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How do you cure or remove tonsil stones yourself at home?
There is no curing them, it's the accumulation of bacterial waste in holes in your throat.

I can tell when mine are getting bad because I'll cough and it smells literally like shit. Then I'll gargle with some warm salt water and do a few exaggerated hacks, like I'm hocking a loogey and they'll generally dislodge
you don't, you go to a doctor shithead.
>"do it yourself" board
>have someone else do it for you
Get someone (or something) to lick them out.
Go to Amazon and buy a tonsil stone remover kit. You just kinda prod them out and try as hard as you can to suppress the gag reflex.
I suspect you could get your tonsils removed and that would “cure” the problem but that’s a bit akin to chopping off a finger to prevent a hangnail from coming back.
Bet you go to the ER every time you nick yourself shaving.
I just poke at them with the handle of a dental pick or use one of the blunt picks to try and gently scrape them out. Sometimes I will spear the tonsil stone with a sharp dental pick and pull it on out. Its pretty easy to make your tonsil bleed though. But it also really doesn't hurt anything either.
I remember running around the playground as a kid and one dislodged into my mouth. I was a booger eater so i bit into it expecting a little treat and it made me gag. Got sent to the nurse.
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It is possible to dissolve this in vinegar?
He is boy, they don't shave
Just move to a country with a goverment that covers your medical expenses, amerilard. Works well enough for me, got my appendicitis surgery for a total of 0 dollar.
Just poke them with your finger to squeeze out the crud and gargle with salt water. It's not a big deal.
Q tip, dry
Get the stone to stick to it and remove
The area that stones form is called a crypt. "Stones" themselves are accumulations of your own cells, bits of food, and the bacteria that consume them.
Short term, a small spade/spatula can be used to knock big ones out, but you need to take care around the actual tonsil tissue as they tend to have dense blood vessels close to the surface and will bleed. Less effective but gentler options include gargling diluted peroxide or a water-pick on low.

Long term, stones tend to form when sugary food & drink is allowed to fester at the back of your throat long enough to feed rapid growth of anaerobic bacteria, so cutting those foods out of your diet or brushing your teeth & gargling shortly after eating will prevent them from forming. Especially brush your teeth and flush your mouth with water or mouthwash before sleep as they tend to form when you salivate and swallow less.
Tonsillectomy isn't typically performed in adults unless they're badly infected because recovery is a lot worse than getting stones from time to time.
I did this with my tongue
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never had this but my guess would be
>get one of picrel (cook them before use)
>set up good lighting
>get to work
>maybe rinse with something with antimicrobial properties before and after
I just force them out when they get big enough.
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i've had tonsil stones since a kid. wasn't until adulthood that i finally stopped having them. the eureka moment was when i expanded my concept of oral hygiene - brushing, flossing, tongue brushing - to also include my tonsils, specifically tonsil crypts. the same bacteria between teeth, along the gumline, also inhabit the tonsil crypts. so then i knew what to do: clean out the tonsil crypts every day just like the rest of my mouth. typically my oral hygiene routine is: 1. tongue brushing with water in my mouth 2. oral irrigator on my teeth with water i my mouth 3. oral irrigator into the tonsil crypts (4 on the left, 4 on the right) 4. brush teeth with baking soda 5. floss 6. oral irrigator to rinse out the stuff that brushing and flossing loosened.

the oral irrigator on the tonsil crypts is its own thing: you need a mirror, small light directed into the tonsil area, oral irrigator that you can turn on and off with one hand, a probe tool to spread open the crypt (i use a stainless steel chopstick). it took me months to plan, design the set up and gather the parts. the one handed on/off control of the oral irrigator is key, without that you will have a wet mess everywhere. for me, the control was simply squeezing the hose against the irrigator wand of pic related, crude but analog and simple.
I don't think I've ever seen or felt my tonsils outside of having something catch on them while eating and needing to cough
this is amazing man, thank you
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My grandmother has one of these fucking things, but it's a battery powered thing that is both annoying (because batteries) and gets absolutely disgusting around where the battery compartment seals and behind the small water tank.

