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I hate these fucking things so much. I'm generally pretty animal friendly but holy shit do I not feel any sort of remorse when I have to kill a live one caught by its feet in a trap. I hate them. I fucking hate them.
Are glue traps /diy/able? We have some animal protection laws preventing them to be sold here but I figure they would be pretty effective. I've been seriously contemplating on some kind of a solenoid contraption with a ir sensor or something that would slap the shit out of them when they run under it.
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$70 on amazon and some scrap plywood
Why use glue traps instead of a bucket trap anon? They are much cheaper, and the thing doesn't have to suffer (even if you do hate them). Plus infinitely reusable.
>when I have to kill a live one caught by its feet in a trap.
When would that ever be the case? Your mice take the bait from the mousetraps with their arseholes?
Also, it's a fucking mouse. What are you, a fucking woman?
I prefer snap traps, they're easier to deal with once they've done their job.
How many gallons to catch a person?
That's would have SuperDave written all over it.
somebody post that guys video video of the trap that holds the rat down and spanks the shit out of them with a tiny spatula while it's still alive. fr shit was hilarious
I have traps laid out next to a wall so that they often activate just by the mouse running over it.
What does wanting to exterminate pests have to do with being a woman? Should I just live with them? Just let them infest my house every year when the weather starts to get cold?
In my experience having to take care of some of these buggers, the best traps were the basic style with the metal pedal. You can bend the tab in on them a bit and adjust them so they have a hairpin trigger; they're most effective when they have a chance of going off when you place them down. They are a bit messy though. For some reason the mice I had did not go for the glue traps at all. Also, I suggest that you buy one of those cheap wi-fi security cameras so that you can see where they are coming from or at least figure out what path they follow.
The only way that these will work is if you find and block all the entrances, which in a lot of cases is extremely difficult if not impossible. They will get back in if you release them outside.
Looks like it's that time of year when the little bastards come to crash in the house. I've consistently caught 1 to 2 of the buggers every night in the workshop traps over the last week. Heard the dogs going wild at the skirting board last night so they are in the walls again. I don't mind mice that much but I fucking hate rats.
The joys of country living
I have planned on doing all kinds of wile e. coyote-tier traps like the solenoid thing for them but honestly, just finding where they like to run around and setting up enough of the regular traps (seriously just like 1 feet apart along the wall) has proven the best. Those plastic ones seem to work pretty ok and are easy to clean up.
Had one caught by its leg yesterday that squeaked and jumped right out of the thing and to a hole in the wall yesterday when I saw it. That was right before I made this thread. Two more dead right next to each other this morning and now there's a trap missing so I guess there's a mouse dragging a trap with it somewhere out there.
Also I wouldn't hate the damn things so much but for some reason they have habit of building nests and running around the walls and ceiling of my bedroom at night, which for obvious reasons can be pretty annoying.
If you've ever had a bad mice problem it changes you fundamentally

You become hyper tuned to scratches, rustling, scraping...if someone's jacket zipper is scraping the wall 3 rooms over you hear it and tense up

You become weary of moving furniture, large objects etc as you dejectedly anticipate finding more turds

It's been almost a decade and just seeing OP's pic fills me with a blinding rage/disgust that will never leave me
You are really overthinking this. Get a plain old mousetrap. Put some peanut butter on it. No, it's not fancy. Yes, it works. SNAP, it breaks the little bastard's neck. Pick it up and throw it in the trash.
I live in the country. Been there, felt that. I can't leave a door open, for a minute. I can't have a single hole or crack, in the house. I give the neighbor's cats, free reign around my yard and encourage them to stick around.
Bucket traps can be kill traps if it has water in it. Drowning is probably less suffering than a slow death on a glue trap.
>flicking a light switch and hearing 2-3 of them scurry back to their hiding spot
>opening cupboards and seeing nibbles on the corners of bags
>lying in bed listening to their high-frequency chatter
>the knowledge that they piss and shit everywhere they go in order to find their way back so your attic/walls are becoming more vile by the minute
>traps work once or twice then they get wise
>second guessing the cleanliness of every floor and surface in your house

Most invasive evil species on earth. Best treatment is 22LR or a heavy book
Peanut butter baited traps don't work on the mice population in my area, instead I use a bread and cheese paste mixed in the consistency of cookie dough, when put out they catch them within an hour of being set sometimes.

