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How do I fix my stupid fucking toilet
I rented a room recently and the toilet is fucking retarded. It was like this from day 1. No it's not clogged, it doesn't even look broken, but it WON'T flush shit. The water will just swirl them around. I have a 5 minute video of me trying to flush my shit (for evidence in case the landlord refuses to fix this then I'll have to contact the right authorities, this might even count as a health hazard under the law and could be serious). I know I cant post a 5 minute video on 4chan so where should I post it? Disclaimer: I'm trying to flush my actual, real life shit for 5 minutes in this video and I eventually succeed.

How am I even supposed to tell this to my landlord? "Uhh yeah the toilet doesn't look broken or clogged but it won't flush my shit?"
Forgot to mention this but it's average sized shit. The toilet specifically has a problem with average sized solid shit and everything in between. Me or my diet aren't the problem, otherwise I would be having problems with any toilet I use
New toilets are just shit. Especially landlord specials
My apartment toilet couldnt flush diarrhea
I bought a house and it has a 1970s 25 litre flush toilet and its glorious
Ask you landlord if he would prefer you use the sink or the shower while you wait for him to send a plumber. If it can't flush shit then it's broken and therefore his problem. This is beyond the scope of what the casual toilet user can reasonably be expected to deal with.
Adding to this when dealing with the apartment toilet i would just dump big buckets of water into the bowl to flush it instead of using the tank which im sure offset any water saving the landlord hoped for
Unfortunately in the real world where things don’t flush like they do in the movies, it can take three, four, or in the case of my wife, Peggy Hill, six flushes to completely remove solid waste.
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It's coming back. Thus the stain. This is fucking ridiculous.
>rent a room
Check the tank. The toilet in my apartment has similar issues and they started only when the connector that hooks the filler hose to its place broke. Even if you stick it back in, the pressure isn't the same. Your cheapest bet is to just get a stick or tube from a broken vacuum cleaner to push the paper around.
>How am I even supposed to tell this to my landlord? "Uhh yeah the toilet doesn't look broken or clogged but it won't flush my shit?"
yes, exactly like that.
What does the inside of the tank look like? Is the water level filling the whole way and then stopping? Are you a woman? How are you this helpless, open the fucking lid and see what’s going on
a pressure-washer will force that shit down the S bend while using little water
How do you even sit on this thing or clean around it? It’s literally flush with the wall (pun intended) on one side.
Looks like some
>I ain’t payin for no profeshunnel, I can do I mahself!
Job by a clueless person.
They propably had a family member do it. They love recruiting family members
woke up to this
Open the toilet lid. Check the mechanism that lifts and drops the water, you can regulate how fast, and strong it drops it.
thanks will try
Ikr, poor OP has to shit side-saddle and then it won't flush lol
I've heard you can use a toilet as a bong with little to no modification. Can anyone confirm?
oh my god just contact your landlord why are you fucking posting this on 4chan
this isn't normal, if you live in a country with 1st world plumbing it shouldn't take more than one flush if you didn't buy your toilet off craig's list
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It's probably a clogged vent. The number of times I've seen this and the owner persists in it being a clog in the drain line itself while the vent is what's actually clogged up is quite high. It's the same deal with drainage issues in the tub or the sink too. You need a vent to move water out the drain.
If your bathroom sink drains into the same line like picrel, you could try detaching the P-trap and flushing the toilet to see if it works any better. It might smell like hell, but it's just to diagnose the problem. If you don't hear any gurgling in the sink drain as the toilet flushes, then it's on a different drain line, but it doesn't hurt to try.
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I'm feeling extra charitable today. If you have drainage problems and have noticed a rotten sewage smell waft up from your sink or tub drain, then somewhere in the vent is a clog and the methane gas from the sewage is flowing back up the drain line and bubbling up thru the P-trap as it builds in pressure.
You should replace that little squirrel with a squirrel jak.
It's probably got a "water saving" bag in the cistern that means it can't build up enough water pressure to work properly
It's directly against the wall, what fucking moron installed that thing, must have been indian or something.
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I had a toilet with weak flushes, often clogging. Replacing the fill valve fixed the problem
nta, but here.
Could be a poor wax seal. The Crapper design requires a good siphon and if your wax seal is leaking air, you can’t have a good siphon. Wax seal and vent work together to create siphon action. Does your throne rock a bit?
Is the tank fully filling up before a flush? Could be a clogged vent.
How do you clean a vent? Get on the roof and flush it with a hose?
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of course you can. the cistern is just like a bucket in a bucket bong.
Shit in plastic bags and whip them up fast like a sling into your landlords door until he fixes it. Or just random places.
pour draino in it you know sulfuric acid
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>pour draino in it you know sulfuric acid
>implying they're the same

Drano is highly alkali
Sulfuric Acid is highly acidic
This is nuts
>25 litre flush toilet
lmao imagine the sound your downstairs neighbors will hear flushing an entire fish tank down a cast iron pipe every time you flush.
I find alkali work better than acids in drain cleaners. about twice a year I pour a whole bottle in every drain of my house to clean things out.
Does it flush if you dump a full bucket of water into the toilet bowl ?

Obviously if you are clueless you tell the land lord that the toilet isn't flushing and he'll do it himself or call a plumber
It's a trend stuffing bottles in the tank to save water. Have a look.
oh shit I have a basement toilet and shower drain that smell kinda funky no matter what the conditions are. So I have a vent for plumbing on my roof?

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