The idea of living in a little shed sounds so comfy. If you think about it what does someone really need besides a bed, clothes, a small kitchenette, a shower and a computer desk? For poop a little outhouse outside with a composting toilet to avoid any potential smells inside. You can warm yourself with an electric blanket and cool yourself with a fan. Why shouldn't I just buy a cute shed and live in the backyard while renting out my house?
>>2860637Do it. Report back on six months
>>2860637>composting toiletI would recommend a real toilet and real running water
imagine wanting to live in a prison cell
>>2860637You're going to have running water for the shower and kitchen anyways, why bother with an outhouse?
>>2860637>Little shedSounds like a cuck shed to me
>>2860690>You're going to have running water for the shower and kitchen anywaysthat's as simple has running a garden hose. you can use all biodegradable soaps and just let it go into the soil no need for real plumbing
>>2860637>You can warm yourself with an electric blanket and cool yourself with a fan.If you're going to electrify the shed, might as well just install a cadet heater and small a/c while you're at it.Probably want a washer too, hand washing clothes is a bitch. For drying maybe a loft space would be good enough
>>2860637Klaus approves
>Why shouldn't I just buy a cute shed and live in the backyard while renting out my house?Because you already have a house. Unless you're in a dire financial situation (in which case you should be selling your house to downsize then), forcing yourself into the extreme to live in a shed, a wagon, a van, or a tent just to actualize a minimalist lifestyle without it being an internalized way of life is futile.You're only changing the environment around you in the hope of it changing you, yet you ignore your own agency to will yourself to change from within because you would rather blame the things external to you for your circumstances than to ever take responsibility for yourself. You're only changing your value system from many objects to fewer while still remaining engrossed in materialism.The minimalist lifestyle being sold to you is a materialist trap romanticized by TV programming and curated influencer media targeting you to disengage by removing yourself as far as possible from anyone else where nobody can understand you nor even hear you while behind your back making you beyond reproach in the propaganda broadcasted to everyone else. You'll be labelled from a hate mongering racist incel terrorist to a homeless deadbeat drug addict bio-hazardous waste all for falling outside the establishment, then swept aside without a voice or means to protest the tyranny and nobody to defend you because nobody knew you while you were too self absorbed by fantasy to even care. They won't leave you alone.Why not figure out how to live minimally in the house you live in first? If it's too much to afford, then sell it and find something affordable, even if that does turn out to be a shed... But don't do it for fantasy thinking that'll be the answer you're looking for, be sober about it.
>>2860700Shepherd wagons are so sovlfvl
>>2860637House isn't big enough until you can be eating breakfast, reading the morning paper and read about how your West wing burned down overnight.
>My name is Lut, my planet is Pluto, my business is Architecture. >When we built this multi-family complex, we made a big mistake, we lost money. We gave them small gardens and windows, we installed water, lighting and heating systems — this was a wrong concept. A man doesn't need a home, all he needs is a shelter. If we can sell him on the idea of a shelter, we can make millions.>The worker will come here only to sleep. He won't need electricity or water. He won't have to cook. We'll condition him to eat at the factory.
>>2860833You have a point, that being said, sometimes going extreme is what it takes to shake things up and get the ball rolling towards actual change. As without so within, at some point. And at the end of the day, this isn't necessarily the kind of thing that would financially destroy op, to the contrary, if he was smart it might save him a lot of money relatively quickly. The real trap is being too cynical to accept social media bullshit but too timid about your self-image to disregard it and do what you want
small spaces get stuffy very easily, especially if you're sleeping, showering and cooking in the same room
where do you live? I live up north and that sounds like hell, when you can't go outside because it's -20 out for months then you will go crazy in a tiny shed. Also lol at the composting toilet and electric blanket
It sounds comfy but it really isn't. I live in a small cottage and space is limited. I'm not talking about room for a funko pop collection or degenerate weeb statues limited but practical stuff like basic storage for essentials, tools, workshop space etc. Luckily I've a shed out back for storage of tools and shit but trying to fit it into a innawoods cuckshed along with yourself would be nightmarish
Where do composting toilet people get the cover material?
