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How do I get rid of these fuckers from my apartment?

My landlord is paying an exterminator but all they do is put poison traps and come back to check on them, but I've been having this issue for months. The exterminator doesn't look for holes or fill any with wool. All they do is monitor the bait stations.

If I want to tackle this myself, what's the best way to do it? Should I buy a blacklight and try to find where they're coming from?

I have a electric stove top and I've seen these fuckers scurry inside the burners, but I don't know how to get them out.
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Put poison traps and check on them maybe? I wish there was a more immediate way but from what I've experienced the best way to deal with them is just a fuckload of poison and traps until the problem is gone. Blocking all the points of entry would be a more long term solution but that might just not be feasible.
And by fuckload I really do mean like maybe two times more than you think would be enough.
I had a very sudden and severe rat infestation once and I stuck my head up in the attic and threw fistfuls of rat poison everywhere. That was all it took.
The answer is the same answer to the question "what do you see when you browse /b/?"

Traps. Traps everywhere.
I put some thing that makes a high pitch sound in my shed and it seems to work, I trap fewer than before. Probably irritates them too much to sleep in there.
I got mice in the attic and I tried throwing poison all around, they seem to just ignore it. What kind did you use? I got pic related.
Don't use poison unless you want to smell mouse corpses that you can't find and deal with the flies that will find them and reproduce on them. Either set up one of those bucket traps (look it up) or get a shit ton of regular, old fashioned mouse traps and keep killing. Tip - glue a piece of cereal to the trigger of the mouse trap, it works better than peanut butter as they can't lick it off and have to tug at it.

Since you're in an apartment you might not be able to eliminate them completely, especially if the other tenants are disgusting slobs. If you live somewhere with good tenant rights, document evident of the mice (droppings, chewed packaging, whatever) over time so you can pressure the landlord legally to actually deal with the problem rather than hiring cousin Benny to drop bait stations. You're not going to be able to seal an apartment well enough to keep them out.
Like the other anons said, tons of accessible traps, so they don't stink ya up, but there is another consideration.

You gotta seal up wherever they're coming from. I has an apartment mouse infestation once and when I looked at the kitchen cabinets there were tons of gaps n shit. You gotta use steel wool, or something else they can't chew though, you can caulk over it for looks if ya want. But jam steel wool into any gaps in cabinets/floorboards/etc. Especially on the walls where your apartment connects to the rest in your building.
I don't remember the brand but I bought it at Home Depot and it was a bag of small individual packets that you can toss intact. Perhaps they take it back to their nest and poison everyone there. They are supposed to get thirsty and leave to seek water which is good because they bleed out and make a mess. I found a few dead ones out in the open in my garage but never smelled any corpses otherwise. I never saw another rat again after that.
Every place I've seen these in have also had mice in. I'm inclined to believe these are a slight annoyance to the mice at best. Or just snake oil.

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