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I'm forming a plan to deploy a network of mesh radios across my area, to facilitate a closed communication network for me and the boys. I'm going with the LoRaWAN / Meshtastic protocol for it's low cost and ease of use for those without a radio license. I can reference the Meshtastic wiki for a lot of the technical stuff, but wanted to get some opinions on the real life hurdles.
What is the best way to discreetly deploy a solar powered device in a tree? How do I safely climb and hang something like that, so that it will stay for some time? Or, is there maybe a way to stick something up high using a long pole and some strong adhesive? Whip it up there with a fishing pole?
What are some inconspicuous places that you can think of, where a solar device would go unnoticed? Urban area. I'm thinking trees, parking ramps, maybe near existing utilities like a substation, so that it would blend in. Where else would make sense?
Please drop any suggestions you see fit. Thanks
I should add that I already have a map of general locations where I'd like to deploy nodes - places with high local elevation and a clear line of sight for a good distance. Unfortunately none of these places belong to me, which is why I'm stressing discretion in my deployment attempts. Don't want to get arrested etc
Nothing ever comes of these mesh net threads. They're fun to mull over but nobody ever implements anything. The questions you asked need paragraphs to answer, essentially "how do I become a tree climber"
Strong adhesive on a pole? No, use clamps like every other thing on the planet attached to poles.
Whip it up with a fishing pole. Wtf does this even mean. You're not whipping anything heavier than a lure with a fishing pole.
As someone who's done some unsanctioned wireless and wired pole work, yes people are watching all the time. It's impossible to do shit like what you're talking about with nobody noticing.
Thanks for that. I have gleaned nothing from your arduous post besides 'use clamps.' you sound like a defeatist woman
Meshtastic is cool as fuck but I have no friends to talk to.
Hide it in the top of a bird box, where the lid is covered with a small solar panel. That way people will see it and thing it is just boring.
Some times a disguise is more efficient than attempted stealth.
Man I love free stuff like this. I clean up the garbage left behind at geocaches, but tech like this you just take down, take it home, then sell it to someone online. If you're lucky the original person who placed it will eventually replace it, usually nearby. Bonus points if they place trail cams. Those are highly desirable on the used market too.
too bad you cant make your transmitter small and in one unit and you could deploy it via a drone. and put it on a roof
>21.8kbps at short range
>37.50 at max, likely ptp
>mesh only increases latency and decreases speed
>some speed advertised as < 1kbps in 2024...

what do people use this trash for? standard 900mhz modems rock at 500kbs on ism band and yagis can push for miles through trees in the 100 mw range. whats the use case for this when such industrial modems are available for cheap?
You are a disgusting animal. Find a shotgun, make sure your toe fits, and meet.your God.
you told him xister, a reddit gold to you my good fellow!
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Dude what the fuck this is earie
Just last night i had the idea to design and build solar charged LoRa nodes and put them on my roof, and both aunt's houses so that we have a way of communicating is SHTF (it will never, we live in a very stable country)
And now i see your thread. Weird synchronicity
I do hardware design and programming as a part of my day job so building and programming the nodes is no problem. On fact i work with low power industrial IoT devices all day long. The mechanical design will be an issue though since it will need to be able to survive rain and moisture and I'm not very experienced with that
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thieves deserve death.
I'm into FPV drones and for that there are some guides on how to make it waterproof. I assume that it'll work the same way but and it wouldn't be a lot difficult I think that the most difficult part of this project is in the long term maintenance of the devices because a lot of them will fail.

Also Last year I some guy told me that loraWAN is not secure. You can intercept the signal and crack it easily, I'm not sure about that but you should be careful.

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