>>2861082Paying 5x the price online to some holistic organic hippy dippy website for bespoke leavings covering as opposed to going to your friendly local animal feed store and getting the same shit by the tonne weight for peanuts
Would be worth it if the rent you would get is enough for you to leave the wagecage
>>2860637>when you fart you gas the whole place up>no girl wants to come over to your man shed>heating>cooling>prison cell>your known as the guy who leaves his shed to poop in his poop shedCan you do it? Yes. Should you do it? No. Are you going to get laid in your fart shed? Maybe.
>>2861098>local animal feed store and getting the same shitnta but what's the product you mean? I thought it was supposed to use sawdust
>>2860637>Why shouldn't I just buy a cute shed and live in the backyard while renting out my house?Eating, living, working, playing, sleeping in a single room will drive you crazy.
sometimes I look at the rent cost of houses near me and that kind of money gets me salivating and wanting to pull some bullshit like OP
>>2861137if theres a recession in 2025>some other anon said there will bethen its time to buy housing after the crash. itll be a worldwide crash though because of how interconnected the economy is. thats how my parents started their real estate busibess. during the 2008 recession.
It's gonna stank and you're gonna stank and get used to the smell
>>2861202do small apartments stink? same concept, so i doubt it will.
>>2861211>do small apartments stink?depends on how much beans you eat
>>2861180two more weeks
>>2861043wear a jacket, faggotalso I'm homeless so OP's cuck shed sounds nice I would ask if he had room for me
>>2861288>I'm homelesswhat led you to this situation? how/why are you browsing /diy/?
>>2861025This; op should try living in a one bedroom apartment for a yearThey feel a little smaller everyday
minimalism is based. living in a shoebox isnt
>>2860637Is it warm all year long where you live, OP? Then go for it, it will be great.Is it cold, rainy and freezing several months of a year? Then enjoy:- hating every morning when you have to get out of bed in a cold room- not having a proper shower for weeks- having hard time washing and drying clothes- enduring smells, humidity and mold- trying to type on a keyboard with numb fingers- your frozen ass on that outdoor composting toiletFuck the winter.t. euro living in vans and campers the last ~15 years. Just finished building that outside outhouse with composting toilet.
what's the best way to ventilate a small building as passively as possible?
>>2861365*with ratproofing
Van people make do with less
why are millennials obsessed with tiny spaces?
>>2861467A smaller space entails fewer things, and fewer things mean less responsibilities and unnecessary junk to keep up with.The "obsession" side of it stems from a social-control media cohort that rightly recognizes a need for simpler minimalist living, but the messaging becomes subverted at its core in "keeping it (life) real" by marginalizing the humanity of ones life, particularly the social and familial spheres as road blockers standing in the way to the full potential of their hedonistic recreation unhindered.It's similar to how drug addicts eventually lose everything because of their addiction. To them the drug is the only thing that matters; they have no need for a home, a job, a family, or anything but the drug. The difference here being that the prior is voluntary whereas the later gradually becomes an inescapable matter of fact, but both fundamentally revolve around hedonism.
>>2861518WatYeah, I think you're going a bit far there.A reaction to previous generations overdoing everything? I'm with you there.It being hedonistic and claiming that consumes everything in their life? Thats your reaction. And it sounds psycho. >Not needing 2500sq ft and a bass boat, thats the selfishness thatll really destroy you.
>>2861614I'm not proclaiming that minimalism isn't a worthwhile pursuit, as you're alluding to; I think it's necessary, but misunderstood.I'm pointing out that the sort of idyllic minimalism dished out by mass market media as a solution to inefficiency makes an instrument out of streamlining life (self improvement) through high end consumption, which by consensus becomes the prevailing definition that subverts the truth and obscures the path. Such a streamlined minimalist life-style as this, is still enthralled to the same material perspective that attempts to metaphorically consume its way to perfection around a false image of an ideal future that'll never come. This is a futile self pleasing masturbatory trend lacking all profundity of reality and will inevitably result in the "eat the bugs" "you'll own nothing" "live in a pod" meme.A good example of this can be seen among "DINK's" (dual income, no kids) as a streamlined variant of the superficial mainstream minimalist life-style that replaces humanity for an inward carnality of hedonism.Can you see the material trap for what it is and deny it altogether, or will you continue to double down beating around the bush because it feels good in the moment?
