float and a two stage midvalve where the first stage is really soft to handle the square edge bumps? I have 47mm upside down twin cartridge forks, and the correct fork and shock springs for my weight
Sounds complicated. Good luck!
where are all the fluid dynamics experts at? No one in this place rides a motorcycle?
boomping my post, no one knows anything? Come on now.
Is there a diagram showing the whole fork?
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will this help?
You deserve to get scammed, learn the English Language thirdie
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kill yourself in all fields
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Weather has cooled and its riding season and I need to get this sorted out, no riders here? Only fat couch potatoes?
you must be one of those fat tards that's never got the couch. Sad.
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suspension is really stiff
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Hello? Anyone.....anyone? Are you all fat lazy couch potatoes?
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People here only like to shitpost about what color powertool is better, etc.

>>>/o/ will have at least one motorcycle thread. Much better chance of an intelligent response there.
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>/o/ will have at least one motorcycle thread. Much better chance of an intelligent response there.
pffff /o/dbt/ only has posers pretending to ride, already posted there a few questions about suspension and not one semi-intelligent response. So I will just post bikini pics until the thread dies.
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Sounds like your high speed compression damping is too high and your fork isnt doing anything, or your rebound is too fast. Hard to tell what you mean, if the bumps are translating through, or if your fork is unloading and rebounding back too fast. messing with the float changed your turn in for the better, but prolly has you riding deeper in the travel.
You dont mention rebound at all. This is where the jackhammering comes from. Is the rebound damping controlled by the oil weight in the fork or can you adjust it?
Id say put your shit back the way it was and and slow down your rebound.

You're kinda a jerk about it. Yes, shockingly "do it yourself" and "suspension knowledge between amateur rider and retired shop owner" venn diagrams dont overlap much.
You are the opposite of diy, handed it to a shop, dont understand whats going on, messed with other shit to fix it now want us to make your fiddling better, and we dont actually know where its at or where its been.

Sounds like theres just a different weight oil in the fork to me that has it acting different, but hard to know through just words of a whiney douche

Both here and /o/ are much more make the old thing run, not coach you on how to play with ten grand of toys your daddy bought you brand new
At first you seemed like you might understand some of the basics, but quickly it was clear you are another fat retard who can't ride and knows nothing about offroad suspenion. The reason to take parts to a shop is they are supposed to do it faster and better while I worked long hours. Every "expert" was some guy with his own secret formula who was terrified they would be out of business if it leaked. Its clear you do not understand the difference, or reason for, float, single stack, double stack, main spring, pressure spring, or folk oil viscosity. So stop making yourself look stupid and just shut up already.

No, we were just using words different. I went back and looked at your pictures, your pressure spring is your rebound.

More i thought about it its probably the oil. The viscosity characteristics of different oils vary wildly. New guy used something different.

Sageing your worthless thread.
>your pressure spring is your rebound.
total retardation. The main spring pushes the fork back into position and is for setting riding ride hieght based on weight and desired sag, and the rebound clickers (needle controls fluid flow) and shims control rebound. Oil viscosity is one tuning option.

The pressure spring is part of the compression control, along with oil height and viscosity. If you studied the floating piston movement you would see how the change in oil height (say increased oil height) more quickly decelerates the piston's upward movement as the fork compresses - increasing the air pressure in the outer portion and there are two hols in the top of the inner cartridge that allows the compressed air in flow into and behind the floating piston to increase bottoming resistance. You are still retarded get out of my thread, but you can look at the girly picks if you want, but your are probably gaaaay.

Goodbye whiney mx anon.
I will miss your retardation and help keeping my thread alive another day.
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