It never occurred to me that there were versions that just attached to the faucet. I have been granted good knowledge this day.
>4. brush teeth with baking soda
My dentist said this is okay like once a week or two, but don't do it every day because it hurts the enamel.
i use cotton swabs to push them. It works reasonably well (after months of having to battle with the gag reflex).
I guess you could gargle with mouthwash frequently and it also would aid in the prevention aspect, aside from perhaps making them softer or dilluting them
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Get a set of Asian ear curettes. Boil the spoons, let it cool, then you open your mouth wide and just scoop it out. You have to really hold your tongue down and expose your throat, like anti-mewing.

You can just the rest to let a qt Asian gril scoop out your ear wax just like in anime.
Every time I eat keto they go away. Every time I stop they come back
I use a water pick syringe like pic related. You want to use salt water. You can also reduce the likelihood of them forming by scrapping your tongue. I also found success with vitamin d3 and K.
When I was a stoner teen and didn't brush my teeth I used to just pop them out with the back end of a pencil. Quite fun.
>brush your teeth.
i will tell you but you have to avoid, common stardard kike shilling like those >>2865703

first you do this >>2865727
he is correct, first you clean it up, after cleaning it, you should also do this>>2865739 you can use your finger, but the gag reflex may trigger you. after you clean it up, clean your whole troat, with a solution of , 1 tablespoon of salt, half a cup of vinnegar, little warm water.
gargle up to both side of your troat.
after that do a tongle clean up, you can use a spoon to do it, bring all the dirt from the back to the front.
after doing those 2 steps, there is the 3rd one.
get your hand, find your tracheal duct, where is your adams pome if you are male, get it with your hand like getting a tube, move it a little to the side, to the left and them to the right, this is done to move any residual food left in the lower esophagus, near tracheal opening, but you do this, outside of your mouth, literaly on your neck.
the 4rd step, is a little hard. your tonsils got eroded by some infection that damaged the tissue causing cavity, to prevent it from filling again, you should avoid, flour and paste food, or gummy foods, you should eat beans instead of pasta, you should eat seashells instead of nuttella, you gotta change to food that has structure, not those very soft food, or it will fill the the tonsils cavity again.
5th step you can gurgle up after eating food, with water to clean your troat and prevent food acumulation again on the tonsils.
6th step, you should avoid drinking soda, because it will calcify the rest of food, because of the acidity that it has, also avoid taking antibiotics because when you really need it, it will work otherwise you will die, if you have a bad tonsil infecttion.
avoid doctors that says it has no cure.
with proper care, in time, the tissue should heal itself properly, like gumms heal completely if you are not doing it wrong.
but it will take some time 1 year 2 years, most of people can´t wait for that time
The government doesn't cover that, your taxes do dumbass. Euros are so fuckin soft
This is a better explanation than my wife gave me for mine. And she's worked in dental offices her entire career and a children's dental office for 22 years
A few years ago I went looking for littium below an old factory in the deep andes

Back then no one cared about littium so the river got tons of it dumped on it, killed everything from the mountain to the ocean but, salar specific fauna, like this littium shrooms, people pretend they are crystals cause they don't see them grow

My guess is that gives this river of littium it's particular cell shape what is used to make high quality batteries
That's because females inherently can't understand processes, only forms and reactions. Ask a woman to find out what's wrong, not why.
grab 'em by the pussy with this fella
This is what I use. It's annoying to refill the syringe so I'm looking for an electronic replacement. Something that has good pressure and isn't crazy expensive. Needs to have the curve at the end so I can reach the cavities
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Tonsil stones are natural ear wax discharge.

Normally they drop into the mouth and are swallowed without being noticed. They have nothing to do with food, they are an excretion of from those close sinus areas and the body fluids/waxes that exist.

In a natural state, man has hot/cold dry/moist states in fluxtuation, and so the "stones" will shrink and enlarge while small and fall away. But in an unnatural state where the mouth is ALWAYS MOIST the tonsils will not dry-out, and this will allow the stones to grow abnormally large and get stuck.

Something similiar happens with cattle that only have hoof problems in captivity on farms, but never have hoof problems when feral. In the wild state, dry and moist, cold and heat, alternate daily, and the hooves naturally break apart. But in captivity there are no changes, and the hooves grow too long because they are always moist.

So the solution to tonsil stones is to breath right, dry the tonsils out by natural air, cycling daily with dry and moist.