imagine the smell
>>2861674So what's the alternative? Buying a ton of slop?
live in a bathroom. it already has a sink, shower and toilet so all you need is a bed, a fridge and a toaster oven
If I was paying to rent a house I wouldn't want some freak living in the backyard
>>2861866What if that freak was the owner of the house?
>>2861867That's worse, having your landlord on your ass every day
>>2860637I'm not OP but has similar thoughts in the past 2 years for now, can anyone suggest a floor plan of the tiny house shed?1 single bed + PC1 wardrobe + anime figurine1 shower + loo1 kitchen + fridgeno need for living room as it's in the yard picnic table. I'll build a separate gate for tenant and my own access. also I'm 35 y/o male, single, khhv, homosexual and mgtow.
>>2861929>homosexual>anime figurineDoes not compute
>>2861930yes it does.
>>2861933Sis that's dumb. You're better than this
>>2861935>sisI'm a bro & 100% homosexual strictly masculine man-to-man, not effeminate. I absolutely despise and hate feminine and its derivative shite.
>>2861938there's nothing you can do about it. I just want my floor plan.
>>2861929if youre gonna do a poop bucket set it outside the cuckshed
>>2862042no, I just connect it to the main house seppo. the shed is not totally cut off from the main house.
>>2861674Look, just because a couple doesnt have kids doesnt mean they are chasing an ideal of a simplistic lifestyle due to a selfishness aquired from social mediaMaybe anecdotally some, but like, you're the one that needs to unplug.I live in a small space I built. I am not on social media, and Im not going to say more about my situation because you are clearly a crackpot but anecdotally, I for one don't fit your mold. Lurk moar.
>>2862116Why become a couple if you're not going to have kids. And no, homosexuality is a sin and doesn't count.
>>2862110this doesnt look very small
How has nobody mentioned insulation yet?
>>2862421not that I can see, but why do people always miss this part? in the cold, it's impossible to keep a room warm with no heat, even with heaters etc.
what would your parents think of you?
>>2861727Nah nigga just bee yourself.
>>2862116Well yes, you aren't on social media so you lack perspective. If you aren't at least a little plugged in then you don't know, simple as that. You underestimate how powerful social media lifestyle fads are, but when someone points that out you immediately think "schizo".
>>2860637why would you go through all the trouble of setting up a shed to live in when there are these things called RVs that are specifically designed for this exact scenario? Never understood the obsession with living in tiny homes or sheds when RVs exist. Used Rvs are even cheaper than buying a new shed, so it can't be about the money, look at this thing, it has a full sized queen bed, a shower, living room and kitchen for only $2500, like how can you beat that?
>>2862609Umm, I would describe my perspective as different, not lacking.Pull your head out of your ass.I cant escape it, I'm just one more degree removed.For example, people like you, and the fact I live in the first world and hang out here expose me to plenty. Its not like someone who doesnt get blackout drunk doesnt have perspective on alcohol.You seem i sufferable
>>2862688>RVno one want to be associated with hippies and trailer park also some papers required permanent resident address.
>>2862695What an overreaction, no wonder why you're single.
>>2862701so you would rather live in a shed than a cheap comfortable RV because you don't want to be associated with those kinds of people even though you are just as poor? Talk about beggers being choosers lmao, if you are so poor that living in a tiny home or shed appeals to you what makes you so arrogant that you think you can look down on trailer parks?
>>2862688The reason is that permanent RV or mobile home living has historically been associated with poverty and other classes of people deemed to be distasteful. Most of the people who seek to eschew normie living standards and style themselves as pragmatists would never be caught dead in a trailer. That would be a little *too* pragmatic; other people might think that they're doing it out of financial necessity and not because they're based and spartan. >pic unrelated
>>2862705What an insult, I'm hurt.Who could have guessed you changing the subject so unexpectedly could have caught me so off guard. I better double down.Think were done here. Dink.