I even tested this with 2 traps set 1 meter apart, one with peanut butter and the other with the cheese paste, they go for the cheese one 99% of the time the 1% was one tripping over the PB trap while getting to the cheese one.

Those are deer mice btw
Mice in my area have found the secret to licking off all the peanut butter without setting off the trap. These are the disposable traps BTW. Think I may need to use the glue traps. Don't want to use poison because the last thing this old house needs are dying, decomposed mice in the walls.
glue traps are awful in every way. just use snappers and throw them away.
I take fruit snacks and cram them in to the little copper trigger end then throw away what is left over. Never had a bait eaten without a dead mouse. Also you shouldn't use peanut butter, it's too strong and will attract them from further away.

I've tried sonics of many flavors and ultraviolet, spary, the only two things that work are agressively snap trapping them and those little peppermint packs. I put them out every year or whenever there is a mouse kill.
I just got 8 mice out the bucket trap yesterday. Reloaded and ready to go.
Fortunately I rarely get mice in the house but they love to destroy my cars.
When total war is called for 50% peanut butter 50% plaster of paris works really well. Seems to work better than the store-bought poison.
I only use snap-traps in the house itself where I rarely have a mouse problem. I kill probably 100 mice a year outside or in the cars, typically only 1 a year in the house.
mixing a bit of cotton in with the peanut butter makes it so the fibers get caught on their teeth.
Bucket traps and corn gluten.
I've been superglueing hard dog kibbles to the trigger of those wood and metal snap traps with good success.
>fruit snacks
Those gummy fruit snacks? I use peanut butter because other foods in the past had no success, but guess I can change it up.
Never thought of using cotton/glue. Thanks. Will try next time I set up my traps.
I switched to electric traps. Downside is you have to empty it after each catch, but you'll never find one still alive in there.
Why not both?
You can pour a little of >>2864054 into a bucket and get the best of both worlds. You catch all the mice, and they suffer, and they die, and you only have to hose it out into the corpse pile when it starts to fill up.
The only real longterm solution is to block any and all points of entry for them, problem solved. otherwise, no matter how many you kill more will come, that's just how ecosystems work.

I get it's harder for Americans since houses are made of matchsticks instead of brick but even then it's not like mice have super powers and can chew threw any and all wood. Find out where they are able to get in and fix that.
Recently I demo'd my kitchen for a renovation. Took out all the old subfloor and all the walls and ceiling, along with everything else. Just framing left. There were mouse turds everywhere. Ended up taking out all the insulation too, then used 1/4" chicken fencing/hardware cloth literally everywhere, then filled corners with construction glue and stika fireblock foam, then put much heavier fiberglass insulation everywhere, followed by vapor barrier (I know it's not needed everywhere), then closed it all back, left basically no breathing room, then tiled the kitchen and walls. They would need superpowers to get through now. The rest of the house is next.
key is to isolate entries on the interior and entries on the exterior. it took me 8 months but I am finally mouse free for the first time in 5 years.
Know your poisons, get what's right for you! The classic anticoagulant is Diphacinone, still the king. It takes several feedings over a couple of weeks for them succumb to internal bleeding, so you need a LOT to fight an infestation. A substantial buffet somewhere private, somewhere they'll go any time of day or night, and the buffet must be kept full until nothing's touched it for at least a week. There's a risk of them just getting bored of the easy buffet and fucking off, don't be afraid to mix and match brands so you can change the flavors up and keep them interested until the job's done. It's not likely to hurt anything that feeds on rodents or their corpses, but sure as shit keep your own animals the fuck away from the bait. We've used so much Diphacinone over the last 8 decades that many populations have developed an immunity, oops.

Cholecalciferol is faster, but potentially more dangerous, can cause kidney failure in all mammals. It's Vitamin D3, so manufacturers like to play up the safety, but it's plenty dangerous at rat poison concentrations. Starts killing in a couple of days, anything actively feeding on it will be dead within a week. Rodents are more sensitive than most other mammals to hypercalcemia, leading to renal failure. This is also my peeve with Cholecalciferol, as I have seen what happens when an infestation collectively pisses blood for a couple days before dropping dead.