Man living and breathing constantly in unnaturally constant and controlled air-conditioned spaces has created this inconvenience.
>I suspect you could get your tonsils removed and that would “cure” the problem
they used to do that by default in most of the world until like the 70s-80s
>but that’s a bit akin to chopping off a finger to prevent a hangnail from coming back.
americlaps are no stranger to these sorts of things, they will literally perform circumcision on babies (1% chance of death) to prevent foreskin issues (0.5% chances of ever happening)
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>cattle that only have hoof problems in captivity

When the hoof is constantly moist from the same stall and meadow it will not dry-out which is necessary for it to crack off and break away.

Same with "tonsil stones" ... they are the result of being indoors too much and being outdoors enough in the dry air for the natural shedding of them to take place.
>being outdoors enough
Brushing your teeth with baking soda. Swish the baking soda around in your mouth and between your teeth. It will dissolve tonsil stones and prevent them from returning.
You can dislodge them pretty easily if you move your tongue around, so go get some ice cream on a stick and start licking, a regular cone will also work but the stick ones have more area to work with and will give your tongue a real workout. That's how I deal with them, but mind you if it's a particularly stubborn one you'll need more than one stick.
Go back to leftypol, troon.
that's your fetish? got it.
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Any at home methods for gum disease? Dentist is booked out 3 months and my insurance won't let me change providers.
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Stop smoking. They’ll disappear after some months, and you’ll be fine.
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what the fuck?
commercial mouthwashes are full of toxic shit.
Active Ingredients: Eucalyptol (0.092 %), Antiplaque/Antigingivitis; Menthol (0.042 %), Antiplaque/Antigingivitis; Methyl Salicylate (0.060 %), Antiplaque/Antigingivitis; Thymol (0.064 %), Antiplaque/Antigingivitis. Inactive Ingredients: Water, Alcohol (26.9% v/v), Benzoic Acid, Poloxamer 407, Sodium Benzoate, Caramel.
I don't know what all the weird comments in this thread are.
Tonsil stones are not an emergency unless you have an infection, they happen all the time to people with enlarged tonsils, you just was them out.

The easiest way is just to gargle soda water a bunch, some people say salt water but while that's an antibacterial the priority is actually getting them out so I just use soda water. Soda and lemon if you have to.

If that doesn't work try a garden hose and just hold your thumb over the end of it. the dentist has a really fancy water jet thing, but it's not magic it's just water. you do this to avoid using a hard object, which might injure you.

If water didn't work, that's when I'd be thinking dentist. But if you were broke you might just poke at the tonsil stone a it with something soft, a green onion, uhh...anything else that wasn't going to injure your mouth if you gagged.

Why a green onion? well that's what I had lying around and that's what worked for me. awful taste in my mouth afterwards, salt water gargle needed at that point.
I've always just pushed on my tonsils and squeeze them out. I use my tongue to feel around for them. You will be doing a lot of spitting and hocking up loogies to get these out, so I recommend doing it somewhere no one can see you because you will look like a complete retard. It gets the job done. Good luck.
I generate suction in my mouth and sometimes a massive one comes up.

Sometimes it happens later and I'm inconveniently working and can't just spit it out into a napkin so I have to swallow it.

q-tips. don't gag as you press them out of the tonsil. drink plenty of water to help keep the hole flushed. won't stop them but will slow the build up
you think a faggot poster like this is old enough to have facial hair?
If you want to stay alive, stay away from hospitals.
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I didn’t read the thread. I use a hemostat to clamp onto a Bobby pin and use the loop of the Bobby pin to pry it out. Haven’t had a tonsil stone in years, but I know the struggle op
brush your teeth twice a day with baking soda
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Unorthodox, but highly effective!
You have to be a little retarded to make a satire this convincing
If the issue is that simple why do Americans pay so much more as a percent of gdp on healthcare?
Gargle warm water for about 30 seconds for about 3 minutes about 3-4 times, then get some throat numbing spray, spray some to reduce your gag reflex, then use a toothpick or steel pick to gently pick at them moving them side to side to work them out of the pocket their stuck in. Cough in between pick session as you work them lose, repeat gargle with warm water until you can finally get them lose and/or cough them out. It's pretty easy. They're basically like tiny rocks and are stuck inside the little ridges or pockets of your tonsils. Gargling listerine helps losen then and work them out too. It's very easy.
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Lobbyists from the medical industry get to write the laws. The solution definitely isn't "more government" or "more taxes"
Neat, oral pick.

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