>>2862713Another reason may be while the same size, rvs are made to not weight like 10 tons, but your house can, so your cuckshed, or studio apartment or whatever can have an actual porcelain bathroom sink in a small bathroom not a plastic one like most rvs.You get a much more solid, long lasting, bug and animal proof, insulated product if you do 2x6 walls right, even 2x4 walls well, than any rv.
>>2860637>The idea of living in a little shed sounds so comfy. If you think about itno. if YOU think about it. I wouldn't like it at all.
>>2860637didn't you hang yourself in jail ted?
>>2862751you can always replace the tub with a porcelain one, and at leas the RV comes with plumbing, heating, electrical and every other comfort that you would have to manually install in a shed.
>>2862706>>2862713Doesn't it bother you that someone with a truck can tow your trailer at any time?
>>2862755>RV comes with plumbing, heating, electricalThe lowest quality crap that cannot be repaired.
>>2862755It's definitely possible, the bigger/nicer rvs really are nice. The warmer you are the more possible it is. Boomers spend half the year in em on blm land. But anyones 200k diesel pusher will beat most building with cash out of pocket.I will point out the board is diy... many arent intimidated by doing it themselves...
>>2862861Found a place that isn't much better than that:
>>2862879this is huge
>>2862927>>2862879this and has plenty of daylight wish this was my studio apt
>>2861109>Man shed>Poop shedYou got me rolling anon
>>2860637I'd rather have indoor plumbing, and I'd install a wood stove heater rather than trying to use an electric blanket, since it easily gets down to 0 degrees (-17 celsius) in the winters here and we've lost power due to blizzards before.
come to norway, we have prisons that are minimalistic enough:)
to be honest the worst houses I lived in were the biggest ones. shit piles up so long as you have room and it's really daunting to clean
>>2863108this. minimalism is based
>>2863288is it? i ride a honda click everywhere. :/
>>2863108wouldn't it pile up faster in a small space?
>>2863295no because in a small space youre a lot more careful with what you bring in and you are also "forced" to put things away or discard them before it gets to an overwhelming state
>>2863108how hard is it to just not be a slob?I live in a 3 bedroom house by myself and I keep it clean, it's not even hard, I can't imagine living like some hoarder who never throws things away. Also I have a roomba that runs every day and a cleaning service that comes every other week, my house is kept spotless.
>>2863422>I keep it clean>I have a cleaning service that comes every other weekIs this bait?
>>2860637>what does someone really needIf you are a single man, you don't even need that realistically. I lived in a car in the woods for 4 months, just because I liked the area when I was 21, while having a fully functional studio apartment in a city. Just felt like being inawoods.>If you intend to find a foid and start a family, then you need a normal home or your life will be hell.How our homes are now is not some conspiracy, they are designed for a family to exist in comfort in.
>>2863507ew how did you shower?
It's gonna get stuffy in no time. You need A LOT of ventilation
>>2860637>Why shouldn't I just buy a cute shed and live in the backyard while renting out my house?Spiders and other creepy crawlies.Anyway, I'd go "tiny house" rather than "cuck shed".Not much difference in the end, but looks slightly better.
>>2861294>how/why are you browsing /diy/?nta, but I'd guess:How: Internet on this here magical sailfoam!Why: Because he likes DIY stuff? I mean, just because you're homeless (living in a van counts), doesn't mean you stop needing to relax and stop having hobbies and interests.Captcha: GASN8
>>2861355>what's the best way to ventilate a small building as passively as possible?These holes in the walls, called windows.>>2861467Smol space means less expensive. Less expensive means we might just have the opportunity of buying/building/etc. whatever it is.t. I still remember the 2008 crisis. As do most millennials, I lost my first job due to it, was unemployed for a while and it affected my way of looking at the (job) world.>>2862755>plumbing, heating, electrical and every other comfort that you would have to manually install in a shed.Excuse me sir, this is /DIY/. We might make a shit job of it, but most of us actually enjoy DIYing.And given the size of the shed the problem is what? Laying 2 or 3 pipes for water and a couple of electrical outlets? Shit, not even worth all the work of doing it inside the walls, just slap that shit all over the walls and done.
