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File: ethernet.png (1.47 MB, 1500x1000)
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If your house is already wired with phone lines, is it an easy process to replace that outlet with ethernet? Has anyone wired their own house for ethernet without any cable installer experience?
You need to pull new cables everywhere, how easy or hard that is depends entirely on what you have. Making the connections with outlets is not hard, pulling the cable is hard.
You can you just put rj45 connectors instead of rj11, wire straight and use pins 1,2,3, and 6. Use screw terminals and crimp connectors. You’ll run 100 base T which pretty much every modern router still supports it but it’s dead slow (50Mbit max). The better way is to use the phone wire to pull a cat 6 ethernet cable through
>The better way is to use the phone wire to pull a cat 6 ethernet cable through
That will never work. The phone cable is going to be stapled to the studs.
Watch this guy.
Does a 4 part series (first video was released 2 months ago, "Kicking off....") that does a full home install.
Fuck, I didn't even think about this. I was thinking of tying the ethernet to the phone line cable then pulling it up the attic to run the cable. Didn't think about the lines being stapled.
I did my basement ghetto style.

>have baseboards about 4" high
>remove baseboards
>cut drywall out 2 inches up along path
>put half inch spacers in so drywall sits flush again
>run cable
>replace baseboards, being careful not to shoot a nail through the cable

If I was building a new house I would absolutely pipe it.
I only needed one cable for one computer, so it went along the floor beside the walls.
What do you mean by pipe it?
Easy. Just get a fish tape, crimper, and make sure the bend radius of the cable on corners is no less than 4 times the cable diameter.
Conduit pipe.
it's literally no harder than pulling any other kind of wire through existing walls. any retard - literal down syndrome, pants-shitting, booger-eating retard - can think about this for exactly 238 milliseconds and understand that.
I'm surprised to hear someone still attempt this. Seems like everyone now has gone completely wireless without a hardwire back up. Don't get me wrong, I love hardwired systems and would do the same thing.

Pulling cable is straight forward, although low voltage cables are delicate and easy to shred or kink while pulling if you are not careful. Helps to have a second person.

Hardest part for me is punching down the connectors properly-I have fat clumsy fingers.
Does the ethernet cable need to be run through pipes and junction boxes or can it be run bare?
You can run it bare. Most US states don't even require a license or inspection.
>Does the ethernet cable need to be run through pipes and junction boxes or can it be run bare?
Bare is fine (<50 V is outside the scope of the NEC), but get at least riser run rated cables to go between floors, attics, and crawlspaces.
Really depends on your house. Attic and outside runs are easiest. Once walls are up you can mostly kiss easy runs goodbye
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Isn't that impossible due to dwangs?
Or am I just misunderstanding you? The reason to run them in the attic is to run them down through the walls then, isn't it?
>is it an easy process to replace that outlet with ethernet?
unless it is cat5 cable? no.
Checked. As was mentioned, replacing the outlet is the easy part, stringing the cable is the real job and all that old phone cable is stapled every 12 inches or so and using that to fish is no beuno.. Do you have a basement/crawlspace? String that shit through the floor vents. No crawlspace? Use cable channel and punch through walls as necessary. Just remember: solid core for runs (between jacks) and stranded for jumps. It is vastly superior to get that shit in the wall before the sheet rock goes up. If aesthetics are important to you then you have a fuckin' job ahead of you, if you just want shit to work then you can do it pretty easy.
>Isn't that impossible due to dwangs?
Thats why you get a 54" boring drill bit.
Not all of us are bob the autistic builder like you. Show us your ways.

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