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Ask machining questions, post machining failures.
CAD CAM talk
Speeds and feeds guessing
G-Code, M-Code, Bro-Code
Fanuc vs Haas
Bitch about pay
Ignore Sieg
Whine about spline shafts
Button pushers who think they're machinists

Previous: >>2849288
The fact that her hair isn't tied up induces rage in me.

I'm probably going to be working in an EDM shop soon, so if anyone has info on machining graphite or using jig and surface grinders, I'd appreciate it.
There is more than fanuc and haas, Mitsubishi also is in the game and siemans is like top dawg

Fanuc and haas are beta boy tier
>machining graphite
I've done a little machining of it over the years, it's dirty and abrasive as hell on tooling, it does machine nice though
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>Fanuc and haas are beta boy tier

I live in an overwhelmingly agricultural area and over the years I have found a few large (like 1.25" diameter) chunks of graphite 6-8 inches long. Some of them just turned up on the farm in random places (usually where one of several old homestead used to be located.) One of them even looked like a 6 spline PTO shaft. WTF were they using them for? I know these fuckers weren't EDM machining!
>siemans is like top dawg
Every Siemens controller I've ever used has been a giant piece of shit that doesn't work properly.
>Fanuc and haas are beta boy tier
Big talk from someone with shit experience that has to dig through a regrind box for tools.
>implying those were reground

They were dull just less dull than the shit we had a available in the ER collets
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picked this up to learn on what should I expect?
Expect to disassemble a lot of shit and clean it up...
Did you pull that out of the ocean?
out of someones yard
I see a lot of penetrating oil and scotchbrite in your future, good luck.
Our work had a lathe in that condition.

It wasn’t worth repair and we would do Mickey Mouse shit like bypassing relays/step down transformers and hard wiring it to a 480v to get it to run a bit longer
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Did the guy who sold/gave you that lathe live in a pineapple shaped house by any chance?
Better hope the evaporust pool isn't closed.
it was under a tarp its mostly surface rust

I also cant find a manual for it online sharp still makes several 1640 models but they look different
>I also cant find a manual for it online
You don't really need them except for parts diagrams. Engine lathes all work 99% the same, couple handles for RPM, couple handles for feedrate/TPI, forward/reverse for the feed, handle to activate feed or if you're lucky, two, one to throw the half nut for threading. Only time you're fucked is if the chart plaques are gone/scrubbed down.

Manuals are valuable worth several hundred dollars each, I use them all the time to look up manufacturer part numbers rather than pay machine builder up charges for work a lot

It’s not a Nintendo switch they aren’t just going to give you manuals for free
>It’s not a Nintendo switch they aren’t just going to give you manuals for free
They literally do though. Any half reputable machine builder will email you a PDF manual if they have it, if you give them a serial number.
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>Better hope the evaporust pool isn't closed.

This is supposed to be a recipe for evaporust... Haven't tried it myself yet, but I did make this picture in paint and saved it to my computer for future reference... Should probably print it out, laminate it, and stick it on a wall in the shop sometime so I can find it easily when I do inevitably need it.

The only ones that are free are like fanuc operator control books

The electrical diags, parts codes and all the good shit costs money. We paid dmg mori for books just the other day
That's basically saying "use partially neutralized citric acid". Which is functionally just a weak acid. Could get away with using concentrated vinegar, as it would probably lead to a comparable pH.
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Why do you just constantly make shit up?
Costs money to download it dumbfuck

Next you’re going to say cnc parts are cheap when it says “call us for price quote” on a switch

It’s literally my job to call these places and pay them for books when machines go down and we dk t have them for whatever reason
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It's a free account, retard.
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This is in the OP, you will save yourself a lot of frustration by following it.
Download it then
IIRC weak acids can be harmful because while they'll remove rust, once the rust is gone they'll remove metals. If you forget to fish a small spring out a couple weeks later it might be gone.

https://youtu.be/fVYZmeReKKY?si=nZYW16w3bq6aggXW This Italian gunsmith claims his mixture is a cheating agent, similar to evaporust, which will remove rust but not metal.

I should try this out, I've always been hesitant to bathe cast Iron tools, since cast iron is supposed to be slightly porous I worry it might absorb acids and become brittle over time or something.
Did any of you guys learn CAD on your own time or was it something you went to school for or learned on the job?
I learned CAD in my free time. In my experience, the basic principles of how to use CAD are actually pretty easy, it's mostly just learning how to use your software. I was able to make reasonably complex models after about a week of watching tutorials and messing around in my afternoons.
I learned it in college however, I am not an engineer. CAD is less than 1% of my job.

I’m mostly on CAM software, editing code, rewriting some ducked up bullshit that some kid before me wrote, or setting up machines

And since newbie kids don’t want to enter this trade for minimum wage when McDonald’s pays more I have to operate the parts I programmed

Back in the day there would be 2-3 guys in my position and like 10 button pressing part loading operators
>get associates degree of arts
>enjoy the machining and welding course I took
>pursue a career in machining
>start a new job a month ago
>machining 2000lb parts into pieces of an excavator
>create the cad models and programs too
>people ask me all the time if I went to school for machining
>tell them I have an AA degree
>they look at me like I'm a faggot
I have a Bachelors of Arts and people in machine shops go “oh shut why are you here”

Ugh because literally everyone under 40 has one and it’s basically a high school diploma now???

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