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What is the worst tape and why is it electrical tape? It doesn't hold, it doesn't last, it leaves sticky schmoo, what's the use case?
I've found that electrical tape works in electrical. Inside a box it doesn't degrade as fast, and usually fulfills the one role it has, be it temporary insulation or keeping cables from turning into spaghetti. It is not for fixating cables to something, or long-term keeping them organized, and it's definitely not for taping anything else that's not a cable or wire.
is ok for taping cable to rods for pulling
thats it
do not use it for anything else
every other use is better served by heatshrink
I love electrical tape. The thing about it is that it sticks to *itself* really well, but not so well to other things. I use it as bandage, mostly on my fingers. Pop a scrap of napkin or rag over the leak and tape clear around the digit.
Pro tip: Use the not-black electrical tape. It doesn't leave ugly yucky black residue.
stop buying cheap tape
The only difference between black tape and non-black tape is that black tape leaves sticky shit both on itself and the surface, while other tapes leave all the glue on the surface.
One of the things electrical tape needs to have is resistance to cold, so it won’t get too stiff and crack or has trouble sticking to surfaces.
If you look at other adhesives, some of them dry out and turn to powder over time—electrical tape needs to stay flexible and sticky over 50–100 years and I find that it pretty much does that, although the adhesive does turn gooey rather than flaky for the benefit of that quality.
> what’s the worst screwdriver and why is it a hammer
Guess what: it’s not ‘tape’ as in something to be used to hold things together. It’s proper use to mark or insulate a (single) wire. If you want to tie cables, use cable ties.

Also it holds perfectly fine, reno at my house was done in 2006 and a lot of wires were taped to indicated switched phase and no disintegration at all.

Vulcanising tape is better for stuff that needs to stay flexible
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Vinyl electrical tape for protecting wiring harnesses from water ingress. Friction tape for covering the harness and protecting the vinyl tape from the elements mainly heat and UV that break it down and make it crack...

You do buy your tape in bulk right anons?
>If you want to tie cables, use cable ties.
That's crazy talk.
i use electrical tape to hold together poorly twisted together wires in cars im selling
Hah, I buy old shitboxes that the previous owner did crappy wiring on for cheap and then rip all their shitty wiring out and end up with tons of extra wire and a properly running vehicle worth more than I paid for it once i revert the wiring back to factory standards... I swear 99% of people should never touch wiring...
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Here's my drawer full of wiring that I have salvaged off of shit over the years... I rarely have to break into my stash of new wire, because I can find damn near any color and size I want in there...
You appear to be confusing electrical tape with duct tape, masking tape and strapping tape. This is because you are a retard, but you should not be ashamed.
I used to do electrical repair in HS and college. It's not just shitboxes. I picked up a job, when I met a guy offroading. He had a built 440 and about 6 grand worth of suspension, in a RamCharger and the wiring under the dash was hot, to the touch, charred and ready to burn the whole damn truck down.
I've used it as emergency tape to wrap small packages lol and it did work well.
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>I've used it as emergency tape to wrap small packages lol and it did work well.

I didn't know you could use electrical tape as a condom...
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for me, it's liquid tape
What I've found in communications is that electrical tape is always the sign of a botch job. Instead of doing it right, they half-assed it and tried to cover up the bad connector/splice with tape.
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I use gaffer's tape a lot. I steal it from work as it is so expensive. It's like $30 a roll. It is a cotton tape that does not leave a residue.
>What is the worst tape and why is it electrical tape? It doesn't hold, it doesn't last, it leaves sticky schmoo, what's the use case?
Marking conductors. I was doing some switched legs, ran out of red, but I had black wire and red tape. Now the guy that goes in behind me will know what is what.
Another thread of
>My misuse of tools has lead me incorrectly to believe the tool is bad

This is a constant flow of trash threads trying to fry your brain with enraging you constantly. DO NOT RESPOND. IGNORE.
you have to be a psychopath to use that messy shit
>you have to be a psychopath to use that messy shit

It has its uses. mainly in areas where you cannot physically put tape or heat shrink, but still need some insulation material.
>doesn't work as a permanent solution to any problem because it deteriorates
>doesn't work as a temporary solution to any problem because it leaves residue
again, how do you use it correctly in non-throwaway context?
I got 2 rolls of pic related over the past few years. One clear and one black. I thought it was something new and innovative and awesome like a pro-grade Alien Tape x Flex Seal, especially considering the price at $10 for a little roll. I used it once for a temporary fix on a water leak like the pics imply and it was totally useless and a pain to use.

Does anybody use this shit with any success?

UL listed tape is legit

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