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Cut out shit that you're eating one at a time until it starts getting better, or go to the doctor and get the steroid cream.
Besides the other recommendations, check the ingredients on every personal hygiene or household cleaning products you come in contact with.

An elimination diet of the shit you eat and drink comes first. Then eliminate the other bad ju-ju in your life..soaps, shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, shaving cream, colones, contact cleaners...etc.

We swim in and eat many industrial chemicals daily. Sad.
sulfur mustard for immunosuppression
pine tar oil
Sadly, in some employment settings smelling weird is not tolerated.
I'm not a doctor, but your skin condition suspects could include side effects of medicines or drugs you are taking, supplements, protein or whey or other health powders, fad diet pills or prepared meals, or vaccines. The list is endless. Including your work environment or chemicals.

You might look at the very last item you either introduced into your diet, your body or your home environment. Including any pets.

We light beings were designed with no requirements to be medicated. It's time we all decouple from the vast Medical Industrial (and goy slop food) Complex.

Be well anon.
Naturally occurring toxins in the plant vegetation we eat has been known and studied for centuries. (See the research of Dr. James Salisbury, who invented Salisbury Steak to combat illness among Civil War soldiers.)

You might try a minimalist carnivore meat and water only diet for a short time to see if it benefits your health in other ways.

Plants Are Trying to Kill You! | Dr Anthony Chaffee
Lifestyle change, probably.
I do basically nothing that could be causing it aside from staying inside all day every day and hardly seeing any sunlight. That surely is the main cause, so I just live with it, because fuck the sun.
I had something similar and raw honey made it go away but am not sure if it's going to help in your case so please keep that in mind and be careful. What I did is just applying a small amount of honey on my skin and letting it stay there.
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You can't have eczema if you don't have skin.
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Ive had it since middle school. In the spring and summer when its humid it goes away but as soon as fall and winter roll around the air dries out and it comes back. Tried countless things over the years but ive given up on it.
Angle grinder with a wire brush.
As Autumn and winter approaches your exposure to sunlight, vitamin D absorption thru the skin diminishes causing all sorts of metabolic issues. Get tested for deficiencies of this and other essential nutrients. Or find a good vitamin D supplement.

Scandinavian countries long winters can certainly effect health, and their record depression and suicide numbers.
As you can see from this thread, there's a plethora of possibilities. I've made that journey before.
For me, i gave up alcohol for it to really go away, but lack of sun seems to be biggest nominator. Don't tryhard not to be faggot and keep your Hans moisturised in dry winter months.
NAC, and a product called VaniCream. The wild thing is NAC will CURE your eczema if you take it daily for a while. Like gone forever. At least it did for me taking 1,000 mg daily
Is there any connection to fungal overgrowth problms like candidas screwing with your immune system?

Yes, sugar is a metabolic killer.

Remove all forms of processed SUGAR, a fungal breeding ground. Even artificial aspartame (etc) and zero so-called sweetners screw with your gut biome.

Cut all starches, grains, and alcohol too (sugars again). Fruits and veggie sugar/starch consumption have contributed to a diabetes catastrophe also (epidemic in China, India and Pakistan).

Try other slightly better sweetner options, Stevie, monk fruit, allulose..etc. Minimize consumption as low as possible

Sugar addiction is worse than heroin.

t. not a doctor
Stop eating sugar and eat a bunch of fatty meat and whole grain and do cardio

Gg ez

Eric Clapton Says His Pattern Of Addiction Started With Sugar

The 71-year-old musician revealed that he was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy in 2013 and that playing guitar, which once came so easy to him, is now "hard work."


