>buy a used tecumseh 8hp chipper from the late 80s>go to change spark plug>unknowingly overtighten it>spark plug blows out of hole while chipper is running>machine starts flowing in reverse and gas starts spraying out the carb.>turn it off>go and buy one of those "fix a thread" kits>dont tap the hole right and insert wont stay in>buy a new head assembly on ebay>go to tighten down head bolts>misread 120 inch lbs as ft lbs and snap a head bolt
>>2871855Next time buy a new one retard.
>>2871855You're like King Midas only everything you touch turns to shit...
>>2871855do you have a question?this isn't retard confessional.
>>2871855Even if you get it running, YOU really might not want to get anywhere near a wood-chipper.
Gotta learn somehow. Now you know to slow down and not do things "your way" until you master the basics.