Now the real stuff, Bromethalin, a neurotoxin developed specifically to replace Diphacinone. It's that rat poison you see in the movies, the stuff Agent 47 uses, causes vomiting, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, seizures, and potentially death. Does the job in anywhere from ~12 hours to a few days, depends on several metabolic factors. A single feeding is more than enough, no 3 week buffet needed. It works on all mammals. The lethal dose varies widely, 5mg/kg in rats but a measly 0.25mg/kg in humans. A $35 bottle of Tomcat can potentially kill 70+ people, neato.
here up in pacific northwest BC, they've basically banned all three and mouse population exploded through COVID years that coincided with the bans.
>They would need superpowers to get through now
never underestimate them, I've seen them them do so much crazy acrobatic shit, it's almost like a superpower, like jumping from one dangling cable to the next when climbing, all while holding a slice of bread many times its size ,and running alongside the wall while being completely perpendicular to the floor, or getting through a half by half centimeter opening
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Mice are the fucking worst.
I have rehabbed 9 million old cars and small engined things left to die. Ive cleaned out soo many nests.

Seen tails poking out between air cooling fins, pulled out broiled mouse
Started a tractor, flywheel ripped through moms face, her dying move was to get far enough out from covers so i just saw it. Had like little mice sucking on her i got to stomp then pick out the rest from the engine and nest.
Turn on the hvac, mice stuff poofs out, fuckin gross.

I use the white reuasable snap traps with the little recessed hole.
Drop in a dot of silicone
Then embed your raisin in that.

With the normal wire traps, silicone or a wire/twistie twisted around your bait makes them last a lot longer.

Worst species on earth
If I remember right, rat/mouse poison has an secondary ingredient, that makes them unbearably thirsty, meaning they get the hell out of the house and head for water and die.
>tfw life in old house made of slate that used to belong to the church
>have mouse and vole problems from cracks
>no company wants to work on my house because of it's "historic value" and don't know how to fix slate
All the contractors near me only know what to do with lumber houses.
I don't think dead mice in your walls will smell bad, for these reasons:
>I have torn out lots of old fiberglass insulation and found many dead mice, much to the surprise of the building's owner when I tell them what I found. This would suggest that they didn't have any clues (odors, etc.) that something had died within their walls.
>The air in your walls (and thus, the smell of death) shouldn't travel very far, if it all. That's really the point of fiberglass insulation.
why do americans have such hollow walls? stupid house design
I'm a europoor. Its plasterboard over an external concrete block wall for insulation.
I love all animals and most bugs
The only exception are ants in my home
first of all you are a disgusting person
secondly you are utterly retarded if you think you can get rid of vermin by traps alone. you have to secure the area from entry first. that will solve 99% of your problem. traps are for any who get stuck once its secure. unless you truly do enjoy killing and emptying traps. they can breed much faster than you can trap them. utterly pointless endeavor.
>super secret ingredient
I think it's salt anon.
The oils and filth from the mice will seep through drywall and will appear as a stain. I demo'd a kitchen where a mouse was stuck in the wall and died there. The drywall scrap still smelled of dead mouse days after it was in the pile.
>breed much faster than you can trap them
Yes. Traps should serve as control first, to detect their presence, then to eliminate any outliers.
I hate chipmunks more now; car sat for about a week, just enough time for them to put acorns in the blower and chew wires under the fusebox.
This has not been my experience. I have been able to wipe out rat populations in my commercial building with snap traps. It took several years for any to come back.
Same but anon seemed too angry to care about my experience so I decided to let him seethe in peace.
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As other anons have pointed out, the best solution is to close-off the mouse-sized holes in your wall.
Stainless steel wool/mesh works well for fitting into holes/gaps. They can't chew through it and it won't rust/disintegrate.
I must have bad luck, because I do this every time but then they just chew a hole somewhere else. I live innawoods so I cannot escape the mice. Maybe I should train a falcon or something to guard my house.
>It took several years for any to come back.
It took several years for them to become brazen enough for you to notice. You didn't wipe out shit lol. They are smart. Smarter than you by the sounds of it.
or get a cat
>tfw caught a mouse 6 out of the last 7 days in a non-baited trap
My crawl space has no hope for mouse-freedom, hope I kill momma-mouse soon. God I hate my house.
>tfw 2 traps with bait stolen
In my kitchen even. I had a suspicion there might be some around but this confirms it. Feels fucking disgusting to be honest. Time to gear up I guess.
falcon sounds way cooler plus you can train it to bring you rabbits for food too
>tfw changed traps and caught one literally minutes later
Now I'm afraid of how much more there is.
Bucket traps target the empathetic ones snap traps target the greedy. You are a higher mammal you control their culture your not going to kill the all but you can train them to fear you and eat outside.
That's demoralizing. I remember having my kitchen renovated a few years back and afterwards, had mice there for the first time. That's when I started learning how to do basic woodwork skills and also learned not to hire family/friends to do renos.
Get a cat or borrow one for a couple days every month or so.
Cats are useless. They're domesticated assholes let out of houses that don't know how to hunt, shit in your garden,make your porch smell like urine, and meow at all hours while scratching on your door to get food or be let in. My neighbour's chickens do a better job at killing mice.
Chickens are fucking badass
big psychopatch energy from this post
That ones fucking great

