Has anyone here diy'd tiles on their home with a cement foundation before? What tools ended up helping you the most? Anything that went wrong or wished you use a different compound or stain? Anything that is not mentioned in those diy videos on youtube?
Use ditra xl with their own mortar compound and water sealing kerdi sheets. It makes like a million times easier even if more expensive. Use lasers for layout but still double check level and square and overall measurements. Level your concrete to glass perfection before the underlayment.
>>2872120>Underlayment on a cement floorLol>Schluter productsLol>laser levels Meh>properly leveled floorYes
>>2872120See, I didn't know about water sealing sheets, most tile diy videos I've watched on yt don't mention it. Glad I came here first for some advice.
>>2872123What's wrong with schluter? Should I not seal the tile? I currently have tile on it, but many of them are chipped and not level, was installed poorly. What should I install instead on a cement floor?
>>2872123This.Tiling is fucking ancient, you don’t need any of this bullshit. It prevents it from breathing and adjusting it’s moisture content automatically.Ideally, you’d scarify the concrete surface so the mastic will bond the tile to the concrete better. Picrel.If your concrete floor is old, all the better. Maybe it’s done shrinking and cracking. If not, here’s your ligitmate opportunity to procrastinate for a year or two. Or twenty.The thing about grout is that it’s eminently repairable.Store your extra mastic and grout in ziploc bags, and put those bags in a lidded sealed bucket. If you need to do any repairs 20 or 50 years later, it will be fine. Also make sure you have some extra tiles (in case your wife drops a goddamn crock pot on the tile and cracks one).It goes without saying, use the powered grout, not that fucking pre-mix scam.
>>2872195I don't get it. What are you recommending? To not tile the floor and install something else or are you just recommending to sand the foundation before applying tiles? Your post is very confusing.
>>2872156Just level your floor and then tile right on top of it. Schluter is for retards who think spending way too much time and money is the same thing as doing it the right way. If you are having a hard time getting it flat, just use levelers. I use the LASH levelers, but they all basically work the same.
>>2872202I’m suggesting that, not everything is a shower.You seem to have been researching showers installed on OSB second storey subfloors.
>>2872216Thank you. I'm going to skip the schluter and just re-do it the way it was just on top of the foundation.
>>2872227Yes, that is correct
>>2872115Do you guys recommend any of these tile separator and cross cards? Is there a specific brand that is better than the other.
>>2872227Also, if you use levelers, you really don't need to floor to be that flat, just use 1/4" notch trowel (if small format, or 1/2" if large format) and you should have enough give or take to get it flat. Always back butter, an use a rubber mallot to tap the air bubbles out. You got this bro!
>>2872229Your pic related is the lash system I mentioned, and yes, use them
Dry fit it first. I dry fitted it upside down worried id damage the tile so I did all my cutting and measuring upside down. Mad dash as I finished and learned the last couple tiles were wrong.
>>2872115I did a little half job when I got this house, but need to do another one soon.Followed instructions from the Youtube and it was ok, the one thing I wish I would’ve done was bought the cheap 7” wet tile saw before doing the project. I tried to use the hand tile snapper thing with the scoring wheel and working with 6” x 6” tiles, when I had to cut some 1” x 6” pieces, it was impossible to get a clean break. After going through a dozen tiles with no clean break, I got the Dremel so I could score the tiles super deep then snap them, but the tile saw is so much cleaner and faster
>>2872115How do I found out where to start tiles from to minimize weird cuts at the end of walls where you gotta do all that complicated geometry and math?
the smaller the tile, the more uneven the ground can be
>>2872229they are great, use rubi