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Wanna put a (heavily urinated but I bought a cover) recliner in my tool shed.
3 years and no rat droppings and the doors are closed unless I'm in it. No bug problems either. Will a recliner become an infestation magnet?
Warm California weather, never any condensation on anything inside.
Previous owners of my house left the middle chair piece of a sectional in the garage and I use it all the time. I'm in Florida, my garage is a horror show of lizards, spiders, moths, and American cockroaches but I've never noticed a problem with the chair in particular.
Urine can attract rats because rats are opportunistic feeders and are drawn to various food sources and scents. The ammonia in urine can be appealing to them, as it may signal the presence of food. Urine can attract fruit flies. Traps baited with urine captured more fruit flies than traps baited with protein. Mosquitoes are also attracted to human-emitted odors. My suggestion is to put moth ball flakes (the naphthalene ones) in between the cushions.
A couch would take up the whole space of a shed like that. What's the point?
My parents won't allow me to keep my door closed so I need a private space.
DIY yourself a job and move out.
Not possible due to Dystonia.
>not possible due to xyz
Why are you asking /diy/ if you’re gonna use some made up sounding disability. Just do it faget and report back
It's actually a recliner and can be stored un-reclined when not in use. I will also have space for a cabinet, side table, and a flat screen TV.
>heavily urinated
Human, dog, cat..?
Human, but not for a while.
Actual OP here, but anon did an interesting larp.
Moved it out already. Power recliner for my father in his final days. I frebreezed the shit out of it, but I'll add moth ball flakes too.
Couches often come shipped with a large desiccant in direct contact with the wood frame and or fabric, upgrading the desiccant by addition or directly recharging it can bring life into a couch making it inhospitable to bugs a critters
Make your couch into the sahar desert. Trimolecular sives are top of the line, but there are alternatives.
Placing your couch on small shims to keep it off concrete will keep it drier, concrete is porous. Air conditioning keeps a home dry so regular recharging of your desiccant is recommended or natural light an the largest porous thing in the room like a rug that your couch sits on drapes touching the rug your couch sits on.
Keep it dry bugs need water and will enjoy your sweat.
You have an abundant food reserve
You need to be 18 to post here.
Why do you want to recline in a shed?
Use enzyme cleaner for pet mess like nature's miracle
Just soak it and let it air dry
My mother still occupies the house and gets uncomfortable if doors are closed during the day.

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