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will house 4 full-grown rabbits in 4 seperate enclosures. each unit is 70cm×96cm

Total project cost: 0Au
all materials were repurposed, reclaimed, rejects or scrap. this includes all fasteners, mesh & hinges. total time invested: 6 hours.
I would've called it a gulag.

Good job OP, do you have a drawing/plan of this?

this is the warren. picrel was a year ago. the buckets have been replaced with buried Rubbermaid tubs and flex conduit tunnels. there is also a rain/sun cover now.

basically the same thing
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forgot the fucking pic
Got any more pics of that semen demon?
this is cruelty

don't be a fag.

this is self-reliance. this is knowing your food. this is knowing what goes into your body. this is being responsible for earning your meat. every one of those rabbits has (or had) a name, but they are livestock. this is living the way it was intended. not door dashing garbage to your decaying fat ass on the couch, glued to your gamebox.
This is cruel and unnecessary. Just use the rabbits for their eggs.
I prefer chickens because they can eat table scraps and are easier to care for.

Rabbits practically need industrial feed which isn't that cheap for the meat you get off of them. Or grass, they need a ton of grass though and that's a pain in the ass because you need to do so much work to protect them from predators or escaping.
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There's enough sugar in one of those to kill a man.
I hate this pompous texas faggot
>Those big bunnies seeking her provate space.
You just know!
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I built a couple of hutches last year out of scraps. It was good carpentry practice. And good meat, and great fertilizer.
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grow a pig for real food.
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That's a man

no. she was a sow. "Jazmin"

good bacon. luscious hams.
you are not allowed to keep women in a cage in your backyard anymore
No one asked, cuck

we also have chickens... and ducks, turkeys, quail & guinea fowel. and yes, they're good little composters.

we feed our rabbits a mixed diet of costal hay, oat hay, discarded vegetables and some industrial pellets. we could however make it without the pellets if we had to.

we have 10 acres of pasture, so we can feed many of our herbivores locally if we are forced.
>guinea fowel
Had a few of those for 2 years, damn they are talkative.
Also nobody told me they'd fly up into the trees and roost there for the night lol.
Looks way better than op's barren sad farm
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for hinges, all we had were drop hinges left over from a remodel at our old house. I sandwiched the door side of drop hinge between two sides of a split 5cm×5cm construction slat.

rabbits moved in and still not one shekel spent paid. will move the final two rabbits on the bottom floor when our poop tray for the upper floor arrives.
why'd you elevate it
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So I don't have to bend over as much and I shovel out the poo off the ground instead of using trays.
> this is living the way it was intended.
It was not intended that you keep them in these tiny tiny cages. You have more than enough space and apparently material for a big thing yet you built them something out of the green mile. I’m all for growing and eating your own meat but this is just stupid
But they have NAMES
And you live in an APARTMENT and get DOOR DASH
This is a lie you tell yourself. You buy all the food to feed your rabbits. If there wasn't a store to buy food from then you would starve to death.
They seem like a better animal to introduce and let run wild and then just go hunt one when you want.

Maybe give them some nice houses and scatter some food but it's such a fucking pain to keep rabbits.

Like monitor the population and health and food supply and give them some bonus food but keeping them in a cage is a pain. Handle it more like bee keeping then intensive farming.
If your gonna do that just do pigs. That's how they're traditionally raised. At least European style. The Chinese did all kinds of weird stuff with pigs
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Someone already did it for me. I can just go out and get one.
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not gonna lie. I hope op experiences prison and understands from the experience, the condition he keeps his animals in.

they sent a commodity unless you are friend.
they are not a commodity unless I get to treat you as such***

phone posting from the woods.

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