hey hoes , so I'm wondering if there's an app anywhere where I can mockup and build like a chicken coop and I can take 2x4s and cut them to angle etc so I can write down a step by step guide for my gf to make a coop or something while I'm at work ??? something that would be able to calculate how much wood nails etc I need
>>2872450Microsoft office has got you covered famalam
>>2872450Why don't you build it with her anon? I built my curren coop with my girlfriend in a day just throwing random scrap wood together, making up the design as we went. It's really solid and I like it.
>>2872450Do you not have paper?
>>2872450It's called your brain, a ruler, and a pencil.
I have no idea how modern people are going to survive once all of the older people that actually know how to do things die off.
>>2873086They're going to ask Big AI to give them the instructions on how to hold nails and how to hammer and how many nails they need, and then buy a completed chicken coop from Amazon (made in vietnam) after they give up
>>2872450Yes I use a tool called Rotring 800.
>>2872862do people even draft on paper these days
>>2873140based fine pencil enjoyer
>>2872450no there is no app anywhere that will help you with what you need however it isn't hard to figure it out but to build it on the titanic you first need to raise it as chickens absolutely hate getting wet and the eggs will be all salty tasting from the high sodium content of ocean water bring 'er up I recommend using the old gymnasium for coops unless the roof has collapsed the swimming pool on D-deck would be your next bet good luck my uneducated friend