>the thing doesn't have to suffer
Yes it does, it's a requirement at this point.
If it wakes you up 20 times a day and has ignored all warnings then it's asking for it.
get a cat.
I live in the woods. 3 cats and they keep my house and barn mouse free.
once they murder all the mice the little shits killed rabbits and shit. not fucking around.
just cause you can't function in the natural world doesn't mean the rest of us can't.

you deserve mice with an attitude like that.
I'm not some mouse-trapping pro but I've seen that the walk-the-plank style traps work the best according to some faggot on youtube.

I also had the little wind-up box ones that rotate and allegedly catch multiple mice, they don't usually, they only catch 1 at a time any time I've used them, only once have one of them caught two in my house, somehow the mice tip the other mice off (maybe they were eating all the peanut butter that normally attracts them). What they do is catch them nearly 100% of the time, and they have good attraction rates in general since the mouse crawls into the little hole. You just have to kill the mouse after and put the trap back, but as far as just catching them efficiently those wind-up box traps work well.
>Secure the area from entry
This isn't possible in many older houses, at least not without a ton of work. Trapping and killing the mice is probably the best way to do it short-term, and long-term maybe you can shore up your house against them or maybe you have more important projects to work on.
what do you mean? like sealing off doors?
People who choose glue traps are some kind of evil.
this is the anon you replied to. my house's mice very coming through the gap between the concrete and the dryer vent and traveling around the outside of the vent pipe, then dug at the basement concrete wall near the foundation and spread from there. They slowly found other pathways once they were inside, like behind the washroom near the main entrance, along the outside hose pipe, behind the kitchen cabinets, etc. I first started setting a fuckton of traps to kill the ones that were inside, that resulted in 27 dead mice within 3 weeks, then I started going room by room, starting with the laundry room, empty, disinfecting the hell out of everything, moving and separating mounted stuff, and then using a combination of stainless steel wool/copper wool, hardware cloth/chicken wire no larger than 1/4" square sized, and PL glue and Durabond 90 to seal off anything they had opened and anything that looked like it was wide enough for them to pass through to other rooms. And so on. I ended up ripping off my whole kitchen, which was due for replacement anyway, and found a mouse highway near the plumbing through the subfloor, had to get that re-done so they can't come through there again, and there wouldn't need to be so much routed out of the cabinets. It's really a nightmare, but it is doable, and once all their pathways inside are blocked and you've disinfected and cleaned everything, then it's time to do the same for the exterior, between the foundation and siding on both front and back yards/garage/etc. hardware cloth and wafer screws are your friends here, as well as spray foam after.
Just found one of these fuckers dead in my garage an hour ago. The bastard gnawed his own body to get out of the glue trap. What's crazy is there was no activity yesterday. Damn thing even got into my garage sink. I had a bag of grass seed in the garage that apparently attracted him. I have bait boxes all around the house as a preventative measure; it's a literal mousewitz, but I still have to put out traps.

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