t.69-year old still slaying my own dragons.
Coal tar and mometasone furoate
zinc oxide sunblock cream
works on herpes lesions too
This may not apply to you, but I have bad skin flare ups, hives and eczema all over my body, luckily not usually anywhere visible with clothes on. I've narrowed it down to intense stress from work and sleep deprivation. It didn't happen in my 20s but in my 30s it's happened enough to pinpoint it. I work a travel job so sometimes sleep is a luxury and when the job is incredibly stressful on top of that I have a good chance of a skin flare up.
go to the fucking Doctor, pal, what kind of shitty country do you live in order to NOT go to a fucking Doctor??
1% ciclopoli solution
One where you better figure it out yourself cause it'll take six months to get an appointment.
I use bag balm. a little green tin.
it helps a lot. there are steroid creams if they doesn't help
holy shit this worked.
shower every day or ketokonazole shampoo
just put battery acid on it and what 2 minutes before washing it of with warm water
Hi anon, I had alot of Eczema all my life and here is some tips i gathered over the seasons.
Use the right soap.
For detergent i always use a special soap, with very low perfume.
Same goes for body soap, i use sensitive skin bars with no perfume.
Dishwasher soap is my worse enemy and i always use rubber gloves for doing the dishes.
Here is the product i use, and that basically changed my life.
Body : Sensitive skin bars from Dove
Laundry: Biovert products
Cream: Eucerin Aquaphor (I mostly use this cream on my face before going to bed, but its very versatile)

I hope this helps you,
I have more tips if you are interested
Happy autumn friends
Rick Simpson oil
Get yerself a jar of pure lanolin, and rub that on it also bust open vitamin E capsules, and rub the oil on once or twice daily. Also eat one of them bitches.
>Lookoutfacharlie has great videos on curing eczema (morgellians). I truly recommend his other videos aswell.
>TLDR: cut out any sugar, do epsom salt and borax baths, takes borax iodine orally, lime sulphur dip bath, wash clothes with borax only and tumble dry on hot. This will cure you of your fungal infection but it will come back, continuing things like cutting sugar, epsom salt baths, and washing clothing with borax will prevent its return.
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I've got similar eczema to the one on your pic. I've tried mometasone, tacrolimus, hydrocortisone, ichthammol and diphenhydramine.
I'd listed them by effectiveness. Don't waste time on oral antihistamines. It's proven they don't work on skin eczema (or are really weak). In the end I've been applying mometasone every 3-4 days until I've found out the cause.
It was lack of sleep. When I sleep 8 hours or less a couple of days in a row, I have a flare up. To clear it I have to sleep 9-10 hours. Too bad I often wake up sleepy, but I can't get myself to sleep (I feel that I'm tired, but If I go to sleep - I won't sleep).
I don't know how to fix this sleep problem (yet), other than going really really tired to sleep. Max I've managed is 14 hours of continuous sleep and it worked wonders. Instantly zero itch, any red spot healed and closed in 1-2 days.
One of the issues is hard water too. I never had any skin rashes until I moved to a new city and the apartment had really hard water (it tasted metallic you can tell) and I would shower in it of course. Well I developed rashes just like OP's pic. When I moved to a new place the problem went away completely
For me it was diet
But it also does spike seasonally for a bit, obviously a sign I must increase moisture in my house.
Vitamin D supplements have greatly reduced my symptoms over several months. I only have two tiny spots left, one of which is only slightly red and the other isn't red anymore but they are slowly disappearing too.
If you have low Vitamin D your body can't deal with inflammation because it's required by your immune system. It also regulates immune response.

Many people are deficient in Vitamin D because we're living indoors all day. You can get a Vitamin D test kit and send it to a lab for pretty cheap, then you'll know if you're deficient in it or not, which may play a significant role in dealing with your eczema.
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YoOu need science. I tried every damn thing in the universe. Every cream, every home remedy. Nothing else worked for me. Go to a dermatologist and get one of the many newer Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors that have come on the market in the last few years. It's eliminated 95% of my eczema and that is considered a surpisingly poor result for how good these pills are supposed to be.
cum on the wound.
questionable what you mean with at home... but i assume you are able to source and or order stuff to your at home so i'll share this treatment from our support group...
apply a reasonable amount of 'zincoxide ointment' (diaper rash treatment) apply 1:1 amount of 'bag balm' ontop and massage the affected area until the two are mixed.
keep this at best overnight but at least for two hours. in the morning apply cold pressed borrage oil onto clean 100% cotton cosmetic swabs use them to swipe the areas you applied the ointment to with little to no pressure.

