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Spelled correctly this time

You guys know the drill, as long as it's terrible, post it
shut up, this is pure soul
it would have been if it was two tiles thick so you wont see the underside
When you do this, you're supposed to have a factory edge out
It's literally 10 more seconds on the wet saw and then you don't have to worry about someone bleeding out on the jagged edge
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If you look closer, they also hacked the hell out of the wall tiles. I find it extra funny because it makes me think he figured he could just cut the lower tiles, using the edge of the upper ones, then realized it wasn't going to be anywhere near level and cut them while on the wall.
what does this do?
>leveled to a 0
>soap slides off when wet anyway
The wood in supposed to sit into the bracket...
That'd be the wrong application for an angled rafter. I think that was the joist plate and someone just installed it there, possibly an error or scrap piece. Likely cheaper to leave those brackets on than to pay someone to rip them off.
What's wrong with this?
NTA but its just odd having 5 tiny windows on that elevation. Why not use 4 normal windows?

fwiw I grew up in a house that had fake windows on the west elevation because the builder didn't want too much evening sun heating up the house. Because you don't want too much heat in a Michigan winter I guess? Parents re-did the siding and removed the fake windows. They were just fake on the 2nd story bedroom walls, the bedrooms had north and south windows.
Weird windows. But I really don't like that elect. service lying on the roof like that.
I don't know you guys. I kindda get it. Putting full sized windows would require reframing and sealing etc..., with these you just cut out the holes, caulk and slot the glass panes in, and boom, a whole other wall of natural light. It looks weird because it interrupts the shingled pattern of the siding, but it would look at home on a brick facade or concrete.

Not abomination, more quirky house up the hill.
>Not abomination, more quirky house up the hill.
unfortuantely thats like half the pics posted in this thread. They're not necessarily diy abominations, just "huh, thats odd".
I don't think it counts as an abomination if the absurdity comes from damage.
>What's wrong with this?
absolutely nothing, my cousin john stupid built it and we are very proud of him
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yer John is alright he just did up my bathroom its great
I always cut the tile below when I do this
You need about the space on the left cuz the angle but the space on the right allows that thing to just slide out if you pull on it
Makes you disqualified for insurance
I want to hate this but I feel like a well done hidden or vertical drain would be a huge flex
fuck is that why I couldn't find it in the catalog? been looking for this thread for weeks lmao
Probably not even that. It seems to be a shed unless you know a lot of people that keep firewood in their attic.

in a way i feel like that's ultimately the spirit of DIY, isn't it?

Somone obviously crashed into it.
are these things installed with a tilt so they drain? when done correctly of course
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If you get an actual soap shelf the surface of the shelf isn't level. You don't have to do anything funky with it, you just install it so the edges of the shelf are flush with the walls of the shower.
it'll last longer than you'll be alive
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Another example.
thanks I figured there had to be one with some kind of hole. If I were to make one I would consider tilting into the wall and drilling/curring a small hole in what would be the corner, but not sure if that would look good.
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Always good to see a guy who'll just eyeball some shit, cut a couple of times and fuck measuring anything because numbers are for nerds
A true craftsman
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Woodstock, Georgia and surrounding town have lots of houses like this, many far worse. At some point in the 80s or 90s, it was quite popular in that area to put on siding at a angle and use lots of diamond, trapezoid, or hexagon shaped windows.
no issue here
if it works it works
what? my head hurts looking at this
Apartments have a roof balcony, so to give roof access they put the stairs outside to maximize indoor space. Honestly, don't hate it aesthetically
Have to do it every time now. "Abominatios" is kind of funny though.
Why is it when I refill these torch lighter the flame goes to weak shit?
Are these filled with propane?
Forgot pic
This is my couch control.. it won't work unless I hit it. Took it apart, now it won't work at all.
If I short the contact,I get sparks.
I don't know much about electrical.
What are these switches?
This one is cool until you have to paint all of this.
More percussive fixing fixed it.
So now we're catering to meth-head, copper thief porn sector of the market
If that's a vent this is fine.
I really hope this is just a lean-to wood shed and not part of an actual house.
>Ahoy Matey! x5
Looks more like townhouses to me, this likely also puts the front door out facing something more pleasant to look at while hiding the garage entrances.
Aside from that I don't think those are refillable, I'm pretty sure most lighters use butane.
hey, this is my factorio spaghetti but in real life
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>plumbers drills through support beams
>electricians drills holes through pipings
who to blame for this? the foreman?
you assume this wasn't all done by one dude
The second one is PEX on a gas line. The first looks like copper couplings on PVC. They may work for a short time, but will fail.
No it's not fine.
nah it works
ok dude i know you're spamming your entire folder but some of these aren't bad or funny
This is epic and phonefag (You) is a faggot
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Please understand marrets are expensive.
>Where are the bodies Garth?
I like it, but I know most would hate it.
Not sure if this counts as an abomination; yeah it cost extra for all those extra fittings, but they use bendy straws now for p-traps.
I know we're messin with yuzu where you would usually doodoo
There's nothing wrong here. The PEX has some give to be pulled out of or pushed into the wall. It's installed that way so the PEX has enough give to attach (or replace) the shut-off valve.
This is actually incredible functional; it makes the domicile's speed, range and distance incredibly difficult to calculate for the HOA
Imagine thinking that could happen in a neighborhood with an HOA. As much as boomers and renters like to hate on HOAs, they prevent bullshit like that house.
No, now it's venting into the house.

