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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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There's this hole in my wall near eye hit sitting in the toilet next to it. Given asbestos period, is this dangerous re loose fill and my safety?
No anon. Thats drywall. Its gypsum.
You need to get a better eye for the world.
what's with all the nut case posts on /ck/ and /diy/ today?
/gif/ got decimated so I guess people are enjoy hobbies now.
That's pretty bad anon, it's probably too late to go back now. You might want to get your affairs in order...
Is that were the cops ripped out the spycam you installed?
Have you stuck your dick in it?
Let us know what happens
How did (((they))) manage to convince so many people that even looking at asbestos will give you ultra-giga cancer in the next 2 weeks?? It's kind of impressive.

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