>>2862701RVs are for rich people now.
>>2860637if the rent money you would gain is enough for you to live frugally free of the wagecage Id say its worth it
>>2864092Tenants might object to an unemployed weirdo masturbating in a backyard shed.
you can get a pedal powered washing machine
>>2862879that is grim
>>2864496Only having a wood stove inside the metro area will get expensive fast in winter, too, unless you have access to a firewood source from elsewhere. But why live in a garage with some "living implements" in it in the first place if you can do that?
>>2864496Welcome to the modern world.Have seen similar, but for rent, in smaller garages (I'm europoor).Also have seen a built-in closet turned into the toilet room. (again, listed as a room for rental)The world is turning really fucking strange when it comes to real estate.
>>2860637when i went somewhere without running water, everyone was shitting in an outhouse like you describethe stench was unbearable
>>2862879Stripper pole completes it
How would you stop the shower from steaming the entire "house"?
>>2860637a small RV can do all of these things and the vity really can't do shit to stop it on your own property. They need work, a lot of it though, so just get a second hand Winnebago since the trailer and DOT is all that matters.
>>2865215I already suggested an RV as being a better solution, but apparently a large part of living in a shed or tiny home is virtue signaling, I was told that mobile homes are seen as "for poor people" as if living in a shed is any better lmao.
>>2865233Thats not what the multiple voices politely tries to point out you maladjusted fuckwit.Maybe go back and read, theres nothing wrong with asking questions, but being obtuse and deliberately avoiding picking up any perspective or knowlege is, well, 4chan shit i guess.Sageing cuz this post offers nothing
>>2865241lmaoa direct quote ">RVno one want to be associated with hippies and trailer parks"bunch of poors who want to live in sheds but also don't want to be associated with the other poors in trailer parks or "hippies"
>>2865216>Chinese projection about their own urban housing
>>2862118>barnyard theologyJust go and stay go. Adults are talking
>>2863295Your possessions expand to fill all the room you have available.
>>2863498"Clean" has multiple meanings in that post. One deals with dirt and dust. That is what the roomba and cleaning service are for. The other deals with clutter. Anon is keeping his place uncluttered and tidy.
>>2865292Gay men bragging about choosing a child-free lifestyle is ridiculous.
I have a 10 square meter brick structure in my backyard(built decades ago when building codes were more lax. Brick is decently insulated yes? Would that be enough to convert into a teeny tiny home?
>>2860637You can have very small living area and a large shop/garage area. Depends on what you need or want. If you do nothing and have nothing you can get by in a very small area.
>>2864443is this even big enough for a bedsheet?
>>2861929what the fuck is a khhv and mgtow just say you aren’t interested in a relationship retard
>>2865419>what the fuck is a khhv and mgtowMan-children who blame everything except their own bad attitudes, fucked up thinking, poor social skills, and poor hygiene for why they can't get with a woman. They especially blame the women for this.
>>2860637I'd never rent a place where the landlord is basically a dirty hobo that lives in the shed out back
>>2861212Oddly enough, I found that if I made them part of my daily meals, they stopped making bad farts.
>>2865434Let me guess. You're swimming in pussy and money.
>>2860637Normally this arrangement with the tenant and landlord living on the same property would be a duplex. You could just add on to your house with a small apartment for yourself and have way less of a social stigma. It wouldn't cost much more than building a habitable shed either.>>2861211Small apartments have plumbing and ventilation. >>2861380Holes with wire mesh or something.
>>2865504No, I'm not claiming that at all. That's just what those types of dipshit are.
>>2860833>You're only changing the environment around you in the hope of it changing you, yet you ignore your own agency to will yourself to change from within because you would rather blame the things external to you for your circumstances than to ever take responsibility for yourself.I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and say this is extremely ironic for person that posted it. >Tgey won’t leave you alone.