I'd live there.
>As much as boomers and renters like to hate on HOAs, they prevent bullshit like that house.
Boomers, especially Karens, fucking love HOAs because they "keep values up" and drive out non-conformists. HOAs that are for a single-family home neighborhood are bullshit that originate from early redlining/mass post war developments with straight up racist bylaws.

For condos/townhomes where it's actually used for the upkeep of the shared structure and facilities? An HOA makes sense. For most neighborhoods? It's usually just a way for Karens to have a power trip over minor bullshit.

The builder kept to an interesting striping theme with the disparate colors in a way that looks nice.
nothing wrong with a saddle tap. especially since thats just a vent pipe
>straight up racist bylaws.
Now that the election is over, you can't get paid to spout this shit anymore. Nobody cares.

And yes, every neighborhood including those has at least 1 person who thinks they should let their grass grow to 4 feet tall, be able to paint their house rainbow colors, and generally piss off their neighbors because they hate everyone around them for some reason. HOAs are because theres a certain group of individuals who feel they MUST express their individuality at all times by being obnoxious shits. Its big altima energy in house format. Conform and be normal, quit trying to be quirky for updoots.

Is that how it is said in Spanish? That would make a lot of sense.
>Now that the election is over, you can't get paid to spout this shit anymore. Nobody cares.
Getting mad about an objective historical fact?

HOAs are for boring suburbanites who hate individuality.
wow you are bad at this.
go back into your mother's womb as you are underdeveloped.
>HOAs are for boring suburbanites who hate individuality.
Correct. Because they don't want some jackass painting their house a hideous color making it impossible to sell if they ever wanted to move. Or making their lawn a junk yard. Go be an individual away from normal society.
>Hurr suburbanites are "normal" durr
You don't know what normal is in your safe, WASPy conformance.
if you think your neighbor's property is an eyesore that's your problem
what HOAs should be about is pooling resources to buy things the whole street can use, or preventing your neighbors from damaging your own property
cry me a fucking river about "oh no my property value will go down 2% because every house doesn't match"
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>making it impossible to sell
yah thats not an issue in my west coast liberal utopia. dinky shithole houses sell for 500k in 15 minutes with above asking offers regardless of condition
>making their lawn a junk yard
cry about it. more effective than 2am yardpops at keeping the taxes down
>if you think your neighbor's property is an eyesore that's your problem
It is my problem. I have to look at the dump everyday. Its all of the neighbor's problems because they have to see that fuckin dump of a property. Its why HOAs exist to enforce rules to make sure it doesn't turn into some abomination of a property.

>what HOAs should be about is pooling resources to buy things the whole street can use
Like what? Some nice flowers at the neighborhood entry? A little playground? Mayhaps a walking path through a nearby wooded area?

