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File: phorid-fly.jpg (20 KB, 560x445)
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Well, you niggers have ruined me again. Brought in some cherry tomatoes and basil to keep indoors for the winter. Relatively good setup inna basement. Grow laps installed on the rafters, everything is in a rolling cart and im using a little spray bottle every other day to ensure theyre watered.
Suddenly flies. Hundreds of them. They're apparently called phorid flies and they breed anywhere theres moisture including the u-bend in your sink and the cat box you change every day. I have tried everything. Spray treatments, fly paper removing any and all food sources and pouring drano down all the pipes.
They just keep coming. What the fuck, dude?
Lately to save on scrubbing my walls later on, I've been going around with a little torch lighter like pic related and basically turning off the flies one at a time. Still, my house is clean every night and in the morning theres 20 flying around my house that get replenished throughout my day until i drink myself asleep.
Send help.
Introduce the flies' natural predators into your home.
There's a story about an old lady who swallowed a fly...
I think she died.
Get jumping spiders from outside, enough to form a breeding population.
A strong fan solves white fly problems really well. And it's good for the plants although it's better for the plants of it oscillates.
how that crone ever got the horse in her is beyond me. She must be one hell of a throater
Hmm sounds like a lot of flys they do need quite bit of surface area to hatch, can't breath under water.
I think it might be nats from the soil so I would solve that with a bit of mulch just a dry layer that is less desirable than regular cleaned areas.
But why did she swallow the fly?

Looks like they're similar to fruit flies(possibly are fruit flies). If so, try to pour a bowl with apple cider vinegar, and put some dawn dish soap. That always helps me. I come back and check every few hours and do a count to see how many more I got. Sometimes I'll catch one checking out the trap and I'll blow it in. Gets my dick rock hard.
buy some fly agaric

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Why not just some of those fly strips? So in the morning you have less to kill

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