>>2861518>hates social media>consumes itIt never ceases to amaze me how many people complain about “the message being sent”, yet don’t seem to understand that if they didn’t consume this garbage they wouldn’t know what messages were being sent. I have no idea what you’re on about because I don’t follow any trends. People talk about this shit and I’m clueless because I don’t consume any of it. You don’t have to have exhaustive opinions about everything you know. You have the option of just living life. Instead of looking outward to what you think is wrong with the world, you could try looking inward to what’s wrong with you.
>>2861930there's nothing gayer than anime
>>2862879>$150,000Fookin ell.
I hope you live in a tropical climate
>shitting in a bucketdo people really?
>>2862765How? Just shoot them to death. Hell yeah brother, that's freedom tell you h'wat.
if you are concearned with the environment and your impact, don't sweat too much about the size of your house. updating your car/tv/computer/smartphone/shoes is the problem.a house could last generations and server it's purpose indefinitely
>>2862767there's nothing comfy about this
>>2864443>asymmetric fatigue
>>2860637You think anyone's gonna want to live in a house, where some creepy, weird hermit is living in the toolshed? You'll have a house full of chinks or pajeets.
>>2867742Should you care if they can afford the price?
>>2867742you underestimate how desperate the average person is for affordable housing
>>2865310He's just saying they choose not to make semen and lube encrusted turd golems to combat overpoopulation.
>>2867743As long as you don't mind your property being utterly trashed, or burned down.
Yurts are based
This got me thinking, what about living out of a garage shed that's 3.3x7.3m and already reasonably well insulated? I could use the rental money from renting out my house, everything is so fucking expensive right now.It already has plenty of electrical outlets, the only thing I'd need is running water for convenience.
>>2869341Can you realistically see yourself living in it? Put down a mattress there and a test it out.
>>2860637Hahaha you could even and go and raid your rentoids fridge.
>>2869341>a garage shed that's 3.3x7.3mWell, I lived 22 years of my life in a house that was about 3.5x9m and that included my parents in the same space as well. So it can be done.But personally I would go with something larger if possible.Consider your budget, possible legal limitations, etc.There are lots of pre-made shit nowadays that is pretty affordable (it's usually still cheaper to build your own, but...time/price balance and all that stuff) and easy to modify provided you have a circular saw and some extra wood.>I could use the rental money from renting out my houseYou are a nice person...most people nowadays would rent the shed and live in the house.
Small spaces are a blessing. The upkeep of a big space as a single person who's not rich enough to have maids gets overwhelming very fast
>>2861128>Implying they don't already
>>2861319>- trying to type on a keyboard with numb fingersAs soon as I read this I immediately knew you were speaking from experience. It fucking sucks lol. Numb hands amplify the frustration of simple tasks for just about everything.t. avid outdoorsman
I've put a ton of thought into this topic and this is the smallest I'd ever be comfortable with. Any smaller than this is downright claustrophobic and this is enough space for two people as you and your gf can have "alone time" working on stuff at opposite ends of the mobile home. If you don't have that space, you'll be constantly breathing down each others' necks 24/7.
>>2861674>idyllic minimalism dished out by mass market media as a solution to inefficiency makes an instrument out of streamlining life (self improvement) through high end consumption, which by consensus becomes the prevailing definition that subverts the truth and obscures the path. Such a streamlined minimalist life-style as this, is still enthralled to the same material perspective that attempts to metaphorically consume its way to perfectionI saw a meme that basically went as>My parents: Can't wait to buy our 30k home>Me: Maybe I can afford to live in a 30k vanAnd the comments responding to this where saying that supposedly a van cost much more than this. Some saying 50k, 100k, 150k. They were referring to builds that trustfund baby youtubers showed off with the latest gizmos and gadgets. Ffs one even had a built in shower. This is exactly what your post is addressing. That way of life was never meant to be as commodified as it has been or seen as particularly glamorous. For the longest time in America people lived out of pic out of necessity. All it was intended to be was a place to sleep, and store belongings. You can easily forego most of the crap that is being shoved as necessary in these builds on youtube.
