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The property I just bought has a very nice sized workshop/outbuilding and I'd like to build a workbench for it. I've done a few small DIY things but nothing quite this large before.

What I was thinking was taking two 8x4 boards and cutting them in half so that way I could have a 16 foot workbench with 16 feet of shelving underneath. I'd like a pegboard backing (im assuming I can just put some cross 2x4s onto the beams that hold up the structure and secure the pegboard to that?)

I've seen several designs online but a good portion of them you need to pay for and im kinda trying to avoid that. I have access to a miter saw and a table saw along with other basic power/hand tools. Is there a particular design that would be best for something of this size? also is there something obvious that im missing here because it seems straightforward but Im kinda retarded
is this just for fun or for actual use, if you are actually going to use it, figure out what are going to be doing and size appropriately...

a large table in the middle with a table saw might be better
Both. I do a lot of DIY stuff and I also repair/restore things.
I live on a farm and DIY every day, I've never needed a 16' work bench. I'd do maybe an 8' table on the right next to the shelf then have multiple shelves between it and the air compressor
right now I don't really need shelving. The building is pretty massive and there's a lot of shelving already.
16 feet is a hell of a big workbench. I won't say that's a bad thing, but depending on the sort of DIY stuff you do, maybe shorten that and make a four or five foot long, REALLY heavy-duty workbench - one with sheet steel for a top and 6x6's for legs. Something that you can really beat on and also mount a heavy vise, that would hold onto a battleship. A really solid work area is useful as hell.
Make it two benches with a tablesaw in between. I would put all 3 on locking castors so you can move and refigure them for different jobs.
As others said just make 2 benches each 8 feet. At some point you’ll need some of that space, or you want 8 feet of depth for something big, and you don’t want to cut the workbench in half afterwards.

Casters if you need them, they can always be added afterwards if you let the work surface overhang the legs which is a good idea in general.

> I've seen several designs online but a good portion of them you need to pay for
Ana whites workbench with the faux lap joints. Really easy to build, you only need a saw glue and screws. Only downside they are heavy as shit and require more lumber than you would need with a more elegant design
Don’t overthink it.

I’m kinda with other anons, maybe one long 16ft bench is a bit much. 8ft plus a table on casters would be sweet.

Also pegboard is super gay. If you do pegboard, you’re going to be limited to what you can hang on there. Instead, just mount a sheet of plywood to the wall and you can screw in any hooks and racks that you desire, plus you can build shelves if you want.
Buy a copy of The Workbench Book for $3 used and build something nice.

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