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There will be some downtime in the next hour for the ol' upgrades!

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>scalding hot when moved a μm to the left
>ice cold when moved a μm to the right

Shit's actually so retarded. Whoever designed these should be drawn and quartered.
That would be one of the first things I'd replace if I bought a house with one.
Your water heater is turned up too high dingus
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Oh, hey there.
Mine is like this, it is easier to dial in the exact temp but I always hated having to use 3 knobs to turn on the shower. I could leave the middle knob turned on shower mode but then it drips for hours after a shower and I can hear it, it's irritating. turning it back to tub drains all the water.
Could be worse. The one in my apartment actually fully cuts off the shower when opened to the faucet, so it won't drain.
>finish shower
>half close valve to drain the pipe to the shower head
>fully open valve to shower, run the water for a second to force air through and push out remaining water trapped in shower head
>half close valve to drain the new water in the pipe
>close valve to shower fully
>oops, you forgot to close the valve fully and now you get sprayed with cold water while you are waiting for the pipes to flush before the next shower
I think you can upgrade your mixer and keep the same trim and the faucet will look the same
Bow chicks wow wow
i have my water heater set to "warm" which is 125F.
anytime i shower, or run the sink, I use 95% hot water with only a small mix of cold water to increase pressure, and reduce temp to 115.
enjoy your legionnaires disease.
My issue is after that it takes a long time to recover from hot or cold. Why the delay? Did cold water rush into the hot ones? Why no one has this issue with kitchen and restroom sink faucet?
Probably due to the distance of those outlets from the hot water heater.
Unilever hot &cold lever is the greatest stupid fucking piece of shit ever imagined. A curse on humanity and a plague upon this earth.
>mine does that
Shower heads with a hose are required by Universal Plumbing Code to include a backflow arrestor.
this means two things:
1) no one set the temp control range for the knob. pic related
2) your hot water heater is set too hot
That doesn't actually change the fidelity does it? Thatsvjust a safety feature to stop.you.from burning your.baby
Never had an issue with those. In fact, I’ve never seen anything else besides in really old houses that haven’t been renovated or in America.
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I don't have this problem. The middle is perfect.
Water heater is at 85c or so, 80 liters shitbox. I would turn it down for less scale buildup but then I couldn't do this.
But why? Hansgrohe has thermostat mixers without any electronics.
Because amerisharts are too cheap for recirculation lines in their homes.
I'm wondering about this too. I had a tankless heater and the mixing taps combined with the heaters minimum flow rate it was either hot or cold with like no adjustment. If you could change the ratio at the tap that would be good and something I wish I would of known about.
You can pull the handle off and adjust the temperature blend
It's actually quite brilliant if you knew how to properly operate it

For the faucet's blend settings***
>But why?
To be showy.
Aw yeah, electronics and additional points of failure for my shower. I love it.
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Why in the hell would there be a turnable dial to switch between shower head and tub mode? A binary switch like that is better serviced by this pull handle like every normal fucking shower made int he past few decades.
yeah. Set it to 60°C or 140 °F minimum so it kills bacteria in the water. Otherwise you are just breeding them in warm water.
Why do these even exist exactly? Did someone figure out there’s a mass of homeowners too lazy to turn two dials instead of one to shower? They seem manifestly inferior but they’re so common I wonder what I’m missing.
>i have my water heater set to "warm" which is 125F.
that is scalding, and anything over 120 is borderline too hot.
another retard post.
Which is why you mix it with cold water at the point of use. The high temperature in the water heater isn't so you can use water at that temperature, it's to kill off bacteria that love hot water. You have to keep it over the level at which they can survive.
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get one of these
Mine recently changed behavior and started running way hotter at more or less the same angle as I put it before.
What does that mean
mixing valve is bad nigga
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oh no
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what you're really doing is just compressing a spring so that the valve closes earlier
the thermostatic element will expand and contract at the same rate, so I don't think you will get any increase in fidelity.
Pretty easy way to verify yourself though. Set your valve to the lowest possible temperature.
If fidelity isn't increased then there should be a point when you turn the valve to a hotter setting and it just doesn't get any hotter.
Could be worse, I have a schziophrenic gas instant-hot water service. Two separate taps.
>turn hot tap on first before undressing to get the heater fired up
>heater failed to fire up, still cold
>turn hot tap off and on violently a few times to get it to light
>water gets scalding hot
>turn hot down a bit bit
>add cold
>still gets hotter
>add more cold
>slowly keeps creeping up
>add more cold
>cold tap forces the flow through the heater to decrease, heater turns off, sudden ice-shower
>turn cold off, turn hot back on full blast to re-light heater

A scalding hot shower that you can't turn down is just the ticket when it's 38deg C outside.

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