>You don't know what normal is in your safe, WASPy conformance.
Stay in the ghetto then. We don't want you leaving there either. Enjoy the lack of safety and nobody caring what their house looks like.
unironically yes to all of that
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>what HOAs should be about is pooling resources to buy things the whole street can use
Cities do this better, but suburbs like when HOAs do it instead because it saves budget.

The "eyesore" thing is also really subjective, and usually covered by city codes as well on genuine problems, like letting the yard become overgrown or letting disrepair continue until the house reaches a state of needing condemnation. HOAs usually focus on really stupid bullshit like parking space usage, putting up signs for a party, having a tree, having any kind of color outside of a limited, boring palette, growing a flower garden, and other shit. The kind of people who want to run HOAs are usually absolute Karens.

What If I want a low-maintenance landscape of native plants instead of a lawn? It looks way better, smells better, uses far less water, and doesn't require constant mowing.
I don't support HOA in any form
if a neighbor is causing harm to other properties then law enforcement should have jurisdiction
if your only issue is how clean or uniform the neighborhood looks then get fucking bent
The fact that an HOA can foreclose on you for petty fucking reasons is really fucked up.
Kek, fucking Dazzle camo on a house.
Brilliant, I love it.
Needs a proper mast and a gun director on the roof.
(The theme from Tetris is now playing in your head)
realistically, what are you even supposed to do in this situation to make the railing look good?
It's better if it's a curved bend for smooth turn, not just a right angle miter.
Client will find 10 meth Heads and some Jew from the MIT worshipping it
is that just for peeing?
If only it wasn't ribbed
This is the new norm
Took me a second to figure out wtf I was even looking at there...
Ahhhhhhh! Imagine having to change out that water heater... Thanks asshole, gonna have nightmares tonight.
>hose clamps
That just looks like a recently installed door where a window was, and they haven't gotten the siding fixed or trim done yet...
As long as you only have diarrhea and don't wipe or flush toilet paper, you'll be fine!
Imagine the noises you could produce on this bad boy...
hello fellow north georgia fella
Optical illusion, it's lower than everything else
This is the level where you get power bombs
No Fat Chicks, the stairs.
Good thing water heaters never go bad ever. Couldn't have just put a cheap door in for full access, that would have been far too hard.
If you're into that kind of shit, it's neat. Not my thing but at least it's not grey upon grey upon grey.
The porthole is useless but since it opens all is forgiven since it probably makes for a nice breeze. Especially so if there are two windows to allow a cross breeze.
Seems like it'd be really hard to clean, though.
Agreed, although the kind of person who is into that might just never clean it.
my brother is an electrician and he tells me this is absolutely normal behavior if the plumbers are allowed to install the pipes first
>Muh land of the free
>allowing others to tell you how to paint your house
i've honestly given up on expecting anything in terms of exterior looks on these mcmansion type buildings with cheap plastic siding and generic roofing
the windows probably look good from the inside, so thats all that really matters
jesus christ how many drugs do you have to take in order to come up with something this profound
this looks like shit but couldn't this be fixed fairly easily? put some panels over it to cover the fuck up and plaster it
i heard some companies do this but with roof tile colors since its cheaper, where they have a bunch of leftover tiles from other builds in various colors that they have no use for and offer to install them into a new home for a lower price, i wonder if the same thing is happening here?
Last thread is basically >>2859139
My work kinda does this, there's portable cameras for watching the robots and each one has duct tape and cardboard to fine tune the angle lol
given the tile it's probably for bathrooom ventilation
Keep it to your own house and don't give hack advice to anyone else.

