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My new place has really high ceilings but the floor space leaves more to be desired

I am into the idea of a king sized loft bed but not paying 3k for one online, any resources for a DIY frame I can build that is pretty nice?
>there's so much room for activities!
But seriously the question comes down to what your abilities are. Are you a competent woodworker? Can you weld steel? Have you built any project like this before? Are you planning to fuck in this bed, which puts a lot more stress in the joints than you might think?
What tools or access to tools do you have? Do you have space to work in on what is a rather big project?
IMO, if this is your first serious furniture project and you don't have some decent experience then either start small with making a coffee table and some bedside tables or just swallow the bitter $3k pill. The last thing you want is to end up injured or worse because your bed collapsed onto your computer desk in the middle of the night.
Hang the bed from the ceiling for $50 in cables and screws.
Just use a platform with chains in the ceiling and bolt it to the wall
>any resources for a DIY frame I can build that is pretty nice
yeah try looking at the picture you posted you fucking dick.
OP will use wall anchors and I wish I could watch.
Commercial loft spaces, popular in mechanics shops think it is a flat pack system might need to bolt to the ground but you can get around that by creating a false floor, the goal is to build a cube.

Wood is good at compression metal is good at shear and metal geometry can be tweaked to make it lighter.
Unless you know exactly what you are doing you are better off making an actual loft, not a loft bed, at lest then it will most likely be more secure
You should really just buy one.
Twin beds are narrow enough in the one dimension that even retards like you can be successful in /diy/ing a frame but king beds need like 4-5x the strength in the frame
How high should your ceilings be to install something like that? My room is small and something like that would free a lot of space for storage
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Easy but don't use wood which is rickety splintery delicate trash. Noobs use wood because they are not taught how easy basic metal working really is.

I would use steel angle (1-1/2" x 1/8" thick) which I've used for heavy duty shelving (which I easily hang 600lb+ motorcycles from and store engines on) for many years, but would bolt together a loft bed frame rather than weld so I can take it back apart if I move or wish to modify it.

I use longer than necessary bolts so I can hang or otherwise attach additional items (for this example it would aid making an L-shaped loft or hanging useful things beneath like PCs, displays and storage since best storage never touches the floor (making cleaning easy). I use 3/8"" x 1-1/4" long Grade 5 or better bolts with serrated flanged steel lock nuts but shorter is fine. I run them so I can add whatever I like in my shop environment. If you want pretty you can cover the bolt ends using stainless acorn nuts.

While I usecordless drill and impact (which I like for the interchangeable square drive adapters) a cheap corded drill and manual ratchet is fine for OPs small project. Drill and bolt every joint (the bolts do not conflict) and you won't need to weld. Use a square to align each assembly before final tightening.

Most ceilings aren't designed for that, and landlords frown on idiots modding their property. How many such mounts have YOU done (post pics for proof)?

Pic shows suitable bolted joint but with a welded tray OP could bolt instead. Paint is waste which saves $$.

Your supplier can saw to length prior to transport. To cut small items a cheap corded angle grinder with zip disks (use outdoors to keep dust out of room) or a cheap corded recip saw will do but only if you already have a recip and are too poor to buy useful tools. Angle grinders are love.
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Are these sturdy? My room doesn't have much space and this would allow me to fuck around with small gym or work bench there.
Does that fucking aluminium look sturdy to you?
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how do people sleep on those things without having a heart attack? my bed is literally just a mattress on the floor and I still wake up sometimes in cold sweat thinking an earthquake is happening.
Most people are not mentally ill, anon.
if it was me id just get commercial shelving. its weight rated, modular, you might make other furnitire to match. real man cave shit.

a major advantage being when you move place you can refit it, or sell it bevause all the parts are generic
Why is that fiberglass siding installed horizontally? It appears to be creating a lot of moldy growth.
Nice trips don't be stupid
A jigsaw with metal blades will do small work of cutting angle iron. Even a hacksaw. You're on some trip about angle grinders.
Built one of these back in the day using 2 pallet racks and 2 sheets of 1/2 inch pine seathing, made the underside desk area using the lower shelves (mine came with wire rack, put melamine over it) built stairs leading up to it and put railing around it. You'll realistically spend around 1k.
You could also just go with a murphy bed and save floorspace that way.
How you build a loft bed will depend on your available skills and tools.
>How high should the ceilings be
However much space you want under the bed + the height of your mattress + the height of the frame of your bed (if you just plonk it on top of a frame and don't recess it into the frame somehow)+ your height when sitting upright + some clearance so you don't bonk your head on the ceiling.
Anything less and you basically create a sarcophagus on stilts in my experience, which is why I ended up shortening the legs on mine while it was still standing.
Most people are not David Hume and eventually just assume that it'll be alright because it hasn't failed yet.

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