>>2865434>Man-children who blame everything except their own bad attitudes, fucked up thinking, poor social skills, and poor hygiene for why they can't get with a woman.Or he's just ugly, anon. If I had no plans for meeting women in the future why the fuck would I voluntarily be a wagie? He's playing with the cards he's been dealt with and you're more upset at him than he is with that information.
>>2861929>khhv>mgtowCorrection, the former would imply you're mstow (men sent their own way). Mgtow is reserved for divorced guys who at one point, weren't khv's.
>>2860637Fantasy thread. You will never do it because if you were competent and capable you would not need to ask. I never did before building my (considerably larger) workshops because I knew understanding is best gotten by relentless, exhaustive study. I knew that because I cultivated competence since youth. Why don't you already know all your options? What have you previously built to obtain necessary skills (which aren't much) for a project of size?>>2869766Shell space is cheap. Single-wide MH work fine for most users for longer than they need a home. My poorbros stuck cheap thrashed MH on their cheap property then added and modded over time. One lives on SSI because cripple, the other is just poor because he's so socially defective (but quite mechanically skilled).
>>2862765That's what trailer locks are for, dummy.
>>2863632Parks have showers.
>>2865136Anon showers with icy cold water.
>>2865136cover the top so the steam cant escape to the room, shower with shower windows open so it all goes outside
>>2860694sleeping in the doghouse out back while Chad takes the bedroom with my wife
>>2860637>what does someone really need besides a bed, clothes, a small kitchenette, a shower and a computer desk?I'm late to the thread but just buy a used caravan / camper trailer and start from there. I travel for farm work and bought an old 70's caravan similar to pic related for $3k and have been fixing it up over the past year, getting rid of all the old gas and mains power appliances and running it off solar and 12V. I call it the Cuck Shed and might even make a decal that says that when it's re-painted. It looks like shit but it's waterproof and road registered with only a few hundred dollars work. There's a solar shower on the roof and a composting toilet. Super rural so no neighbours which is a big disclaimer>>2860663>real toilet and real running waterI'm lucky to have a clean creek for drinking and I experimented with a cassette toilet that gives you ~20 flushes of water before having to dump it out but that shit literally sloshes around when you drive the cassettes 20km to the trailer dump sites. Getting fit and eating properly with plenty of fiber makes you really good at pinching off logs in a field or into a composting toilet in emergencies. Making poo go away was my biggest fear but tossing a bucket of crusty sawdust-coated desiccated turds into a hole that takes two minutes to dig is pretty easy. Piss on a lemon tree like god intended. Piss on something else. Piss on a bitch. Piss up a rope. Get stoned and blackout drunk and piss yourself. Piss in your face for laughs>>2860667I have killed before and I will kill again>cost of houses near me and that kind of money gets me salivating and wanting to pull some bullshit like OPThat's a pretty similar deal where I live. Right now I'm working a really well paying job in a tiny alpine town that is crying out for workers, but every house in the area is owned by airbnb people or just left vacant as holiday houses for folks that only come up once or twice a year
>>2869478Well I already have the shed, it's just full of junk and a dead car at the moment. That said, outfitting it to be comfortable to live in - especially in summer - would probably cost a fair bit. Maybe I'll do it once the car is fixed and I can sell it.
>>2860640>Do it. Report back on six monthsI did it. 5th month in. Small wooden house with woodstove. But yeah I have running water and septic tank for poop. Never been happier. WFH is the key. On rent itself I already saved a lot.
>>2870778but my idol elon musk says work from home is bad and imoral
>>2870950>12 children from 4 different women, some overlapping>Disowned by one of his kids for being an absent, neglectful jerkass who didn't actually know any of his kids and his awful politicsHe's not exactly an example of morality, nor does he know what real work is.
Working, playing, eating, sleeping and so in in one single room will drive you insane.
Why is this that different from just renting a commie block?I lived in 140sqft when i was ~20