HOA's are for the walking dead. Complain about the neighbors grass, what's parked in their driveways, where the trash cans are on what day, children's play sets in back yards, all the while poisoning your environment physically and spiritually.
>law enforcement
Yup, terminal brain damage.
Nowadays I wouldn't want to cheap out on a roof, you can get a metal roof that looks like shingles that'll last 50 years.
its refillable, and when I filled it with butane after i was half empty, the flame got weaker.
i wonder if these are filled with propane? cause they sound like a propane torch.
A little shower window would be great.
>let's put it the wrong way temporarily and take a picture before we put it the right way permanently for internet points!
You'd never be able to clean that.. mold city.
>For the love of God, Montresor!
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A moderate dose of "some retarded law legally mandates I somehow retrofit this old building at my own expense to accommodate the 0.01% chance someone in a wheelchair might visit, but they don't care if it's done well".
wtf I love HOAs now
Thank you bored power hungry old women for making me pay extra for my own property, limiting what I can do with my own property, and generally being a nuisance, because now I'm free from the threat of someone making a patterened design with their siding?
It's insanely ugly.
Back around 2010's every Halloween weekend the shelter would get a handful of cats that were painted black. And every single one would die without fail. I guess the ingestion kills them.
I really hope that dog is red from hair dye.
It seems stupid, but it may be useful while you work with cement.
It prevent you from clogging the drain.
You obviously have to remove it when finished.
Don't want a drain to be too obvious
That looks cool. Is normies hating anything non-bland really a thing?
>realistically, what are you even supposed to do in this situation to make the railing look good?
Don't bother attaching them.
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A house being old and unclean doesn't make it an abominations thread qualifier.
>bullshit like that house.
Silence, fagballs.

Looks like a nice place to bang a country goth chick with the Caretaker playing on the background.
gotta be a facade but ... anyone have a guess as to how much that WOULD weigh if it were a real stone fireplace and not just using a facade?
That's some soul right there.
Those are joist hangers being used on rafters instead of hurricane ties.
Even for a lean-to it's useless. The bird's mouth cut will hold plenty. Rafters aren't going to move laterally especially with sheathing down. Hurricane ties are just small twisted straps that tie the rafters to the top plate. On a ridge beam, you would use straps or a hanger that looks like OP but with a swiveled bottom.

The ones in OP are upside down. They could be used if he cut a notch in the rafters but the manufacturer of the hangers will not approve such use — not that the person who did that seems to care about it.
>how much that WOULD weigh
Bout tree fiddy
There’d probably be about a cubic meter of stone in that which is already about 3-4 tons or about 2 SUVs give or take.
looks like a texture glitch
A lot of normgroids demand neutral colors and plain unoffensive features, because they're always thinking about resale to other normgroids instead of what they actually want.
I have a wall in my kitchen that is deep cherry red and I love it.
Nta, would it soothe your autism if he’d said code enforcement? Overgrown yard is a matter for the fire marshal. Trash strewn about is a matter for public health or vector control. Dilapidated buildings is a matter for the building department or fire department. Most municipal agencies have some sort of enforcement power. The thing is, they only use that power to address issues affecting community health and safety.
hey i used to wait at the bus stop across from this building every day. was always baffled over how retarded it would be to pay $800k to live in that.
for pets?
measure once cut twice
thats one way to drain an old split unit to replace it
looks fine to m- what??? I thought that was a pipe not fucking rebar
i don't know whats happening in there, but I don't like it
Kind of cute
Absolutely metal
Get a nice curved piece of rail to connect them.
Probably either plaster or even plastic
you cant be this retarded, even considering that you're clearly an underaged poster
It looks stupid but if the building is up to code it will work
NEC 250.50 says all electrodes used as material for a building need to work for grounding
NEC explicitly includes rebar that is reinforcing concrete
>4 tons
>2 SUVs

Tell me you aren't American without telling me you aren't American.
Someone must burn for this.

This was a thing in the county I lived in for a couple decades. Tax code said houses with attached garages got a significantly higher valuation.
Cities can't even fix potholes or graffiti
What the fuck am I looking at
But with American SUVs it’d be
>a bit more than 1 SUV
Guess Mr Phelps is an elderly gentleman who got this as a gift from his kids who finally want to inherit something, and some small fall that’ll cause some real troubles for an elderly person would come in really handy.
It’s not only the obvious trip hazard, that whole thing looks slippery as hell when wet.
This is exactly the kind of shit my mum would request built, and then afterwards complain about it, even though I told her it would end up like this.
if this is in washington ive been here. it was just as horrible as you can imagine, adn the only other tennant was a horrible pajeet, with a vaguely indian leasing agent.
>It’s not only the obvious trip hazard, that whole thing looks slippery as hell when wet.
Also note the rustic sliver of bark along the stair edges. That's gonna survive a few steps, and then break off as soon as you stop expecting it.

don't forget to add the weight of the american driver- that's at least an extra ton.
>1 mouse away from a house fire
Lmao, tony hawks
>Cable management in chimney
This is fine
>If my wife did kitchens
At least it looks pretty
Broken jaw on the birds mouth
Rabbit's nest
>The bird's mouth cut will hold plenty.

