What is the best way to make money from working out of my house? All the online job postings in my areas are insanely fake and only are seeking to gather data of out people. Likewise, I am not sure what side hustle, such as Etsy or whatever bullshit, is best to pursue since I am a normalfag with no real skills besides some graphic design and video editing skills. >inb4 use ai to do hecking everythingino!!! that shit is a headache and nuisance to deal with
Solar panels payed people right? Connect a motorcycle to an electrical socket and rev it all night.
>>2873124The universe of possibilities are infinite, which one you choose depends on your situation. Someone from /mcg/, /ohm/ could make auto garage doors for people. /3dpg/ can make toys. Woodworking, electronic etc it all depends on your skillset. My wife (a sewist) runs a clothing shop, I (a programmer) supported us when she started. The skillet you're going to learn+use best is the one you enjoy the most. If you're into graphic design, make your own blog and start getting ad revenue. There literally isn't a answer to your question, only options.