do this daily if possible and in case this doesnt lead to a visible improvement of the condition over the span of a week there is the possibility that your condition is probably mycosis, in that case source sertaconazol (over the counter antifungal treatment for example onabet spray)
in that case clean the affected skin parts with handwarm water at best by gently rinsing, no pressure, like wet towel rub or stuf flike that, thats a nono. let the skin dry on air, do not rub dry or blow hot air from fan. then spray affected areas with the spray, 3 inches distance two to three pumps per area, wait until it dried and then apply light bag balm
wash with water only daily. soap and warm water only after doing dirty work (i.e. using angle grinder dusty/dirty environments etc) or ran unwashed for more than 96 hours. other than that keep with water only. same applies for head hair and/or beard.
trim armpit/crotchhair to buzzcut or less length and keep it that short.
brush teeth at least two times a day, no toothpaste only water. rinse with mouthwash before bedtime, do not swallow mouthwash.
clean toothbrush before and after each use by diping in fresh mouthwash. check out eco mouthwash until you find your preferred taste/smell its usually herbal.
baby wipes for wiping after toilet.
else what was suggested, eliminate issues from nutrition by eliminating/replacing sources that raise inflammation levels.
you dont have to do the test, just source and take one 1000IE D3 pill, down with a small glass of room temperature water about 5 minutes before you are laying down for night rest. you will notice immidiately the morning after waking up, you should feel awake, good, refreshed, not sleepy and tired. you can try to double the dosage but you might feel tired and sleepy during the day if you take too much.
if you get a lot of natural unfiltered sunlight during the day (sitting behind window does not count) you should not take vitamin d before sleeping. also try not to take it every day. start by using it every other day, you should see improvement after the first use, see how it is the next day without taking the supplement, if its okay go another day without, until you notice waking up really tired again, then you have a rough rythm for you and can figure out fine tuning, for example sourcing 500IE and taking it every day instead of skipping every other day.
>regarding borax
All borax production came from the Lake Brines area in the Mojave Desert. Borax was an important chemical for warfare. The following 7 companies formed the cartel:
American Potash & Chemical Corporation
Borax Consolidated Ltd.
Pacific Coast Borax
U.S. Borax Companies
Goldfields American Development Co. Ltd.
Elephant Borax Corporation of New York
Borax and Chemicals Ltd. in London
The cartel controlled 100% of the world market, with American Potash & Chemical controlling 90% of production. On October 20, 1942, the Alien Property Custodian determined that 90% of American Potash & Chemical had been in German ownership since 1929, disguised as the Dutch front company Hope & Co.

On September 14, 1944, they were charged with violating the Sherman Antitrust Act. On August 16, 1945, the verdict that put an end to the cartel was handed down. The court prohibited agreements in the borax industry and the defendants were placed under surveillance.

You cannot legally source Borax for household use in the European Union.
Surely there is no reason for this...
Muriatic acid
I did the 25(OH) blood test and decided to do vit D loading dose for 8 days. 25000 IU drops per day. I couldn't sleep for a month after that (6-7 hours max, I've felt tired). kek Eczema got worse.
After that I've read in some study that vit. D inhibits sleep - makes sense, it's produced on sunlight exposure.
>You cannot legally source Borax for household use in the European Union.
I see borax everywhere in online shops with diet supplements or chemical supplies in Poland. You can get 1 kg 99,9% purity for like 3$.
There are even Aphtin drops with borax for aphthous stomatitis. I remember I could buy them at pharmacy for 0.30$ a couple of years ago. They're 1$ now.
Stop all sugar intake, get more fat and protein and start lifting

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