Bird's mouths should never be more than a 3rd of the width of the timber.
More concerned about the fact it appears to angle back towards the house. Nothing like funneling water to your foundation.
On the one hand, I find that pic quite believable.
But on the other hand, there’s quite some details that just feel off.
this is 1,000 times better than those bendy fittings, those things truly suck, and if your P trap isnt lining up this is the correct way to fix it, just looks like shit.
Russia does it by having those accesses at excessively steep angles to the point you have to do initial d to get on
Maybe he just likes to have a shallow pool of stagnant water 2 inch deep in his shower. Who are we to judge.
Looks like a pcb with some resistors. Its fucked unless you can find replacement parts.
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If its stupid and works, it isn't stupid.
>Noooo! You can't just use scrap wood to make something that works!
I mean... That might give some conductivity to ground if the rebar is properly meshed.
> Someone must burn for this.
Maybe that was done a purpose
43. If it's stupid and it works, it's still stupid and you're lucky.
>You're lucky wood wedges can be screwed together to angle a camera
>you're lucky wood can be screwed together to hold a motorcycle
No, luck is not a factor in these 2 images.
mary for fuck sakes
>genuinely comfy setup
Unless the TV is positioned in a fucked up way, that's actually nice.
>Owner mounted it that way so his dogs can see out
Did you miss the random "drapes" hung on either side of the bay window?
Waffle Stomp: Hard Mode
>Cable management
odds are all the cables are in a small pocket behind the tv, and/or the chimney is just for decoration and the "fireplace" is an electric heater
i've seen both scenarios done in fancy homes like these
In particular to the camera, that seems to be a gimbal mount, all he needs to do is push it
That camera also looks fairly new. If it replaced a camera mounted to the wood that wasn't a gimbal, why would you remove the wood?
who cares? looks midwest comfy to me. Thats just weird decorations, not abominations or poor construction. Hating on random decor is a redditor move
other than the unfrosted windows for the neighbors to watch you poop and then fall into the bathtub, this is great. They'd be getting the full monty every time you peed.
>look at thumbnail
>see toilet with shit all over it
Why do you have to bathe with Jaba?
Float like a butterfly, stings when I pee.
>Hating on random decor is a redditor move
weird flex to know what they all regularly do, but 2 random faux curtains on the wall isn't a good decoration by any measure.
That's just a storage closet, r...right?
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imagine the smell
fire would be the only way to get that carpet clean
Warrick Davis's house
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when the minecraft village spawns in a hill
>a fandom wiki for some gay shit
It's also not an abomination. Kindly stop devaluing the meaning of "abomination".
Door for footfags
>It's also not an abomination. Kindly stop devaluing the meaning of "abomination".
I am the one that pointed out its not an abomination, you abomination.
>Cultureless swine
this looks like something i'd do in sims 2 when i was 10
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Fuse box is just down there youll see it at the end of the tunnel.
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Yeah just crawl through there. Light switch is at the end
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Oh there are the danger noodles
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Better to check the meter real quick. Oh nvm no thanks.

waterheaters in SLI mode
That dog is red from photoshop poisoning.
i love these threads
this is an abomination thread, not I don't like your taste thread.
Carpeton the steps of a bathtub is absoltuley an abomination.
>Thinks McMansions aren't inherently abominations
>carpeted bathroom/bedroom combo
>not an abomination
I don't hate this... actually I kind of like it.
the forbidden faraday cage, lovely
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Did they put basedoards... on the ceiling?
Its called crown molding, you muppet.
Those are clearly baseboards, and if they were crown moulding, they would still be installed with the broader face on the wall, not the ceiling you candle sniffing fuck fence.
there is no rule as to which broad section of the profile is for the crown molding. And of course I sniff candles, I want to be sure I buy one that smells pleasant. And theres no such thing as a fuck fence. Nobody fucks fences.
>Nobody fucks fences
Rule 34

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